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WW1 1914-1919.

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Presentation on theme: "WW1 1914-1919."— Presentation transcript:

1 WW1

2 Causes of WW1 There are several causes to consider: Alliances
Imperialism Militarism Nationalism Crisis

3 Alliances                                                                                                                                                                                

4 Imperialism European countries tryed to obtain territories
African and Asian countries became European colonies Scramble for Africa

5 Militarism An army race began in European countries
British introduced the Dreadnought Germans designed the Schlieffen Plan

6 Nationalism Nationalists aims were not fulfilled after Vienna Congress
Germany and Italy had completed their unification Tensions in the Balkans

7 Crisis There were several crisis leading to the war: Boer war
Two Moroccan crisis Daily Telegraph article Bosnia Balkan Wars Franz Ferdinand Assassination

8 Theatres of War The main actions of the War took place in Europe.
It is considered an international conflict because other nations such as the US took part in it. Different fronts can be distinguish: Eastern, Western, Mediterranean Sea

9 The Schlieffen Plan Germans wanted to attack France out of the blue
They crossed Belgium, a neutral country They wanted to take France quickly before the Russians reacted                                                                               

10 The Eastern Front Russia entered in the War to back Servia
Russias army had difficulties in front of the Germans Russians left the War when their revolution began and signed the Brest-Litovsk Treaty

11 Italian front At the beginning Italy was allied to the Central Empires
They changed during the war This front was located in the border between Italy and Austria                                                                                                            

12 Gallipoli It is located in the South of Turkey
The allies wanted to attack Germany by fighting against one of their allies The mission was a failure

13 War at Sea Britain and Germany had avoided direct confrontation
Germans sank an American ship The US entered in the War against Germany This maked the beginning of the end of the conflict

14 Treaty of Versailles The representatives of the allies met at Versailles to decide the terms of the peace treaties France, Britain, Italy and the US sent their representatives

15 Terms of the Treaty Germany was blamed for the conflict
A League of Nations was established War reparations Territorial losses for the responsible Reduction of the army of the responsible German colonies given to the allies, who created dominions.

16 Versailles Treaty: Germany
Huge war reparations Army reduced, few ships and no airforce Rhineland demilitarised Not allowed to unite with Austria Territorial losses

17 Saint Germain Treaty: Austria
Lost land to Italy, Czechoslovakia and Serbia Army reduced War reparations Union with Germany forbidden

18 Trianon Treaty: Hungary
Lost land to Austria, Czechoslovakia, Rumania and Serbia Army reduced War reparations

19 Neuilly Treaty: Bulgaria
Lost land to Greece, Romania and Serbia War reparations Army: restrictions on the size

20 Sevres Treaty: Turkey Lost land to Greece
The League of Nations took control of its colonies

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