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How has the education of women changed?

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1 How has the education of women changed?
Hannah Aliyetti

2 Pearl Arredondo Gang member at a young age in LA
Many teachers looked down on her Said she was a “lost cause” and had “problems with authority”

3 Pearl Arredondo Graduated high school Attended college
Worked as a special ed assistant Created her San Fernando Media School

4 Colonial Times Reading and writing No further education for girls
Boys were allowed if there was space

5 1880 - 1930 Homemakers Encouraged to take certain classes
Home economics Sewing Cookings Commercial Clerical work Book keeping Accounting Etc.

6 1880 - 1930 Industrial education Only taught at specialized schools
Could be taught to women

7 Title IX – What is it? Signed by Nixon in 1972
40 year anniversary in 2012 Does not allow discrimination of gender in education and federally funded activities

8 What does it affect? Athletic sports in high school then <300,000
now >3 million

9 Requirements for Title IX
Opportunities for female students to participate Scholarships for all (if they are allowed to men) Equal treatment between genders

10 3-part test for Compliance
Number of male and female athletes correspond to enrollment History of program expansion for underrepresented gender Accommodations for underrepresented gender

11 Discussion Do you know of any friends or family (or yourself personally) that were directly affected by Title IX? What do you think our society would be like if Title IX was not passed? What are some other activities that Title IX may affect besides sports?

12 Works Cited Arredondo, P. (May 2013). Pearl Arredondo: My story, from gangland daughter to star teacher. [Video file]. Retrieved from Buchanan, Maggie (Fall 2012). A brief history and look forward. Texas Review of Entertainment & Sports Law. 14(1):91-93. Rury, J. (Spring 1984). Vocationalism for home and work: women's education in the United States, 1880–1930. History of Education Quarterly 24(1): 37.

13 Title IX Turns 40: A Brief History and Look Forward
Title IX Turns 40: A Brief History and Look Forward.Authors:Buchanan, Maggie Jo Poertner Buchanan, Maggie (Fall 2012). A brief history and look forward. Texas Review of Entertainment & Sports Law. 14(1):91-93.

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