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Walking alongside you, against the tide

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1 Walking alongside you, against the tide
Louise Pound. Lead skin cancer specialist nurse ( Macmillan ) Gloucestershire N.H.S.F.T 2014

2 Clinical nurse specialist
Acting as a key worker throughout care pathway Advanced clinical skills In-depth knowledge which is tumour specific Advanced communication and advocacy skills Assessment of patients holistic needs Excellent decision making Empathy for families , partners , friends Leadership skills within M.D.T , and wider clinical environment Initiate change and project management. Ref Macmillan/n.c.a.t. excellence in cancer care, the contribution of the clinical nurse specialist , 2010.

3 Your skin cancer C.N.S. Team

4 Meeting thru the 2wwr Perfect setting.
Introduction into team , role , planned surgery Clinical skills- history taking , clinical exam, pharmacology, diagnostic skills, dermatoscopic skills. Pre-diagnostic support. Surgery booked at a time to suit patient. Patient centred care. C.N.S. Contact details

5 Surgical appointment Nurse-led surgical clinics.
annual audits ref diagnostic skills Annual audit ref surgical skills. accredited surgical masters level. Confident practitioners=happy practitioners=safe well cared for patients.

6 Multi disciplinary team meetings
Every Thursday morning. Dermatology, pathology, oncology, plastic surgeon,, O.M.F.S, E.N.T.S, radiology, skin cancer C.N.S. team, coordinator. Patient case load discussed with all modalities present, patient advocate. Appointments with skin cancer C.N.S within ten days of path report.

7 Breaking bad/significant news
C.N.S led clinics, based on mdt outcome . 45 min appts. supporting information ref diagnosis, adjuvant therapy, disease progression, palliative care(timely and appropriate consideration) Scan discussion. Discussion ref clinical trials/slnb physical examination. Emotional wellbeing assessment . holistic assessment . letter to G.P within 24hours.

8 Patient pathway. O.M.F.S/ oncology/plastic surgeons/E.N.T.S/Dermatology. Key worker supports throughout. /text/phone call/secretary support

9 Jenny, Claire , Katy, your lifelines

10 Ongoing follow up care PT1b and above=3/12, 3 years, then if fit and well 6/12 for further 2 years , discharge back to G.P care. Pt3b and above = 3/12 for 3 years, 6/12 further 2 years , then annually for further 5 years . A.M.S/ Multiple mm= lifelong follow up. more than 3 family members with mm, then geneticist referral.

11 What goes on at appts Holistic assessment .
clinical exam of skin , scar, lymph nodes, general health, emotional wellbeing. Teach patients to self exam lymph nodes, moles, lesions advice ref sun protection, vitamin d. free prescriptions'. Maggie's cancer care centre, Cotswold care, Sue Ryder day hospice, Look good feel better, Winston's wish , willow foundation. Guidance ref benefits. Macmillan grants. war pension advice.

12 Depending on the tide.. We see patients when they want to see us if there is a problem , and will always see within the week if they contact us. we will initiate fna, appropriate imaging ongoing referral to palliative care early in their pathway. We will continue to keep in contact if they wish us to, by phone , or visit even if they have palliative care.

13 Discharge…. Most patients with melanoma will be discharged by year five, and most will continue to live their life disease free. a third will develop disease which will be terminal. All will have benefited , in some way, from having had contact with a specialist nurse, continuity of care, a point of liaison throughout their care, a hand to hold onto against the tide.

14 Metastatic disease Surgically excise if at all possible
Clinical trials offer- oxford, Birmingham , royal Marsden , south mead. Chemotherapy- dacarbazine i.v Cancer growth inhibitors-verumifenib, debrafenib -oral medication Monoclonal antibody therapy- ipiluminab-i.v.

15 Useful websites

16 Palliative care Identifying patient need through holistic assessment.
Pain relief. Symptom control. Benefits advice Psychology support. Emotional wellbeing. Family support. Support with preparation of children Coping with an uncertain future. Coping with change in health . Acceptance of incurable disease. Benefits advice.

17 0334225398/07785578150
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