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Nursing Care of Patients with Upper Gastrointestinal Disorders

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1 Nursing Care of Patients with Upper Gastrointestinal Disorders
Chapter 33 Nursing Care of Patients with Upper Gastrointestinal Disorders

2 Nausea and Vomiting Nausea: Urge to Vomit
Vomiting: Expelling Stomach Contents Through Esophagus and Mouth Nausea and Vomiting

3 Therapeutic Interventions
None Protect Airway Medications IV Fluids NG Tube Clear Liquids, Dry Toast

4 Nausea Risk for Aspiration Deficient Fluid Volume Nursing Diagnoses

5 Lack of Appetite Anorexia

6 Anorexia Nervosa Bulimia Nervosa Eating Disorders

7 Anorexia Nervosa Females Treatment goal 18% Die Age 12 to 18 Years
Restore Nutritional Health 18% Die Anorexia Nervosa

8 Anorexia Nervosa (cont’d)
Symptoms Severe Weight Loss Low Self-esteem Compulsive Dieting Disturbed Body Image Anorexia Nervosa (cont’d)

9 Anorexia Nervosa (cont’d)
Nursing Care Therapeutic Relationship Vital Signs Daily Weights Intake/Output of Food and Fluids Anorexia Nervosa (cont’d)

10 Anorexia Nervosa (cont’d)
Complications Poor Nutrition, Electrolyte Imbalances Decreased Vital Signs Osteoporosis Muscle Loss Diabetes Anorexia Nervosa (cont’d)

11 Bulimia Nervosa Compulsive Eating, Self-induced Vomiting Laxatives
“Binge–purge” Young Women Enamel Erosion of Front Teeth Metabolic alkalosis Bulimia Nervosa

12 Bulimia Nervosa (cont’d)
Treatment Goal Restore Nutritional Health Nursing Care Therapeutic Relationship Vital Signs, Daily Weights Intake/Output of Food and Fluids Bulimia Nervosa (cont’d)

13 Nursing Diagnoses: Eating Disorders
Imbalanced Nutrition: Less Than Body Requirements Body Image, Disturbed

14 Obesity Weight 20% or Greater Than Ideal Body Weight BMI
Overweight: 25 to 29.9 Kg/m2 Obese: >30 Kg/m2 Obesity

15 Body Mass Index (BMI)

16 Obesity (cont’d) Caloric Intake Exceeds Energy Expenditure
Comorbidites: Diseases Associated with Obesity Morbid Obesity: BMI >40 Obesity (cont’d)

17 Therapeutic Interventions
Weight Loss Through Exercise and Calorie Restriction Support Groups Behavior Modification Therapeutic Interventions

18 Surgical Management Types of Bariatric Surgery Restrictive
Limits How Much Stomach Can Hold Malabsorption Decreases Calorie/Nutrient Absorption Combination Restrictive and Malabsorption Surgical Management

19 Surgical Management (cont’d)
Restrictive Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding  Vertical Banded Gastroplasty (VBG) Combination Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgical Management (cont’d)

20 Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Vertical Banded Gastroplasty

21 Complications of Gastric Restrictive Surgeries
Vomiting Erosion of the Gastric Tissue Breakdown of Staple Line Leaking of Stomach Secretions Infection or Death

22 Postoperative Care Clear, Liquid Diet
Progresses to Full Liquids, Pureed Foods Regular Foods at 6 Weeks Postoperative Care

23 Nursing Diagnosis: Obesity
Imbalanced Nutrition: More Than Body Requirements

24 Oral Health Care Important to Overall Health
Often Neglected in Daily Care Oral Hygiene with Chlorhexidine Gluconate Prevents Pneumonia Reduces Ventilator-associated Pneumonia Oral Health Care

25 Oral Health Care (cont’d)
Prophylactic Antibiotics Xerostomia (Dry Mouth) Artificial Saliva Substitute Dentures Gingival Recession Fluoride Gel or Rinse Oral Health Care (cont’d)

26 Oral Health Care (cont’d)
Gingivitis Flossing Daily Candida Albicans (Yeast Infection) Nystatin Angular Cheilosis Oral Health Care (cont’d)

27 Stomatitis Inflammation of Oral Cavity Causes
Aphthous Stomatitis (Canker Sores) Herpes Simplex Virus Type I (Cold Sores) Stomatitis

28 Oral Cancer Risk: Alcohol or Tobacco Use Detected Early, Curable
Painless Difficulty in Chewing, Swallowing, Speaking Biopsies Radiation, Chemotherapy, Surgery Oral Cancer

29 Radical Neck Dissection

30 Oral Cancer Nursing Care
Referral: Alcohol/Tobacco Cessation Preoperative Teaching Postoperative Airway Communication Nutrition Oral Cancer Nursing Care

31 Esophageal Cancer Risk: Alcohol or Tobacco Use
Detected Late, Metastasizes Difficulty Swallowing, Feeling Full, Pain in Chest, Foul Breath, Food Regurgitation EGD, Biopsy Esophageal Cancer

32 Esophageal Cancer (cont’d)
Radiation Chemotherapy Surgery Esophagogastrostomy Dacron Esophageal Replacement Esophagoenterostomy Esophageal Cancer (cont’d)

33 Esophageal Cancer (cont’d)
Nursing Diagnoses Pain Risk for Deficient Fluid Volume Imbalanced Nutrition: Less Than Body Requirements Esophageal Cancer (cont’d)

34 Lower Esophagus/Stomach Slides up Through Hiatus of Diaphragm into Thorax
Hiatal Hernia

35 Hiatal Hernia (cont’d)
Occurs In Women Those over 60 Obesity Pregnancy Hiatal Hernia (cont’d)

36 Hiatal Hernia (cont’d)

37 Hiatal Hernia (cont’d)
Signs and Symptoms None Pain Heartburn Fullness Reflux Hiatal Hernia (cont’d)

38 Hiatal Hernia (cont’d)
Diagnosis X-Ray Fluoroscopy Hiatal Hernia (cont’d)

39 Therapeutic Interventions
Antacids Small Meals No Reclining 1 Hour After Eating Raise Head of Bed 6 to 12 Inches No Bedtime Snacks, Spicy Foods, Alcohol, Caffeine, Smoking

40 Hiatal Hernia (cont’d)
Surgical Management Fundoplication Hiatal Hernia (cont’d)

41   Fundoplication

42 Hiatal Hernia (cont’d)
Nursing Care Teaching Preoperative Care Postoperative Dysphagia with Eating Hiatal Hernia (cont’d)

43 Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)
Pathophysiology Gastric Secretions Reflux into Esophagus Esophagus Damaged Lower Esophageal Sphincter Does Not Close Tightly

44 Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) (cont’d)
Signs and Symptoms Heartburn Regurgitation Dysphagia Bleeding

45 Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) (cont’d)
Complications Aspiration Scar Tissue Diagnosis Barium Swallow Esophagoscopy

46 Therapeutic Interventions
Lifestyle Changes Medications Antacids H2 Receptor Antagonists Proton Pump Inhibitors Prokinetic Agents

47 Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) (cont’d)
Esophy X Endoscopic Procedures Fundoplication

48 GERD Complications Esophagitis Barrett's Esophagus (Precancerous)
Esophageal Cancer Bronchospasm Larygeospasm Aspiration Pneumonia

49 Barrett's Esophagus Precancerous Radiofrequency Ablation

50 Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) (cont’d)
Nursing Diagnosis Acute Pain

51 Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) (cont’d)
Nursing Care Education Lose Weight Low-fat, High-protein Diet Avoid Caffeine, Milk Products, Spicy Foods

52 Mallory-Weiss Tear Pathophyisiology
Longitudinal Tear in Mucous Membrane of Esophagus at Stomach Junction Tears from Sudden, Powerful, or Prolonged Force Hiatal Hernia Present Mallory-Weiss Tear

53 Mallory-Weiss Tear (cont’d)
Signs and Symptoms Bright Red, Bloody Emesis Bloody or Tarry Stools Mallory-Weiss Tear (cont’d)

54 Mallory-Weiss Tear (cont’d)
Diagnosis EGD Hemoglobin and Hematocrit Mallory-Weiss Tear (cont’d)

55 Mallory-Weiss Tear (cont’d)
Therapeutic Interventions Self-heal PPI Anti-emetic Avoid Alcohol Mallory-Weiss Tear (cont’d)

56 Mallory-Weiss Tear (cont’d)
Nursing Care Report Bleeding Teaching Avoid Alcohol Medications Mallory-Weiss Tear (cont’d)

57 Esophageal Varices Dilated Blood Vessels in Esophagus
Portal Hypertension Rupture Life-threatening Esophageal Varices

58 Gastritis Inflammation of the Stomach Acute or Chronic
Abdominal Pain, Nausea, Anorexia Remove Irritating Substance Bland Diet of Liquids/Soft Foods Antacids Gastritis

59 Inflammation of Stomach Mucosa
Acute Chronic Gastritis (cont’d)

60 Gastritis (cont’d) Pathophysiology
Protective Mucosal Barrier Broken Down Autodigestion Severe Perforation Scarring Gastritis (cont’d)

61 Gastritis (cont’d) Signs and Symptoms Abdominal Pain Nausea, Vomiting
Anorexia Abdominal Tenderness Feeling Of Fullness Gastritis (cont’d)

62 Signs and Symptoms (cont’d)
Reflux Belching Gastritis (cont’d)

63 Gastritis (cont’d) Therapeutic Interventions Treat Cause Bland Diet
Antacids Anti-emetics Gastritis (cont’d)

64 Chronic Gastritis Type A
Autoimmune Gastritis Fundus Asymptomatic Leads to Pernicious Anemia Chronic Gastritis Type A

65 Chronic Gastritis Type B
Pathophysiology From Infection with Helicobacter pylori Lower Stomach Chronic Gastritis Type B

66 Chronic Gastritis Type B (cont’d)
Signs and Symptoms Anorexia, Heartburn, Belching, Sour Taste, Nausea/Vomiting Treatment Antibiotics

67 Peptic Ulcer Disease Erosion of GI lining
Primary Cause: Bacterium H. pylori Curable Influenced by Smoking Peptic Ulcer Disease

68 Peptic Ulcer Disease (cont’d)
Gastric High Left Epigastric/Upper Abdominal Burning/Gnawing Pain Increased 1 to 2 Hours After Meals or with Food Peptic Ulcer Disease (cont’d)

69 Peptic Ulcer Disease (cont’d)
Duodenal Midepigastric/Upper Abdominal Burning/Cramping Pain Increased 2 to 4 Hours After Meal/ Middle of Night Relieved with Food or Antacids Peptic Ulcer Disease (cont’d)

70 Peptic Ulcer Disease (cont’d)
Signs and Symptoms Anorexia Nausea/Vomiting Bleeding Peptic Ulcer Disease (cont’d)

71 Peptic Ulcer Disease (cont’d)
Diagnosis Helicobacter pylori Upper GI Series EGD Peptic Ulcer Disease (cont’d)

72 Therapeutic Interventions
Antibiotics Proton Pump Inhibitors Histamine H2 Antagonists Bismuth Subsalicylate Sucralfate (Carafate) Antacids

73 Peptic Ulcer Disease (cont’d)
Treatment Bland Diet Avoid Irritants: Smoking, Caffeine, Alcohol Peptic Ulcer Disease (cont’d)

74 Peptic Ulcer Disease (cont’d)
Complications Bleeding Perforation Obstruction Peptic Ulcer Disease (cont’d)

75 Peptic Ulcer Disease (cont’d)
Nursing Diagnoses Acute Pain Risk for Injury Deficient Knowledge Peptic Ulcer Disease (cont’d)

76 Stress Ulcers Ischemia Damaging Mucous Barrier
Acid Secretions Create Ulcers Stress Ulcers

77 Stress Ulcers (cont’d)
Preventive Treatment Quick Trauma Care Early Feeding Testing Gastric Ph – Keep Above 5 Antacids, Histamine Blockers, Sucralfate Stress Ulcers (cont’d)

78 Gastric Bleeding From Ulcer Perforation, Tumor, Gastric Surgery
Occult or Observable Symptoms Vary by Severity Treat Hypovolemic Shock if Present NPO, IV Fluids, Blood, NG Tube, Oxygen Gastric Bleeding

79 Gastric Bleeding (cont’d)
Nursing Diagnosis Deficient Fluid Volume Gastric Bleeding (cont’d)

80 Gastric Cancer Malignant Lesion in Stomach Second Most Common Cancer
Men Greater Than Women H. Pylori Infection Risk Factor Poor Prognosis as Metastasizes Gastric Cancer

81 Gastric Cancer (cont’d)
Signs and Symptoms No Early Symptoms Late Symptoms Indigestion Anorexia Pain Relieved by Antacids Gastric Cancer (cont’d)

82 Gastric Cancer (cont’d)
Late Symptoms (cont’d) Weight Loss Nausea and Vomiting Anemia Gastric Cancer (cont’d)

83 Gastric Cancer (cont’d)
Diagnosis X-Ray Gastroscopy Gastric Fluid Analysis Serum Gastrin Gastric Cancer (cont’d)

84 Gastric Cancer (cont’d)
Surgery Chemotherapy Radiation Gastric Cancer (cont’d)

85 Subtotal Gastrectomy Partial Removal of Stomach
Gastroduodenostomy (Billroth I) Distal Stomach Removed Anastomosed to Duodenum Treats Gastric Problems

86 Subtotal Gastrectomy (cont’d)

87 Subtotal Gastrectomy (cont’d)
Gastrojejunostomy (Billroth II) More Distal Stomach Removed Anastomosed to Jejunum Treats Duodenal Problems

88 Total Gastrectomy Total Stomach Removal Extensive Gastric Cancer
Anastomosis of Esophagus to Jejunum Total Gastrectomy

89 Total Gastrectomy (cont’d)

90 Nursing Diagnoses: Gastric Surgery
Acute Pain Fear

91 Nursing Care After Gastric Surgery
Monitor Vital Signs Respiratory Status Control Pain Intake and Output Incisional Site

92 Nursing Care After Gastric Surgery (cont’d)
NG Tube Care Ambulate Early Monitor Abdominal Status Education

93 Complications of Gastric Surgery
Hemorrhage Gastric Distention Dumping Syndrome Nutritional Problems Pernicious Anemia

94 Complications of Gastric Surgery (cont’d)
Steatorrhea Pyloric Obstruction

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