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BED Eating Disorder: 5: Bariatric surgery

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1 BED Eating Disorder: 5: Bariatric surgery
James E Mitchell, M.D. Feel free to re-title and remove Penn specific stuff

2 Gastric Band

3 Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass

4 Sleeve Gastrectomy

5 (Dietrich MO & Horvath TL © 2010 Nature Publishing Group)

6 + - ↑ Mechanism Band RYGBP Sleeve Δ Restriction Malabsorption GLP-1
PYY3-36 Bile Acids/ FXR; TGR 5/ Gut Microbiota Δ




10 Weight Change by Time Point
LAGB 14.5% ( ) Abbreviations: RYGB, Roux-en-Y gastric bypass; LAGB, laparoscopic adjustable gastric band. Lines indicate modeled weight change based on mixed models, adjusted for baseline factors independently related to missing follow-up data (i.e., site, age and smoking). Data markers, median values; bars, interquartile range of observed data. Negative value indicates weight loss from baseline. a Data collection ended before the 7 year assessment of 498 RYGB and 202 LAGB participants Observed and modeled data are also reported in eTable 2 (Supplement). RYGB 27.7% ( )

11 Prevalence of Comorbid Conditions - RYGB
Abbreviations: HDL, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; RYGB, Roux-en-Y gastric bypass; LAGB, laparoscopic adjustable gastric band. Lines indicate modeled prevalence, bars, 95% CI, based on mixed models, adjusted for baseline factors independently related to missing follow-up data (i.e., site, age and smoking). aComorbidities were not assessed at 6 months or year-6. bData collection ended before the 7 year assessment of 498 RYGB and 202 LAGB participants. Observed and modeled data are reported in eTable 4 and eTable 5, respectively (Supplemental Material).

12 LABS I Characteristic % Medications in last 90 days: Beta-blocker 17.9 Statin/lipid lowering agent 26.6 Oral/IV immunosuppressant 3.1 Therapeutic anticoagulation 4.4 Narcotic 16.1 Antidepressant 39.9

13 Sertraline/Duloxetine Protocols
Overview Pharmacokinetic profile - single dose Sertraline (100mg) Duloxetine (60mg) Groups of subjects Post-RYGBP months Nonsurgical matched subjects (BMI, Gender, Age) Genetically typed Cytochrome P450 enzymes Excluded ultra rapid and poor metabolizers

14 Sertraline Mean AUC (Roerig et al. SOARD 8:62-66, 2012)

15 Duloxetine Mean AUC ng/ml (Roerig et al. J Clin Psychopharm 2014)

16 Alcohol Pharmacokinetic Changes
RYGB RYGB RYGB (Klockoff et al. Br J Clin Pharm, 2002) (Hagedorn et al. SOARD, 2007) RYGB Added title Hagedorn graph not level but I can’t straighten. (Woodard et al., J Am Coll Surg 2011)

17 Alcohol Pharmacokinetic Changes
RYGB (Steffen et al., SOARD 9: , 2013)

18 Post-RYGB Cumulative Incidence
The 5-year cumulative incidence of AUD, illicit drug use and SUD treatment were 20.8% (95%CI, ), 7.5% (95%CI, ) and 3.5% (95%CI, ), respectively, following RYGB (Figure 2A) and 11.3% (95%CI, ), 4.9% (95%CI, ), and 0.9% (95%CI, ), respectively, following LAGB (Figure 2B).

19 Why Increase in Misuse of ETOH ???
Pharmacokinetic Change? Central Nervous System Change? (Alteration in DA Reward Pathway; Ghrelin Modulation?) Alcohol Dehydrogenase Reduction? Other? Multifactorial?

20 in Bariatric Surgery Patients
Chronic Opioid Use in Bariatric Surgery Patients N = 11,719 Adults S/P Bariatric Surgery N = 933 Chronic Opioid Users Pre-surgery N = 723 Chronic Opioid Users Post-surgery (Raebel et al., JAMA, 2013; 310: )

21 (Raebel et al., JAMA 310: , 2013)

22 Pre-surgery 15 Days Post 6 Month Post (Lloret-Linares et al., Clin Pharmacokinet 53: , 2014)

23 Body Contouring Surgery




27 Desire for Contouring Ross: Does this include participants who had contouring in other regions? Or were all participants who underwent any contouring surgery thrown out? Add exact percentages to one decimal point.

28 Primary Reasons for Not Undergoing Contouring
ROSS: TWO DIFFERENT OUTPUTS FOR THIS SLIDE. ONE WITH ALL PARTICIPANTS, AND ONE WITH PARTICIPANTS DESIROUS OF CONTOURING? This appears to be all participants (n=949) whereas the other output has n=664. Add percentages.

29 Compensatory Behaviors
N=12 Post-bariatric Surgery Inpatients on an ED Unit Age Adm BMI (pre-surg) BMI (Adm) Binge Eating Compensatory Behaviors DSM-V 1 65 58.6 23.8 X Vomiting AN-P 2 52 79.4 33.9 Over-exercise EDNEC (Atypical AN-R) 3 31 48.7 29.6 4 42.4 17.4 O ?? 5 64 47.4 21.2 EDNEC (Atypical AN-R) 6 23 66.2 39.6 BN 7 69 43.1 28.8 8 29 43.6 27.9 Vomiting, Lax/ Diuretics 9 61 40.6 21.1 Diuretics 10 13.1 AN-B/P 11 26 44.8 17.3 Diet Pills AN-R 12 38 45.2 19.8 (Conceicao et al, Int J Eat Disord 2014)

30 Long-term Mortality after Gastric Bypass Surgery at 7.1 Years
Reduced overall mortality 40% (sig) Reduced CAD mortality 56% (sig) Reduced DM mortality 92% (sig) Reduced CA mortality 60% (sig) Suicide risk/accidents increased 3x (n.s.) (Adams et al., NEJM 357: , 2007)

31 Suicide After Bariatric Surgery
Pennsylvania State Dept. of Health Statistics Residents (Tindle et al Am J Med 123: , 2010)

32 Suicide After Bariatric Surgery
Males per 10, (US norms 2.4) Females per 10,000 (US norms 0.7) (Tindle et al Am J Med 123: , 2010)

33 Distribution of Time Between Bariatric Surgery and Suicide in Years
Cumulative % <1 3 10 1-<2 6 29 2-<3 12 68 3-<4 77 4-<5 87 >5 4 100 Total 31 (Tindle et al Am J Med 123: , 2010)

34 Suicide after Bariatric Surgery
- Persistence/recurrence medical comorbidities - Disinhibition 2nd EToH - Antidepressant medication malabsorption - Peptidergic CNS effects (e.g. GLP-1) - Microbiome changes affect CNS - Disappointment with weight/other outcomes - Worsening depression - Were high risk group pre-operatively (Mitchell, et al., Obesity, 2014)

35 Comment/Questions?

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