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Solid Waste Draft AMP 2018/2021.

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Presentation on theme: "Solid Waste Draft AMP 2018/2021."— Presentation transcript:

1 Solid Waste Draft AMP 2018/2021

2 The 2017 Solid Waste AMP covers
Levels of Service Future Demand Lifecycle Management Risk Management Financial Projections Asset Information Practices and Information Systems Improvements

3 Levels of Service What we do now Key Stakeholders
“To reduce waste and increase recycling and resource recovery for the protection of the environment and human health” What we do now Key Stakeholders Compliance and Strategy Community Expectations Performance Levels and Targets Current Fees and Charges

4 Future Demand Future demand in the Kaipara is driven by:
Assumptions and Forecasts Solid Waste Trends Demand Management Plan Waste Minimisation Future Waste Stream Options

5 Recycling Trends

6 Lifecycle Management This AMP demonstrates how KDC intends to meet key goals and objectives for the solid waste assets, looking ahead 10 years, activities include: Transfer Stations Closed Landfills Illegal Disposal Areas Litterbins Collection Cages Resource Consents Condition Assessments and Planned Renewals Asset Valuations

7 What we do not want to see

8 Risk Management This section looks at: Key Risks
Risk Management framework Risk Assessment and Management Specific Solid Waste Risks Key Risks Environmental contamination Illegal dumping due to decrease in service level or costs to dispose. Public Health and Safety – accidents causing injury and damage to Kaipara residents, visitors or property.

9 Financial Projections
The issues, challenges, risks and works outlined in the previous sections all impact on expenditure. Budgeting Process Financial Assumptions Asset Valuation Depreciation Solid Waste Revenue and Financing Policy Financial Forecasts and Forward Works Programme. Expenditure Forecast for 2017/18 – 2026/27

10 Asset Information Practises and Information Systems
To achieve key service levels and community outcomes it is important to ensure continuous improvement in asset management functions and capabilities. The Asset systems most relevant to Solid Waste are: Infra Maps Helpdesk System Work order and Contract management.

11 Improvement Plan Some key improvements are as follows:
Implementation of Solid Waste Bylaw (419) to improve the quality of waste disposal data. Investigate provision and consult on district-wide rate funded recycling collection. Implement preferred option for leachate disposal at Hakaru Closed Landfill Gain Consent for Dargaville closed landfill, implement conditions.

12 Key Changes between The 2017/2020 Solid Waste has been more refined than previous Solid Waste AMP’s, it focuses more on Solid Waste Activities in the Kaipara district rather than Generic Council Policies. Financial Forecasting is more accurate due to a better knowledge of Solid Waste Assets. This AMP is a lot more achievable than previous Solid Waste AMPs. Council is more open to consulting with the community about Solid Waste issues and resolutions prior to making decisions.

13 Summary Council has completely taken the management of Solid Waste back in-house, there is minimal consultant involvement, this can only result in cost and time savings for the future. Because of this Council staff have the best understanding of the Solid Waste Activity than they have ever had in the past. The coming three years will focus on Waste Minimisation, resolving Closed Landfill issues and implementing cost-effective solutions to these. The 2017 Solid Waste AMP on a whole is more practicable and achievable than it has been in the past.

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