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Presentation on theme: "STERILIZATION OF RUBBER GLOVES"— Presentation transcript:


2 Wrapping of gloves before sterilization:
The rubber gloves are difficult to sterilize because rubber is less permeable to steam & it is difficult to remove air from the fingers of the gloves. Wrapping of gloves before sterilization: The gloves are placed with the thumbs up. The wrists are turned back to form a cuff. The gauze pads are inserted in between the folds to separate the two surfaces so that rubber gloves are not adhere to each other. A pad of gauze or muslin can also be inserted on the palm of each glove for easy circulation of steam.

3 Muslin wraps for sterilization


5 WET STERILIZATION : Pair of gloves are boiled at 100oC in a suitable
metal container for 30 minutes. This is not a very satisfactory method. It can destroy only non-spore forming micro- organisms.

6 DRY STERILIZATION : This is done in an autoclave.
Rubber gloves are first powdered with French chalk and then put into packets or wrapped in aluminum foil so that rubber gloves are not stick to each other. These packets are put into a drum of autoclave for sterilization. This method is carried out at 121oc (15 lbs pressure) for 20 minutes.

ETHYLENE OXIDE STERILIZATIONN: ETO is a colorless poisonous gas used for low temperature sterilization It disrupts DNA of micro-organisms which prevent them from reproducing. ADVANTAGES: Low temperature. High efficiency – Destroys micro-organisms including resistant spores. Large sterilizing volume capacity. Non-corrosive to plastic, metal & rubber materials. DISADVANTAGES: Excessively long cycle. Flammable Carcinogenic to humans. Requires special room conditions & safety equipments.

8 ETO sterilization

9 Gamma radiations easily reaches all parts of objects to be sterilized.
2% GLUTARALDEHYDE: It is a chemical disinfectant which is used for sterilization of rubber gloves. Rubber gloves are immersed in 2% glutaraldehyde solution. An immersion time is 6-10 hours. IONISING RADIATION: Gamma ray sterilization does not significantly increase the temperature of the products and therefore can be used to sterilize safely even the heat sensitive materials. Gamma radiations easily reaches all parts of objects to be sterilized.

10 GLOVE POWDERS: Most popular glove powder is modified starch
Eg. Biosorb. To overcome the dustiness, a cream suspension of powder is also available which dries quickly and leaves a lubricating film. It contains less than 2% magnesium oxide & is non-toxic, non-irritant, completely absorbed by the tissue & has a good lubricant property.

11 REFERENCE: H.P. Tipnis & Amrita Bajaj, book of hospital pharmacy Q. Suggest the suitable method for sterilization of rubber gloves?



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