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1 2017

2 Public Health Phase 1 Revision Session Lucy Faulkner Tuesday 9th May 2017 The Peer Teaching Society is not liable for false or misleading information…

3 Public Health Epidemiology Screening Alcohol Smoking Obesity
Prevention Notifiable diseases The Peer Teaching Society is not liable for false or misleading information…

4 Epidemiology The Peer Teaching Society is not liable for false or misleading information…

5 Epidemiology Incidence: number of individuals who develop a condition in a defined period of time Measure of rate at which a disease occurs Units: eg. people per year per 1000 of the population The Peer Teaching Society is not liable for false or misleading information…

6 Epidemiology Prevalence: number of individuals who have a condition
Measure of disease burden Units: eg. people per 1000 of a population The Peer Teaching Society is not liable for false or misleading information…

7 Epidemiology Absolute risk: risk of developing a condition over a period of time The Peer Teaching Society is not liable for false or misleading information…

8 Epidemiology Relative risk: ratio of risk in the exposed to risk in the unexposed Relative risk= risk in the exposed ÷ risk in the unexposed No units The Peer Teaching Society is not liable for false or misleading information…

9 Epidemiology Attributable risk: rate of disease in the exposed that may be attributed to the exposure Attributable risk= risk in the exposed - risk in the unexposed The Peer Teaching Society is not liable for false or misleading information…

10 Screening The Peer Teaching Society is not liable for false or misleading information…

11 Screening Disease state Screening test result Disease No disease
Positive Negative ‘positive’ or ‘negative’- results of the screening test ‘true’ or ‘false’- whether this result matches that of the screening test The Peer Teaching Society is not liable for false or misleading information…

12 Screening Disease state Screening test result Disease No disease
Positive True positive False positive Negative False negative True negative ‘positive’ or ‘negative’- results of the screening test ‘true’ or ‘false’- whether this result matches that of the screening test The Peer Teaching Society is not liable for false or misleading information…

13 Sensitivity= True positive True positive+False negative = TP TP+FN
Screening Sensitivity: proportion of people with the disease correctly identified as positive by the screening test Sensitivity= True positive True positive+False negative = TP TP+FN Denominator: everyone with the disease How good the test is at picking up people with the disease The Peer Teaching Society is not liable for false or misleading information…

14 Screening Specificity: proportion of people without the disease correctly identified as negative by the screening test Specificity= True negative True negative+False positive = TN TN+FP Denominator: everyone without the disease How good the test is at correctly identifying those without the disease The Peer Teaching Society is not liable for false or misleading information…

15 Screening Positive predictive value: proportion of people with a positive result on screening test who have the condition Positive predictive value= True positive True positive+False positive = TP TP+FP Denominator- everyone with a positive result Numerator- everyone in whom this positive result is correct If you have a positive result the chances that you actually have the disease The Peer Teaching Society is not liable for false or misleading information…

16 Screening Negative predictive value: proportion of people with a negative result on the screening test who don’t have the disease Negative predictive value= True negative True negative+False negative = TN TN+FN Denominator- everyone with a negative result Numerator- everyone in whom this negative result is correct If you have a negative result chance that you don’t have the disease The Peer Teaching Society is not liable for false or misleading information…

17 Screening Wilson and Jungner criteria
Criteria for appraising the viability, effectiveness and appropriateness of a screening programme Basically looks at how good a screening program is to determine if it should be offered on the nhs The Peer Teaching Society is not liable for false or misleading information…

18 Screening Wilson and Jungner criteria: The condition The test
Important health problem Natural history understood Have a latent stage The test Suitable Acceptable Interval determined Important health problem: common, serious Natural history understood: disease progression eg benign to malignant cancers- bowle Latent stage- symptom free stage, when screening aims to pick up diseases Suitable- can detect disease Acceptable- not too invasive Intervals- how frequently you need to screen eg breast cancer in women aged every three years with mammogram The Peer Teaching Society is not liable for false or misleading information…

19 Screening Wilson and Jungner criteria: Treatment Other Acceptable
Facilities available Adequate health service provision Other Agreed policy on who to treat Cost effective Risk outweigh benefits Acceptable- not too invasive Facilities- equipment, scanners Adequate health service provision : staff for extra workload Agreed policy on who to treat- cut off values for what is positive/negative, problem in with psa Cost effective: saves money from early disease detection vs cost of testing Risk outweigh benefits: radiation exposure The Peer Teaching Society is not liable for false or misleading information…

20 Alcohol

21 Alcohol One unit of alcohol= 8g of alcohol or 10ml of pure alcohol
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22 Alcohol List some health problems associated with alcohol
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23 Alcohol Cardiovascular Gastrointestinal Liver Brain Hypertension
Ischaemic heart disease Alcoholic cardiomyopathy Gastrointestinal Pancreatitis Peptic ulcers Liver Alcoholic hepatitis-> cirrhosis Hepatocellular carcinoma Brain Cognitive impairment The Peer Teaching Society is not liable for false or misleading information…

24 Alcohol The Peer Teaching Society is not liable for false or misleading information…

25 Alcohol Q. What is a positive result?

26 Alcohol A score of 2 or greater is considered clinically significant

27 Alcohol AUDIT Scores of 8 or more are considered an indicator of hazardous and harmful alcohol use.

28 Alcohol At risk drinking: (hazardous drinking) a pattern of drinking which brings about the risk of physical or psychological harm Alcohol abuse: (harmful drinking) a pattern of drinking which is likely to cause physical or psychological harm Alcohol dependence: set of behavioural, cognitive and physiological responses that can develop after repeated substance use The Peer Teaching Society is not liable for false or misleading information…

29 Smoking

30 Smoking List some health problems associated with smoking
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31 Smoking Lung cancer Other cancers: stomach, kidney, pancreas, bladder, cervix, mouth, throat, oesophagus or larynx Cardiovascular disease: ischaemic heart disease, stroke, peripheral vascular disease Peptic ulcers Subfertility The Peer Teaching Society is not liable for false or misleading information…

32 Smoking Ready: understand process
Steady: set a quit date, throw away lighters and ashtrays Stop: avoid triggers, rewards The Peer Teaching Society is not liable for false or misleading information…

33 Smoking Q. List some reasons people smoke?
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34 Smoking Q. List some reasons people smoke? A. Reasons people smoke:
Nicotine addiction As a method of coping with stress Habit/behavioural addiction As a means of socialising Fear of weight gain after cessation The Peer Teaching Society is not liable for false or misleading information…

35 Smoking Nicotine replacement therapy
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36 Obesity The Peer Teaching Society is not liable for false or misleading information…

37 Obesity Definition: BMI> 30kg/m2
BMI= weight (in kg) ÷ height (in meters) squared Becoming increasingly more common in Western societies The Peer Teaching Society is not liable for false or misleading information…

38 Obesity Classification Class I: 30-34.9 Class II: 35-39.9
Class III: over 40 The Peer Teaching Society is not liable for false or misleading information…

39 Obesity Classification
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40 Obesity List some health problems associated with obesity
Diabetes causes a number of complications itself: macrovascular (mi, stroke, peripheral vascular disease) and microvascular (diabetic retionopthy, diabetic neuropathy, diabetic nephropathy) Ischaemia heart disease: angina, acute coronary syndromes The Peer Teaching Society is not liable for false or misleading information…

41 Obesity: complications
Type II diabetes mellitus Ischaemic heart disease Stroke Osteoarthritis Obstructive sleep apnoea Diabetes causes a number of complications itself: macrovascular (mi, stroke, peripheral vascular disease) and microvascular (diabetic retionopthy, diabetic neuropathy, diabetic nephropathy) Ischaemia heart disease: angina, acute coronary syndromes The Peer Teaching Society is not liable for false or misleading information…

42 Obesity: Treatment Diet Exercise Medication: orlistat
Bariatric Surgery: Restrictive procedures: gastric banding, sleeve gastroplasty Malabsorptive procedures: gastric bypass, biliopancreatic diversion Mixed restrictive plus malabsorptive procedures: Roux-en-Y procedure Orlistat inhibits gastric and pancreatic lipases in the intestine preventing the breakdown of triglycerides into absorbable free fatty acids. Instead triglycerides are excreted unchanged. Restrictive procedures limit the quantity of food the person can eat Malabsorptive procedures The Peer Teaching Society is not liable for false or misleading information…

43 Metabolic syndrome Three or more from
Central obesity- raised waist circumference Elevated triglyceride Low HDL Hypertension Raised fasting plasma glucose Collection of risk factors of metabolic origin that increase a persons risk of ischaemic heart disease, stroke etc. Insulin resistance is the basic underlying mechanism Also known as syndrome x Central obesity is more highly correlated with the metabolic risk factors than body mass index (BMI) and therefore measurement of waist circumference (around the navel) is recommended to identify the bodyweight component of metabolic syndrome The Peer Teaching Society is not liable for false or misleading information…

44 Prevention The Peer Teaching Society is not liable for false or misleading information…

45 Prevention Primary prevention: preventing disease occurrence
Secondary prevention: detecting diseases in their early stage Tertiary prevention: preventing complications Primary- vaccinations, healthy eating, folic acid Secondary- screening- breast, cervical, bowel, Tertiary- screening for retinopathy in those with diabetes The Peer Teaching Society is not liable for false or misleading information…

46 Notifiable diseases The Peer Teaching Society is not liable for false or misleading information…

47 Notifiable diseases Registered medical practitioners have a statutory duty to report individual cases of notifiable diseases Notify the proper officer of the local authority Notification form must be received within three days If urgent verbal notification must be received within 24 hours Laboratories also have a duty to notify proper officer of the local authority is usually a consultant in communicable disease control RMPs should notify even if the laboratory has already notified the case Based on clinical suspicion, do not wait for lab confirmation The Peer Teaching Society is not liable for false or misleading information…

48 Notifiable diseases Acute encephalitis Infectious bloody diarrhoea
Acute infectious hepatitis Acute meningitis Acute poliomyelitis Anthrax Botulism Brucellosis Cholera Diphtheria Enteric fever Food poisoning Haemolytic uraemic syndrome Infectious bloody diarrhoea Invasive group A streptococcal disease Legionnaires’ disease Leprosy Malaria Measles Meningococcal septicaemia Mumps Plague Rabies Rubella Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Scarlet fever Smallpox Tetanus Tuberculosis Typhus Viral haemorrhagic fever Whooping cough Yellow fever List of notifiable diseases Red: urgent, verbal notification within 24 hours Black: written notification within 3 days

49 Details to go on form: patient details, occupation (food industry), recent foreign travel, current location

50 Quiz proper officer of the local authority is usually a consultant in communicable disease control RMPs should notify even if the laboratory has already notified the case Based on clinical suspicion, do not wait for lab confirmation The Peer Teaching Society is not liable for false or misleading information…

51 Quiz List the four questions in the CAGE questionnaire
proper officer of the local authority is usually a consultant in communicable disease control RMPs should notify even if the laboratory has already notified the case Based on clinical suspicion, do not wait for lab confirmation The Peer Teaching Society is not liable for false or misleading information…

52 Quiz CAGE questionnaire
Have you ever felt you should cut down on your drinking? Have people annoyed you by criticizing you drinking Have you ever felt guilty about your drinking Have you ever had a drink first thing in the morning- eye opener proper officer of the local authority is usually a consultant in communicable disease control RMPs should notify even if the laboratory has already notified the case Based on clinical suspicion, do not wait for lab confirmation The Peer Teaching Society is not liable for false or misleading information…

53 Quiz proper officer of the local authority is usually a consultant in communicable disease control RMPs should notify even if the laboratory has already notified the case Based on clinical suspicion, do not wait for lab confirmation The Peer Teaching Society is not liable for false or misleading information…

54 Quiz How many grams of alcohol in one unit?
proper officer of the local authority is usually a consultant in communicable disease control RMPs should notify even if the laboratory has already notified the case Based on clinical suspicion, do not wait for lab confirmation The Peer Teaching Society is not liable for false or misleading information…

55 Quiz How many grams of alcohol in one unit?
proper officer of the local authority is usually a consultant in communicable disease control RMPs should notify even if the laboratory has already notified the case Based on clinical suspicion, do not wait for lab confirmation The Peer Teaching Society is not liable for false or misleading information…

56 Quiz List some forms of nicotine replacement therapy
proper officer of the local authority is usually a consultant in communicable disease control RMPs should notify even if the laboratory has already notified the case Based on clinical suspicion, do not wait for lab confirmation The Peer Teaching Society is not liable for false or misleading information…

57 Quiz List some forms of nicotine replacement therapy
proper officer of the local authority is usually a consultant in communicable disease control RMPs should notify even if the laboratory has already notified the case Based on clinical suspicion, do not wait for lab confirmation The Peer Teaching Society is not liable for false or misleading information…

58 Quiz How does orlistat work?
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59 Quiz How does orlistat work?
Orlistat inhibits gastric and pancreatic lipases in the intestine preventing the breakdown of triglycerides into absorbable free fatty acids. Instead triglycerides are excreted unchanged. The Peer Teaching Society is not liable for false or misleading information…

60 Quiz Fill out this table Classification BMI Underweight Healthy
Overweight Class I obesity Class II obesity Class III obesity Fill out this table The Peer Teaching Society is not liable for false or misleading information…


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