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CS-171, Intro to A.I. — Quiz Instructions

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Presentation on theme: "CS-171, Intro to A.I. — Quiz Instructions"— Presentation transcript:

1 CS-171, Intro to A.I. — Quiz Instructions
Please spread out, and do not sit next to your friends. Please clear your desk entirely, except for: Pen, pencil, eraser. A blank piece of paper (for scratch pad use). Please write your name and ID on the paper, and turn it in with your test. An optional water bottle. Please put your backpacks under your seat if possible. The quiz is closed-notes, closed-book. No calculators, cell phones, electronics, etc. Please turn OFF all cell phones now. When you get the quiz you may begin reading. Please do not begin working until told to do so. Please do not leave your seat until we collect your quiz. If you have a question, raise your hand; we will come to you. You may not leave your seat to use the bathroom; please do so beforehand. Please stop writing immediately when “Time” is called. Any student who continues writing after “Time” will receive an “F”.

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