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Unit 3 Amazing People Reading (1) The of the mummy curse.

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1 Unit 3 Amazing People Reading (1) The of the mummy curse

2 Learning aims: After this class, we are able to
know about Howard Carter, and learn something from his qualities; learn to predict what an article is about from the title and the first paragraph; write a passage about the curse of the mummy.

3 Reading strategy: How to predict If you are trying to predict the contents of a passage, you can read ________and _______________. the title the first paragraph

4 Prediction Please read the title and the first paragraph and predict what the text is about.

5 Prediction what who why where the curse of the mummy

6 Reading Read the text quickly to find out the main idea of each paragraph, and complete C2 on P44.

7 Summaries of the paragraphs (C2 on P44)
Reading Summaries of the paragraphs (C2 on P44) Paragraph 1 ____ Paragraph 2 ____ Paragraph 3 ____ Paragraph 4 ____ Paragraph 5 ____ Paragraph 6 ____ Paragraph 7 ____ Paragraph 8 ____ e b d c g h a f

8 Divide these paragraphs into three parts.
Howard Carter’s _________ and his _______ experience discovery Para1--3 Part 2: _____________after the discovery Strange deaths Para4--5 ____________________ about the deaths Part 3: Different explanations Para6--8

9 Read paragraghs2-3 and complete the basic information of Carter.
Task 1 Read paragraghs2-3 and complete the basic information of Carter.

10 Howard Carter (____________)
1874 - 1939 didn’t go to school, was taught to draw by his father Education: Interest: loved visiting new places Discoveries: many amazing things Went to Egypt:in 1891 Job: explorer (by the 1920s) Greatest discovery: King Tutankhamun’s tomb Year of the discovery: 1922 Where: Valley of the Kings, Egypt

11 The tomb of King Tutankhamun

12 Treasure mummy jewels gold

13 Treasure black diamond slippers gold mask gold coffin bracelet
ear rings

14 Task 2 Read paragraphs 4-5and fill in the form.

15 The _____ of Carter’s teammates
death Character Connection with Carter and the tomb How did he die? Lord Carnarvon Money provider, was _______ when the tomb was opened ______ill with a fever George Gould Carnarvon’s ______, ______ the tomb Had a high _____ Richard Bethell Carter’s _________, entered the tomb Died of _____ _______ Arthur Mace Team ________ Not mentioned Fell present 21 people died friend fever visited secretary heart trouble member

16 died at the same time swallowed by a snake eaten by a snake went out
0ther strange cases?? died at the same time swallowed by a snake eaten by a snake went out went out

17 Read paragraghs6-8 and complete the blanks.
Task 3 Read paragraghs6-8 and complete the blanks.

18 Different explanations
Task 3 __________ _______________ about the deaths Different explanations Others believe that they were in connection with a mummy’s curse, as a punishment for those who enter the resting place of the dead. 1.Coincidence 2.The mummy’s curse 3.A scientific explanation (viruses) When a tomb is opened, fresh air disturbs the viruses. If breathed in, they can result in illness or even death. Conclusion : The mystery remains a ________ to this day. riddle

19 listening and reading Listen to the recording and read after it . What qualities made Carter become an amazing explorer?

20 What qualities made Carter become an amazing explorer?
Discussion What qualities made Carter become an amazing explorer? curiosity bravery spirit of adventure strong will determination team spirit a good state of mind Howard Carter

21 Thinking 1. What is the author's attitude towards the deaths? A. subjective(主观的) B. objective(客观的) C. indifferent(漠不关心的) D. critical(批判性的) 2. When we read something, we should have a _____________ attitude towards it and try to explore the truth. doubtful/critical

22 Discussion and writing
Do you believe that the deaths were connected with the curse of the mummy? Why or why not? Write down your arguments (at least 3) in group. You can use some of the given information.

23 七年内,21个与图坦卡蒙陵墓开启的相关人员死亡
Do you believe that the deaths were connectedwith the curse of the mummy? For Against 七年内,21个与图坦卡蒙陵墓开启的相关人员死亡 Carnarvon死亡当晚开罗全城停电 你自己的观点…… 资料显示,事实上图坦卡蒙陵墓开启时在场的25人中,只有6人在10年内相继死亡 当时发电设备并不十分完善,开罗城经常停电 你自己的观点……

24 Useful words and patterns
资料 document 发电设备 power equipment According to… It is reported that… It is no surprise that... …, who/ which /where… The reason why…is that… What is certain is that...

25 I don't believe that the deaths were in connection with the curse of the mummy.
First, according to some documents, in fact only 6 of the people who were present at the opening of the King Tutankhamun's tomb died within 10 years. Secondly, Carnarvon was reported to have been ill for a long time before he went to Cairo. Therefore, it is no surprise that he might be affected by the viruses which resulted in his death. As to the incident that the lights went out in Cairo at the moment of his death, actually it was quite common at that time in Cairo due to the poor condition of power equipment.

26 What's more, Carter himself didn't believe in the curse of the mummy either. He once wrote in an article that the modern Egyptians didn't allow the existence of curse in their religion; instead, they sincerely hoped that we could give our best wishes to the dead. Last but not least, it is the newspapers that made up such amazing stories in order to earn more money. However, the rumour always spreads faster than the truth. ----Linda

27 Homework 1.Finish the writing 2.Read the text
3. Learn the new words in the reading part by heart

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