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Internship experience at MASHCO (Summer 2012) MAZEN M

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1 Internship experience at MASHCO (Summer 2012) MAZEN M
Internship experience at MASHCO (Summer 2012) MAZEN M. ALSAEED HOLDING CO COB(finance) Internship (BUIS 4351 ) sec: 202 Advisor Name: Mohammad A. B. Haj Issa Instructor name: Dr. Muneer AbaddA Student Name: Asma H Alattas ID:

2 Evaluation of the internship experience Finding And Recommendation
Outlines: Company Background Job History Evaluation of the internship experience Finding And Recommendation references

3 Company Background Founded in 2000  as a holding company with various business units. Vision: “With a wide breadth of our vision, as wide as our steps”. Goal: “With commitment and professionalism, our goals are met”.

4 Sectors:

5 Sectors:

6 Job History Major Assignment Timeframe Description
Read PDF for 3 April 2012 transactions at Tadawl. Find top gainers. June 68 pages about all the trading of the firm at Tadawal. Tables and some charts descripting the position of the shared invested. Read huge file about financing policies, system and procedures 30 July 12 That file not allowed takes it home. So I set the entire work tine reading the policies and procedures. Patty cash 1 – 2 July 21, 2012 Calculate petty cash statement for May The procedure was on the file before. Purchases record 3 July, 2012 Prepare excel sheets for purchasing record for all trading at Tadawel stock market for last week. (Only buy orders) find realized and unrealized gain or loss 7-8 July, 2012 Prepare excel sheet for Madean shares then find realized and unrealized transactions. general ledger trial balance 9- July 21, 2012 Prepare general ledger trial balance of May 2012. History of shares. 14- July 21, 2012 Asked to find the history of 5 stocks a for 52 weeks. Find the highest price and lowest. A&D analysis 18-July 21, 2012 Prepare A&D analysis for 25 accounts. Privet equity analysis 21 July, 2012 Prepare private equity date on excels. For 10 banks account. Addressing the amount and date of investment contribution and call. account receivable statement 22 July, 2012 Aging account receivable at 15 July On excel sheets for more than 25 clients. account payable statement 23 July, 2012 Aging account payable date also on excels with adding a schedule to summarizing the total for each month.   update currency 24 July,2012 Prepare an excel sheet for update currency data

7 Evaluation of the internship experience
I had regular meetings with my supervisor gave me constructive and feedback of my work. He was available and welcomed me when I had questions or concerns. I was asked for levels of responsibility with my ability and was given extra responsibility to increase my work experience. The work I performed was challenging since it were new to me.

8 Finding And Recommendation
Gave me a realistic promo of my field of study. Get a better understanding of finance and accounting concepts, theories, and skills. provided a way to apply the theoretical learning to real world conditions and that enhances value of my ability Gave strong value of my resume. helped prepare me for advance study or to enter the workforce.

9 Finding And Recommendation
open female branches and extend their work with female expertise. providing more internship programs for students. If they provide more internship programs or training on their 19 companies, that will help the community and give chances for huge number of students before graduating.

10 List of references: Arvi, R. (May 17, 2000). Competitive Strategies. Retrieved (Jun 20, 2012), from: Avid, Fred R. (1993). Strategic Management, 4th Ed. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company. (Dr. David also maintains a strategic planning web site, Checkmate Plan Tamer, S. & Shaoming, Z. (Jan., 1994). Marketing Strategy. Performance Relationship: An Investigation of the Empirical Link in Export Market Ventures. Received form: Mazen, M. Alsaeed Holding co. Jones, Bernie. (1990). Neighborhood Planning: A Guide for Citizens and Planners. Chicago and Washington, D.C.: Planners Press, American Planning Association.

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