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Azim A.Khan Anisa Draboo IFP Alumni (India)

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Presentation on theme: "Azim A.Khan Anisa Draboo IFP Alumni (India)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Azim A.Khan Anisa Draboo IFP Alumni (India)
IFP ONLINE TOOLS Azim A.Khan Anisa Draboo IFP Alumni (India)

2 IFP Alumni Online Tools will allow you to
locate funding donor organizations write winning proposals Locate other IFP alumni nationally and internationally

3 FOR better able to network,collaborate, and build effective alumni association secure funding for your social justice projects.

4 How to Access The IFP Alumni Online Tools can be found on the alumni area of the website IFP alumni need a username and password for site to log on IFP alumni without a username and password for site please contact or

5 The Foundation Center, USA
provides high quality training for social justice and philanthropic activities information and training at no cost to you (IFP Alumni)

6 How to log on to FC Log on to
Click the link entitled “Foundation Center Link” on the upper left hand side of your screen You will see a small screen entitled “connect to ” This screen will ask you for a username and password

7 The username is ifp and password is alumni
You will then be brought into a screen entitled “Ford Foundation International Fellowships Program On upper left hand side of this screen, click “online training courses” There are six courses currently available

8 Courses offered Foundations and Their Role in Philanthropy
Finding Foundation Support for Your Education Grant seeking Basics for Nonprofit Organizations Proposal Writing: The Statement of need Proposal Writing: The Project Description Proposal Writing: The Budget Proposal Writing Short Course (available in English, French, Mandarin, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.)

9 Recently started courses
Foundations Today Tutorial- Learn what foundations do, how they are changing, as well as where they fit in the larger philanthropic universe. Guide to Funding Research -A basic primer on the grant seeking process and an introduction to the available resources. Guide to Fiscal Sponsorship -A detailed look at how you can affiliate with an organization to increase their chances for receiving funding.

10 Proposal Budgeting Basics- The basics of developing a project budget
Proposal Budgeting Basics- The basics of developing a project budget. A good refresher for those who have taken the full “Proposal Writing: Budget” Establishing a Nonprofit Organization-Describes how to establish a nonprofit organization or NGO task by task.

11 Click on register and enter your information.
Click on the course of your choice to get started. At the bottom of the screen there will be a link in red “click here to begin this course” Click on it. You will then see a page asking for a username and password. You will also see the following “If you don't have a user name, register to access this course. You must Register (in red at the bottom of the screen) first before taking the course.

12 Once Registered Now you will be able to set up your own username and password to personalize your course selections You are now able to take any of the courses Tip: Remember though, that to get into the main course screen, you must use “ifp” and “alumni.” To get into the courses, you must use the username and password that you have created. Enjoy the courses!

13 Search for Funding On the upper right hand side of the screen you will see a link entitled: The Foundation Directory Online Professional Click on that link. Then click on the link “Click here to begin searching” You will be brought to a blue page entitled The Foundation Directory Online Professional Page.

14 Click on the “Foundation Search” bubble
You can search for funding now for social justice projects or even individual funding for your studies For a general search on organizations that may fund your projects, click on “geographic focus” You will then see a list on the left. Double click on “international” and “national;international” Then click search

15 You will then have a list of all of the foundations that provide funding for social justice projects internationally By clicking on the name of the foundation, you can find out not only what each foundation funds but who to send your proposals If you are lost, click “search tutorial” on the upper left hand side of the The Foundation Directory Online Professional page at any time to learn more

16 Social Justice News and Information
Additionally, on the page is news and events related to international social justice and philanthropy that may be of interest to. This area is updated daily to keep you abreast of what is happening in the funding world, so you know who is most likely to fund your projects.

17 Helpful Hints and Notes
Make sure that you do not share your password or any of this information with any who is not an IFP alumni Always use username “ifp” and password “alumni” to get into the main screen These services are free of charge to IFP alumni! When fail to access—start again. Go back to your beginning screen

18 How to Use the Searchable IFP Alumni Directory
Directory enables you to find IFP alumni by name, home country, field of study, etc. To access the directory enter in your web address bar Click on link entitled “IFP Alumni Directory” on the upper left hand side of your screen. You will then be entered into a screen that allows to search in many languages (English)

19 Select the language of your choice, then click “search the IFP directory”
You can enter the name of the person that you wish to find, the language, home country, etc For instance, if you want to find all IFP alumni that speak English, select “English” as the language and then click “Click Here to Search the Directory” You will then see a list of all of the English speakers in the IFP community.

20 To obtain more information on an alumnus/alumni, click their name, you will find their contact information, address, what degree they obtained, etc. To them, simply click on their . If you would like to all of the IFP alumni in your search results, click on the button at the very bottom of the screen; click “ these alumni.” This will all of the IFP English-speaking alumni at the same time and saves you the trouble of having to enter everyone’s address.

21 This method can be applied for all of the search fields.
If at any point you want to start your search from the beginning, simply click “Search the Directory Again” and that will bring you back to the main screen. With this directory, you can build your networks and access expertise and advice from those in the IFP community GOOD LUCK

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