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NSF INCLUDES “NSF should implement a bold new initiative, focused on broadening participation of underrepresented groups in STEM, similar in concept.

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Presentation on theme: "NSF INCLUDES “NSF should implement a bold new initiative, focused on broadening participation of underrepresented groups in STEM, similar in concept."— Presentation transcript:

1 NSF INCLUDES “NSF should implement a bold new initiative, focused on broadening participation of underrepresented groups in STEM, similar in concept and scale to NSF’s centers, that emphasizes institutional transformation and system change; collects and makes accessible longitudinal data; defines clear benchmarks for success; supports the translation, replication and expansion of successful broadening participation efforts; and provides significant financial support to individuals who represent the very broadened participation that we seek.” Committee on Equal Opportunities in Science and Engineering, Biennial Report to Congress

2 Inclusion across the Nation of Communities of Learners of Underrepresented Discoverers in Engineering and Science  (NSF INCLUDES) NSF INCLUDES is a comprehensive initiative to enhance U.S. leadership in science and engineering discovery and innovation by proactively seeking and effectively developing STEM talent from all sectors and groups in our society. NSF

3 NSF INCLUDES Multi-Year Goals
Synthesize and build the research base for broadening participation; spread and adapt proven effective practices  Identify and develop shared goals and objectives essential for success in achieving inclusion Support local/regional, discipline-specific, and crosscutting partnerships and networks and a national “network of networks” NSF .

4 Using Collective Impact
Using Collective Impact*- style approaches to scaling social innovation Common agenda Shared measurements Mutually reinforcing activities Continuous communications Backbone support organizations * Kania, M. Kramer, Stanford Social Innovation Review, 2011 PI’s to NSF INCLUDES have the flexibility to choose the BP challenge they will consider. However, we are asking that a collective impact style framework is used to address the challenge. Why? Because there is a evidence that such approaches work for solving complex problems of social change such as inclusion in STEM. NSF INCLUDES is NOT about isolated intervention of individual organizations but strong collaborations that exhibit 5 key features: Common Agenda in which all participants share a vision for change that reflects a collective understanding of the BP challenge and a joint approach to addressed it Share measurements: Agreed-upon ways to measure and report success among all participants Mutually reinforcing activities: the power of collective impact style approach comes from coordination of differentiated activities that reinforce each other. Not from sheer volume of like activities. We discourage isolated interventions by the participants. Continuous communication: build trust and demonstrate to all participants that decisions are made on the basis of objective evidence and not to favor a select group of participants Backbone support organizations: “the expectation that collaboration can occur w/o supporting infrastructure is of the most frequent reasons why it fails” [KK] Separate and neutral entity focused on facilitation and support

5 Looking for new ideas and new communities.
Novel systems approaches and designs for achieving scale are critical for advancing diversity and inclusion in STEM New research, models, networks, and partnerships which lead to measureable progress at the national level and the ability to scale the concepts of diversity and inclusion, using collective impact-style strategies. Mobilize communities concerned with STEM opportunities Collaborative alliances spanning education levels, public and private sectors, scaling social innovations NSF PI’s to NSF INCLUDES have the flexibility to choose the BP challenge they will consider. However, we are asking that a collective impact style framework is used to address the challenge. Why? Because there is a evidence that such approaches work for solving complex problems of social change such as inclusion in STEM. NSF INCLUDES is NOT about isolated intervention of individual organizations but strong collaborations that exhibit 5 key features: Common Agenda in which all participants share a vision for change that reflects a collective understanding of the BP challenge and a joint approach to addressed it Share measurements: Agreed-upon ways to measure and report success among all participants Mutually reinforcing activities: the power of collective impact style approach comes from coordination of differentiated activities that reinforce each other. Not from sheer volume of like activities. We discourage isolated interventions by the participants. Continuous communication: build trust and demonstrate to all participants that decisions are made on the basis of objective evidence and not to favor a select group of participants Backbone support organizations: “the expectation that collaboration can occur w/o supporting infrastructure is of the most frequent reasons why it fails” [KK] Separate and neutral entity focused on facilitation and support

6 Building on the current NSF Broadening Participation Portfolio
There is a wealth of commitment, experience, and knowledge in our current BP portfolio. NSF’s investments in the science of broadening participation are key resources. NSF INCLUDES will leverage the current BP Portfolio through: Supplements, new program tracks, and Dear Colleague Letters Partnerships with NSF INCLUDES Alliance leaders and organizations PI’s to NSF INCLUDES have the flexibility to choose the BP challenge they will consider. However, we are asking that a collective impact style framework is used to address the challenge. Why? Because there is a evidence that such approaches work for solving complex problems of social change such as inclusion in STEM. NSF INCLUDES is NOT about isolated intervention of individual organizations but strong collaborations that exhibit 5 key features: Common Agenda in which all participants share a vision for change that reflects a collective understanding of the BP challenge and a joint approach to addressed it Share measurements: Agreed-upon ways to measure and report success among all participants Mutually reinforcing activities: the power of collective impact style approach comes from coordination of differentiated activities that reinforce each other. Not from sheer volume of like activities. We discourage isolated interventions by the participants. Continuous communication: build trust and demonstrate to all participants that decisions are made on the basis of objective evidence and not to favor a select group of participants Backbone support organizations: “the expectation that collaboration can occur w/o supporting infrastructure is of the most frequent reasons why it fails” [KK] Separate and neutral entity focused on facilitation and support

7 NSF INCLUDES National Network
FY18 and beyond FY16 FY17 Design and Development Launch Pilots 2 year $300K (30-40 awards) 2 year $300K 2 year $300K 5 year $12.5M (3-5 awards) 5 year $12.5M Alliances Conferences and Workshops Backbone Organizations 5 year $3.5M 5 year $3.5M Link to BP Portfolio Evaluation & Assessment Link to BP Portfolio Evaluation & Assessment PI Meeting Evaluation & Assessment Other Activities Eval & Assess

8 Inclusion across the Nation of Communities of Learners of Underrepresented Discoverers in Engineering and Science  (NSF INCLUDES) The long-term goal of NSF INCLUDES is to support, over the next ten years, innovative models, networks, partnerships, and research that enable the U.S. science and engineering workforce to thrive by ensuring that women, African Americans/Blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans, Native Alaskans, Hawaiian Natives, persons with low socio-economic status, and people with disabilities are represented in percentages comparable to their representation in the U.S. population. NSF

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