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Menes (aka Narmer) First to unite Upper & Lower Egypt Established capital city of Memphis between them.

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Presentation on theme: "Menes (aka Narmer) First to unite Upper & Lower Egypt Established capital city of Memphis between them."— Presentation transcript:

1 Menes (aka Narmer) First to unite Upper & Lower Egypt Established capital city of Memphis between them

2 Djoser

3 Sneferu’s Bent Pyramid

4 Sneferu’s Red Pyramid

5 Khufu’s ivory statue – only 3 inches

6 Khufu’s Great Pyramid had changes to try to prevent robbery – failed !

7 Khafre

8 Khafre’s pyramid and Sphinx

9 Ahmose I

10 Ahmose I fighting Hyksos

11 Ahmose I battle ax with bronze blade

12 Ahmose I mummy

13 Thutmose III

14 Thutmose III mummy – Did he get the last laugh on his step-mom Hatshepsut?

15 Hatshepsut – first a regent; then the only female pharaoh!

16 Hatshepsut’s temple – Who really scratched off her name?

17 Hatshepsut’s mummy – identified by DNA from a missing tooth found separately

18 Akhenaton aton

19 Akhenaton & Queen Nefertiti holding their 2 daughters under Aton

20 Akhenaton’s One God - Aton

21 Tutankhamen - too young to do great deeds as a pharaoh so why so famous?

22 Tut’s tomb in Valley of the Kings was hidden by rubble from a tomb above it

23 Looking inside chambers of Tut’s tomb Howard Carter saw “wonderful things.”

24 Three layers of coffins & a mask

25 Tut’s internal organs were well protected

26 More Tut treasures

27 Tut jewelry

28 Tut thrones

29 Tut loved to hunt & maybe fight

30 Ramses II – more monuments than any other pharaoh (supposedly because he put his name on other pharaohs’ monuments too)

31 Ramses II mummy

32 Ramses II’s Abu Simbel- Statues were larger than life to reinforce pharaoh’s status

33 Abu Simbel in pieces

34 Abu Simbel in danger

35 Abu Simbel inside

36 Abu Simbel – sunlight reaches the gods in the back only twice a year

37 Abu Simbel reassembled

38 Cleopatra VII In the movies In reality

39 Julius Caesar and Cleopatra

40 Marc Antony and Cleopatra

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