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Quality of Life & Character Development

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1 Quality of Life & Character Development
Teen Living 1.01 Quality of Life & Character Development

2 Our Essential Question:
By the end of this lesson we should be able to answer: What factors contribute to a quality life?

3 What makes you the person you are?
Why do you look the way you do? Why do you enjoy the activities you enjoy? Why are you friends with the people you are friends with?

4 We are all affected by our environment and our heredity
Environment is what SURROUNDS us at any time. (home life, school, peers) Heredity is the sum of all traits passed on through genes from parents to children.

5 You are a UNIQUE person with needs
You are a UNIQUE person with needs! Maslow’s Hierarchy shows us what we need:

6 I Need It! Physical Needs: items that the body has to have to live.
Food Sleep Clothing Shelter Water Emotional Needs: non-physical needs, often expressed as feelings. Love Acceptance Recognition Security Safety

7 Teens go through three types of changes during adolescence:
Physical Intellectual/Emotional Social

8 Teens go through three types of changes during adolescence
Physical Called puberty Hormones (chemicals in the body) trigger certain types of growth Sexual development, weight gain, height, deepening of voice in men, menstrual cycle begins in women.

9 Intellectual Influenced by heredity, environment, and desire to learn.
If your environment lacks stimulation, your intellectual growth suffers.

10 Emotional Express emotions positively!
Life isn’t always fair, but it sure is ____________! Self-Concept – how you see yourself.

11 Social Begins in CHILDHOOD.
Peers are people who are your age. During social growth, teens want to be with peers rather than family. This causes you to desire more control!

12 When will I use this? On the Job
Some ways that self-concept affects job success: Provides self-confidence to do the job Creates a desire or want to do a good job. Encourages self-discipline. Allows a person to take reasonable risks, such as go to new places, make new friends, and learn new tasks.

13 WAYS TO BE HEALTHY: A. Physical
Physical health can be determined by: 1. Exercise 2. Nutrition 3. Safety 4. Sleep/rest 5. Stress Your health and the health of your family is very important. Some people are born in poor health but for those of us who are born healthy, we must maintain it. We often do not realize how important our health is until we lose it!

14 Exercise You should include at least
Two Areas of Physical Activity Aerobic Capacity Muscle Strength & Flexibility You should include at least of aerobic activity in your daily schedule. 60 minutes Out of shape people will have a higher pulse rate than those in shape. The faster your pulse rate returns to normal, the more capacity you have.

15 Nutrition Nutrition includes eating healthy and getting all the nutrients you need to maintain bodily function and target weight. Sleep/Rest: Most people feel best with 7-8 hours of sleep per night.

16 Safety Look through a window or peephole before opening the door.
Check around you as you get in your car and lock the doors as soon as you get in. Drive safely and make wise decisions while driving (no texting or distractions!) Make good choices involving strangers, alcohol, drugs, romance, etc.

17 Stress Stress – is the body’s reaction to events.
Happens with something good or bad. Body response ~ fast heartbeat, sweat, tightening stomach, flushed skin, butterflies, goosebumps, etc.

18 How does STRESS behave? Juggling!

19 Ways to positively deal with stress:
Exercise Time management Setting realistic goals Eat regular meals Talk to someone Leisure activities HOW DO YOU DEAL WITH STRESS? CLASS DISCUSSION!

20 Responsibility More independence = More responsibilities
Which is responsible? Cheating on a test you forgot to study for. Turning in jewelry you found. Borrowing clothes without asking, as long as you return them.

21 Oh, the Pressure! Peer – person with equal standing.
Peer Pressure – pressure from peers to do something.

22 Peer Pressure To lie to your parents. To study for a test.
To stay out past curfew. To make fun of people. To study for a test. Invite a new student to eat lunch with you.

23 “ ‘Tis better to be alone than in bad company.”
- George Washington

24 Study Skills Organization
Take notes in a regular format, using highlighting, different colors, or rewrite notes when you go back to study. Tape your notes and listen to them while you complete other tasks (dovetailing)

25 Study Troublemakers Procrastination – putting off doing something until the last minute. Overcommittment – not being able to say no or taking on too many activities at once.

26 Time management tools Calendar- For planning more than a week in the future. Dovetailing- Doing activities together to save time. Ex: Listening to a book on tape while driving. Prioritizing- make a To Do list, and put the most important stuff at the top of your list. Mark it off as you finish things!

27 Character Traits Caring – is demonstrated by people who are kind to everyone. They also have empathy! Citizenship – refers to the quality of a person’s response to membership in a community. Fairness – is the ability to be honest and impartial and not prejudice toward others’ opinions, ideas, or ways of doing things.

28 Character Traits d. Respect –to hold someone/thing in high regard.
e. Responsibility – being accountable and doing what’s right! You accept the consequences, good or bad. f. Tolerance – respecting the individual differences, views and beliefs of others g. Trustworthiness – means you can be relied on.

29 Defense Mechanisms Defense mechanisms are behavior patterns people use to protect their self-esteem. They can be + or - solutions.

30 Common Defense Mechanisms
Projection Fight Fantasy Denial Regression Conversion Rationalization Blame someone else Self defense Day dream Refuse to admit a problem Go back to earlier behavior Change bad to good Making excuses

31 More Defense Mechanisms
Withdrawl Repression Compromise Displacement Avoidance Flight Compensation Lack of interest Forget the bad times Meet halfway Take it out on others Avoid person/situation Run away from issues To make up to yourself for some loss

32 Lessons on Life from Noah’s Ark
One: Don't miss the boat. Two: Remember that we are all in the same boat. Three: Plan ahead. It wasn't raining when Noah built the Ark. Four: Stay fit. When you're 600 years old, someone may ask you to do something really big. Five: Don't listen to critics; just get on with the job that needs to be done. Six: Build your future on high ground. Seven: For safety's sake, travel in pairs. Eight: Speed isn't always an advantage. The snails were on board with the cheetahs. Nine: When you're stressed, float a while. Ten: Remember, the Ark was built by amateurs; the Titanic by professionals. Eleven: No matter how bad and booming the storm, when you are with family/friends, there's always a rainbow waiting.

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