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Presentation on theme: "Flynn/Sides."— Presentation transcript:

1 Flynn/Sides

2 Problem Solving in Kindergarten!
Presented by Teri Flynn and Monica Sides

3 Addition Objective: The students will learn how to work addition problems. How? Brainstorm! Flynn/Sides

4 Flynn/Sides

5 The teacher must remember:
l. Children learn in different ways Repetition is needed to build long-term memory. Flynn/Sides

6 l. Defining addition. The teacher will guide the students in-
Addition is the act of putting numbers together to find the sum (total) or answer. Example: 0 + l = l or addend + l addend l sum Flynn/Sides

7 2. Experiencing Addition
counters dot cards Games dominoes dice spinners Flynn/Sides

8 2. Experiencing Addition
Story Problems Role play “Pet Shop” Books - When the Doorbell Rings songs Addition trains Flynn/Sides

9 2. Experiencing Addition
Computer Programs: Costume Count ( Turbo Math Facts (Math Blaster Plus Server) Alfy ( Flynn/Sides

10 3. Applying Addition (Individual Assessment)
Oral - Identify answers to combinations on flashcards. Written - Work combinations or give correct answers to story problems. 3 + 1 = Flynn/Sides

11 4. Learning more! Computer Challenge!
Solve “Problem of the Week”! From Math Flash! Aunty Math Flynn/Sides

12 What a Define Experience Apply Learn Flynn/Sides

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