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- Market & its Surroundings-

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1 - Market & its Surroundings-
Overview of Korean PV - Market & its Surroundings- 5 April, 2017

2 1. Market Evolution

3 (Newly Installed Capacities/MW) (Cumulative Capacities/MW)
PV Installation in Korea ○ Annual Installation (Newly Installed Capacities/MW) → (Year) Fig. Annual PV installation in Korea ○ Accumulated PV Capacities (Cumulative Capacities/MW) → (Year) Fig. Cumulative Capacities in Korea

4 Korean PV market according to Policy Schemes
Installed Capacities (MW) Y2014 Y2015 Y2016 Subsidies for Residential Installation 22.4 26.8 27.5 Subsidies for Building Installation 5.1 6.0 6.3 Subsidies by local government 11.0 14 11.6 Subsidies for Hybrid Installation 5.6 6 7.1 Public Building Obligation 16.0 33 39.8 Solar Lease 1.0 8.0 RPS(Renewable Portfolios Standards) 865.2 1,040.1 803.8 total capacities (MW) 926.3 1,133.9 904.1 [source: Korea Energy Agency, some segments are estimated]

5 PV in RPS portfolio RPS performance in Y2016
Cumulative capacities in RPS by 2016 RPS in 2016 RE : 1,516MW PV : 804MW (53.0%) RPS by 2016 RE : 7,555MW PV : 3,289MW (43.5%) PV Wind Hydro Fuel Bio Wastes IGCC PV Wind Hydro Fuel Bio Wastes IGCC [source: Korea Energy Agency, 2017]

6 Comparison of PV installation
○ Cumulative PV installation by 2016 (Capacities and Proportions) 25.7% 13.5% 13.2% 13.1% 6.3% 3.8% 3.3% 2.3% 2% 1.9% 1.5% [unit: MW]

7 GDP and PV Installation
(Accumulated PV Capacities by Y2016/GDP in Y2016, unit: MW/billion USD) ※ Remarks: ① GDP data of each country was searched in IMF website. ② The GDP is based on the records of Y2016.

8 PV in Korean electricity capacities
ㅇ PV accounts for 3.1% of Korean electricity capacities [unit: MW] 2014 2015 Change capacities ratio(%) change(%) Total capacities 108,664 100.0 114,972 6,308 5.81 renewable energy 11,739 10.80 13,574 11.81 1,835 15.63 PV 2,539 21.6 3,615 26.6 1,075 42.3 Wind 640 5.4 848 6.2 208 32.6 Hydro 1,735 14.8 1,737 34.6 1 0.1 Ocean 255 2.2 1.3 0.0 Bio 1,770 15.1 1,866 12.8 96 Wastes 4,634 39.5 4,702 1.9 68 1.5 Fuel cell 165 1.4 171 13.7 6 3.9 IGCC 381 2.8 - [source: Korea Energy Agency, 2016]

9 PV in Korean electricity generation
ㅇ PV accounts for 0.7% of korean electricity generation in 2015 [unit: MWh] 2014 2015 Change generation ratio(%) change(%) Total generation 546,248,948 100 551,625,071 5,376,123 0.98 renewable energy 26,882,190 4.92 37,314,307 6.76 10,432,117 38.81 PV 2,556,300 9.5 3,974,819 10.7 1,418,519 55.5 Wind 1,145,557 4.3 1,339,634 3.6 194,077 16.9 Hydro 2,753,924 10.2 2,147,248 5.8 -606,676 -22 Ocean 492,172 1.8 496,354 1.3 4,182 0.8 Bio 4,656,237 17.3 5,616,983 15.1 960,746 20.6 Wastes 14,334,944 53.3 22,643,910 60.7 8,308,966 58 Fuel cell 943,056 3.5 1,089,270 2.9 146,214 15.5 IGCC 6,089 - [source: Korea Energy Agency, 2016]

10 the proportion of PV generation
Comparison with EU countries in terms of PV proportion in electricity generation 0.7% 1.2% Korea Global Average [source: Solar Power Europe, 2016]

11 Scenarios of PV dissemination
[source: Solar Power Europe(Jul. 2016)

12 Prospects on Korean PV market
It is 1,300MW that Korean government set as the goal of this year. ; PV(1,300MW) Wind(208MW) Other(196MW) => Total 1,704MW (Policy Briefing of Korean Government, Feb. 21, 2017) [source: Solar Power Europe(Jul. 2016)

13 Geographical distribution of PV installation (at the end of Y2015)
[unit: kW] Julla Province(North Julla+South Julla) accounts for 45% of Korean PV installation in terms of accumulated capacities by Y2015. North Gyeongsang & South Chungcheng have been emerging as 3rd or 4th places to install PV systems. Gangwon Province 156,752 Seoul 65,027 Incheon 44,503 GyeonggI 209,792 North Chungcheong 157,107 Sejong 11,582 North Gyeongsang 377,967 South Chungcheong 369,983 Daejeon 26,619 Daegu 42,897 North Julla 662,738 Ulsan 19,803 South Gyeongsang 291,394 Busan 77,323 Gwangju 75,818 South Julla 920,216 Jeju 105,677 [source: Korea Energy Agency] Korea Photovoltaic Industry Association

14 Investment in local RE market
■ In addition to private PV enterprises, state-owned companies will actively invest in RE development with putting more weights on PV [unit: billion KRW] 2017 2018 Sum PV 334.6 1,099.5 1,434.1 38.6% Wind 430.1 869.6 1,299.7 35.0% Hydro 27.8 51.5 79.3 2.1% Fuel cell 421.0 245.0 666.0 17.9% Bio 67.0 1.8% Others 165.9 4.7% 1,280.5 2,431.5 3,712.0 [source: ET News, 2017]

15 2. Korean PV Policy

16 Change in price determination
<long-term contract on the basis of fixed price> ㅇ Ensure the predictability of PV power profits ⇒ Promote the investment in PV power development ㅇ PV price (based on bidding in KEA) Before After Applied 3MW and less No restriction Bidding REC SMP+REC Contract term 12 years 20 years 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 SMP 160.83 152.10 142.26 101.76 77.06 REC 170.65 131.39 112.59 72.08 99.89 Sum 331.48 283.49 254.85 173.84 176.95 [unit: KRW/kWh]

17 Mechanism ㅇ (SMP + REC price) is fixed for 20 years.
Guarantee the long-term power purchase with fixed price. However, the price is decided in market-following system including competitive bidding FIT case SMP+REC following market mechanism PV systems : [source: MOTIE, News Tomato, 2017]

18 □ Promoting Policies ㅇ Increase of RPS goal
ㅇ Grid Connection - Backing the grid connection of RE power plant below 1MW - Accompanying the reduction of waiting time for grid connection from 17 months to 11 months at the longest estimate (Jul., Oct., 2016) ㅇ Expansion of net-metering - up to 10kW ⇒ up to 50kW ⇒ up to 1,000kW (Sep., 2016) ㅇ Supporting for PV + ESS - the multiplier(weighting factor) of REC is 5.0 for PV system combined with ESS from 2016 to 2017 (Sep., 2016) Y2018 Y2019 Y2020 Y2021 Y2022 Y2023 Y2024 Remarks Original Plan 6.0% 7.0% 8.0% 9.0% 10.0% ~ set in 2011 Previous Goal 4.5% 5.0% Revised in 2014 New Target Announced in 2016

19 PV and Energy New Industry
Solar PV plays a crucial role as a hub of Korean New Energy System and Industry Combined with Storage devices and energy management as well as smart grid solution

20 To promote PV Penetration?
■ Remove regulatory requirements adversarial to PV development. (e.g.) ㅇ distance issues between PV systems and roads. ㅇ licensing for PV installation in local governance ■ Encourage the participation of community in PV installation ㅇ Increase receptivity of local community toward PV installation ■ Develop business models ㅇ Solar lease, Community Solar ⇒ B2C, P2P business, ㅇ Making use of financing platform ■ Ensure the grid connection ㅇ Reduce the lead time to integrate PV power into grid ㅇ KEPCO : Open Green Grid * Introducing G-platform Station, Increasing transformers, substations, ACCC

21 Prospect of Electricity Portfolio
[source: KEPCO, 2017]

22 Grid Issues ■ RE systems worth 1789MW were waiting for grid connections in 2016/E ㅇ After allowed to be connected to grid for 1MW or below without limit, the waiting capacities have increased ㅇ Concentrated on specific areas - Southern area accounts for 55% of waiting quantities ■ Analysis of waiting RE capacities and ration according to cases Immediately Connected Adding New Lines Banks Adding Substations Sum Number 2,699 348 838 2,234 6,119 Capacities (MW) 738 (41%) 133 (7%) 298 (17%) 620 (35%) 1,789 (100%) Leading Time 1~2 weeks 11 months 72months [source: KEPCO, 2017]

23 Open Green Grid [source: KEPCO, 2017]

24 3. Korean PV Industry

25 Korean RE industries [source: Korea Energy Agency]
[unit: KRW(100million won)] No. of companies employees revenues investment sum local sales exports $million Overseas plants PV 127 8,698 75,637 22,975 33,892 2,995 18,770 5,234 ratio(%) 25.8 53.8 66.9 46.2 83.2 83.1 66.8 Solar heat 21 228 290 - -  1 4.3 1.4 0.3 0.6 Wind 37 2,369 14,571 5,123 5,639 498 3,809 583 7.5 14.6 12.9 10.3 13.8 16.9 7.3 Fuel cell 15 802 2,837 2,143 693 61 47 3 5 2.5 1.7 Geothermal 26 541 1,430 251 5.3 3.3 1.3 2.9 3.1 Hydrothermal 46 29 0.1 Hydropower 4 83 129 116 13 0.8 0.5 0.2 Bio 128 1,511 12,390 11,884 506 45 221 9.3 11 23.9 1.2 2.8 Wastes 132 1,899 5,763 1,539 26.8 11.7 5.1 11.6 19.3 Sum 473 16,177 113,077 49,754 40,743 3,601 22,579 7,965 100 ※ Remarks: USD $1 = KRW 1,131 Won(in 2015) [source: Korea Energy Agency]

26 Records of Korean PV Industry
[unit: KRW 100million Won] Polysilicon Ingot Wafer Cell Module Equipments Inverter Material/parts Collector Sum 2014 revenues 10,967 1,429 3,157 957 36,442 1,921 3,271 5,161 45 63,358 ratio(%) 17.3 2.3 5.0 1.5 57.5 3.0 5.2 8.1 0.1 100 local sales 1,440 72 373 235 9,677 1,536 2,992 3,471 19,840 exports 9,536 1,356 2,784 722 8,710 385 279 1,690 0.3 25,462 $million 905 129 264 69 827 37 26 160 0.0 2,418 overseas plants  - -  18,056 2015 revenues 13,338 4,437 2,288 1,578 41,118 3,222 4,128 5,502 75,637 17.6 5.9 2.1 54.4 4.3 5.5 7.3 717 926 214 405 10,092 3,030 3,629 3,937 22,975 Exports (KRW) 12,621 3,512 2,074 1,173 12,256 192 500 1,565 33,892 (USD million) 1,115 310 183 104 1,083 17 44 138 2,995 18,770 change rate(%) 21.5 210.6 -27.5 65 12.8 67.8 26.2 6.6 -41.2 19.4 [source: Korea Energy Agency]

27 Production Capacities in terms of nameplate
□ The production capacities of polysilicon and wafer shrank due to consolidation □ In the cases of cell & module, the production abilities and volumes have increased owing to market environment and investment of some big players Polysilicon Cell Wafer Module

28 To foster local PV industry?
■ Industrial growth ㅇ Combined with local market ㅇ Technical initiative to take industrial leadership ■ Building up the competence in overseas market ㅇ Corresponding to trade disputes ㅇ Market diversification ■ Cohesive structure ㅇ Make the most of other fields such as financing, related industries and technologies, etc. ㅇ Systematic operation in developing markets

29 Summary Korean PV market has been steadily increasing its volume and
market attractiveness owing to RPS and other diverse policy schemes. Korean PV companies make an endeavor to enhance their value from upstream to downstream through investment, technology improvement and market development, etc. 1 2 3 In order to expand the PV market, it is required to relieve regulations imposed by local governance and increase the receptivity of local communities. Additionally grid infra should be outfitted corresponding to increasing PV installations <원그래프수치조절방법> 수치를 변경할 호를 클릭합니다. 2개의 노란(마름모꼴) 탭이 보입니다. 바깥쪽 노란탭 클릭 후 드래그하며 호의 크기를 조절합니다.

30 Thank you

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