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Guns Have Changed. The Law Should Too.

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1 Guns Have Changed. The Law Should Too.
Men browse at a legal auction including ammo and handguns. By Jack Pegler

2 A Beginning Without An End
I insist that gun ownership leads to gun violence! With 283 million firearms in civilian hands dominating ⅓ of all Americans owning a weapon. In this text I will defend the fact that assault weapons have no place beyond the battlefield. Each day, 289 people are shot. 86 of them die, of that 30 are murdered, two accidently, 53 by suicide and finally, one is shot by a police officer. In 2015 alone a total of 12,942 were killed by December 23. Lastly, in the time period of Americans were killed by acts of terrorism on U.S soil! In the same amount of time, 301,797 were killed by gun violence. Would you like to be one of these people? Guns have changed, the law should too.

3 How To Put An End In the act of gun ownership, mandatory training along with safe and secure gun storage should be required.Training should not be a one- time thing. Gun owners should be expected to train weekly and to also renew their permits monthly. Some say we should leave weapons in the hands of citizens in case of a mass shooting, while others say it should be left up to police officers, but I say lock weapons up! Many mass shootings occur with the simplicity of an unlocked weapons safe and a person with a history of mental issues. Here’s where I say a difference would be made if you locked those guns up!

4 The Danger Of Firearms Gun Out Of Control...
Firearms affect the plummeting population of The United States Of America. In the act of a shooting, an average of at least seven people are killed, including the shooter. Most mass shootings in the U.S are caused by a legally obtained handgun. Gun Out Of Control... In 2016 alone, 50,000 incidents of gun violence occurred and the numbers are rising. Of this 50,000, 12,000 people died, making an unusually low number in professionals’ eyes. Which gives a bad reputation for the U.S.

5 The Shooter Kills, Not The Gun
Many people with mental issues owning a gun is a reason the U.S is known for violence. I agree with this idea and many others do as well. Federal law prohibits anyone with a history of mental issues to own an assault weapon. Also, a background check must be performed when buying a weapon and sent to federal agencies. However, many states fail to voluntarily report the records to the FBI’s national instant criminal background check system letting for individuals with mental illness own many firearms which leads to many of our country’s shootings. It Happens... In the Town of Maysville, an athlete and all-around good kid opened fire at his peers at their 12:00 lunch hour, killing one student and later killing himself. This was after being crowned prince of the school’s homecoming court just a week earlier.

6 The Shooter Kills, Not The Gun
But Fryberg lost his reputation as a good kid hours before on social media. He claimed he was “full of angst,” and “not in the right state of mind.” Just weeks before the shooting, rightfully so, the Maysville School District had received many federal reports to improve mental care. Trust The Data Many sites claim that people with serious mental illness are three times more likely to commit gun violence than mentally normal people.

7 Will Changing Laws Change The Situation?
It’s true American citizens have the right to bare firearms, but I say a change needs to be made. The American Constitution does not stand in the way of addressing gun violence. Laws Won’t Make A Difference Gun rights advocates explain that new laws won’t stop people from causing gun violence, especially when current laws aren't adequately enforced. If you purchase an assault weapon from a federal firearms licensee (FFL), regardless of the location of the transaction, a gun store, a gun show, a gun dealer’s car trunk, that FFL must confirm you are legally allowed to buy that gun. That means the FFL must either run a background check, or confirm that you have performed a background check

8 Will Changing Laws Change The Situation?
By examining your state-issued concealed carry permit or your government issued permit. There is zero expectations to this federal requirement allowing criminals to get their hands on weapons. Most Are Legal A study found that in most cases of illegal use of assault weapons in 2016, the weapons were legally obtained. Nine of the 12 cases were information was available, tougher laws could have prevented killers from obtaining their guns.

9 A Word From Professionals
“Democracy is not simply a license to indulge individual whims and proclivities. It is also holding oneself accountable to some reasonable degree for the conditions of peace and chaos that impact the lives of those who inhabit one’s beloved extended community.”-Aberjhani talented author. “America: Land of the free and home of the gun.” We are not brave, we are cowards, or we would have done something, anything after Newtown. Instead we did Nothing.”-Former president Barrack Obama

10 Wake Up And Smell The Coffee!
Gun ownership has caused countless acts of violence over the past decades! We can all make a difference together with mandatory gun training along with safe cealed weapon safes allowing for a safer environment for us americans. Better health care should be required putting a stop to mentally ill people getting their hands on weapons. Countless acts of violence have devastated families and schools. We can put an end to this madness as a team. Let´s defeat this problem together America!

11 To Get Involved…..

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