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Education eLibrary and Repository

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1 Education eLibrary and Repository
Addis Ababa ETHIOPIA Education eLibrary and Repository Yoseph Abate – Ethiopian Educational Research Network - Ethiopia Behailu Osro – Education Strategy Center – Ethiopia WACREN e-Research Hackfest – Lagos (Nigeria) This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement n°

2 Outline Background Scientific Problem Study Factors
Computing and Data Model Technologies Summary and Conclusion

3 EthERNET EthERNet: Ethiopian Educational Education Research Network
Largest Educational Data Center Setup to be: the main national educational contents repository the second state-owned Internet Service Provider (ISP) Provider of web-hosting for educational and research institutes Provider of web services for educational, research institutes and IT companies background

4 EthERNET… Phase 1: (partially completed) Phase 2: (within 2 years)
All 36 public universities connected with 10Gbps data connectivity (done) Connection to global Educational Research Networks (in progress) Connection to high speed commercial internet (in progress) Phase 2: (within 2 years) Meshed connectivity between 36 public universities Phase 3: (within 4 years) Other public and private research institutions to be connected Private colleges/Universities to be connected background

5 ESC background ESC: Education Strategy Center
Responsible for providing directions on education to the government Pre-primary & Primary schools Secondary schools Higher Education Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Teachers Education Policy and Governance Currently designing a 15 years Education Roadmap for Ethiopia Subthemes of the Roadmap Research: Literature Review (since 1908) Field Study Benchmarking Integration Design Comprehensive Education Roadmap background

6 Resources eLibrary Contents MOOC Contents background Courses Books
Publications Projects Thesis Dissertations Customized Teaching Materials Policy Documents Courses Video Lectures Presentation Slides Exams Assignments Grade Records

7 Problems Faced by Researchers Faced by Universities scientific problem
Fragmented resources locations Lack of streamlined thematic research Plagiarism Intellectual Property Rights Lack of Metadata and Within-Documents Search Faced by Universities Replication of similar resources Realization of harmonized curriculum Instructors’ quality gap (young or remote universities) Lower course contents quality within private colleges/universities scientific problem

8 eLibrary End-User Web Portal Administrators Web Portal:
Users deposit new resources Users search and access resources by Subject, Author, Published Date, Resource Type, … Administrators Web Portal: Link and import from external repositories such as Public universities’ libraries Open courseware sites Community developed contents Data integrity checking computing & data model

9 Course Platform National MOOC Portal Mobile/Tablet App:
Students access courses, practice exams, submit assignments Students view their grades Students discuss in forums Grades linked to Student Information Systems and records updated Mobile/Tablet App: Users have access to eLibrary resources Students have access to their registered courses computing & data model

10 implementation strategy
Technology Platform FutureGateway Authorization & Authentication Manage tasks Plagiarism check Exam correction Update SIS system with latest student grades Open edX Course Content Management gLibrary Provides services to access existing data collections or create new ones RESTifies possibly heterogeneous databases Open Access Repository (OAR) Main repository for contents Uniquely identifies documents within the whole system implementation strategy

11 summary and conclusion
Input/Output Input Collect and Organize contents either as a collection item or course related material Identify content and link to its origin Reduce paper-based storage and surfing Output Search documents and access easily Export documents in different formats Course follow-up and achievements measures Protect IP rights and fight plagiarism Proper policy making summary and conclusion

12 አመሰግናለሁ Thank You

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