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Please choose an assignment that is appropriate for your book.

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Presentation on theme: "Please choose an assignment that is appropriate for your book."— Presentation transcript:

1 Please choose an assignment that is appropriate for your book.
Book Talk Information Each month, you will be required to complete one of the book assignments and present it to the class. Please choose an assignment that is appropriate for your book.

2 Poetic Summary Summarize the book in poem form with rhyme (minimum of 20 lines)

3 Radio Advertisement Write and perform a one minute radio advertisement with sound effects/soundtrack persuading the public why they should buy and read this book.

4 Timeline Design and illustrate a time-line for the book.

5 Publish Me! As a literary agent, (a person who works for an author to get their books published), write a letter to the publishing company designed to persuade them to publish this book.

6 Top 10 List your top 10 favorite things from the book.
List 10 things you learned from the book. List 10 questions you have about the book. List 10 reasons people should read the book.

7 Test Me! Write your own test for the book- a combination of matching, multiple choice, true/false, short answer, and essay.

8 Journal as you go… As you’re reading the book, keep a two-column reading journal. The left side should have quotes from the book and page numbers. The right side should have your questions, thoughts, observations, revelations, etc.

9 Sing me! Convert the plot into a ballad or song. Perform it.

10 Create a computer dating questionnaire and fill it out for the main characters. Describe the characters’ personalities, and what they are looking for in a date.

11 Top Stories. Design a newspaper based on the events of the book.

12 Film me! Design a movie poster for the book. Choose elements to represent the setting and plot. Also, choose actors/actresses to play the main characters. On the back, explain why you chose these elements and people.

13 Puppets! Develop and present a puppet show about some important events in the story.

14 I’m Ready for my Close- Up
Do a dramatic reading of a scene in the book.

15 Mobile Memorabilia Create a mobile with items and descriptions for the items related to the story.

16 Draw me Illustrate a number of important scenes in the book on overhead transparencies, PowerPoint, or by other means which you will use to tell the class the story of your book.

17 Dinner Anyone? Invite one of the characters in your book to dinner. Tell him/her why you have selected them above the others. Leave a note for your mother describing the person and including a few “do’s and don’ts” to follow so that your guest will feel right at home.

18 Wanted Make “wanted” posters for several of the characters in the book. Be sure to explain WHY they are wanted.

19 Bulletin Board Create a bulletin board about the book. Should include pictures and text.

20 The Rules Make a list of rules that the main character in the book lives by. Compare this to a list of rules that other people want him/her to live by. In what way is he/she being forced to conform? In what ways is he/she rebelling?

21 Jacket Please Study the elements found on book jackets. Create a new book jacket for the book.

22 Buy me! Prepare a TV commercial about the book.

23 Freaky Friday Put yourself in place of the main character and describe how his or her life would have been different if you had been living it.

24 Ka-Pow! Read a scene using special effects.

25 Dear Diary Select a character from the book who appealed to you. Write a diary with at least one week’s worth of entries that this person might have kept. Be sure it relates to the events in the book.

26 RAWR Transform the major characters from your book into animals. Decide upon an animal for each based upon their personality traits. Write a letter to each telling why he/she is similar to the animal selected. Be specific.

27 Collage Use a collage to represent the mood of the book or its theme along with major components (plot/ setting/ characters…etc)

28 Frame by Frame Write a comic book version of your book.

29 Yeah, but I hated the ending
Write a different ending for the book. It should start at the climax of the book.

30 Sketchy Write a character sketch of a character in the book.

31 Challenging Write a magazine article by the main character in your book entitled: “My Greatest Challenge.”

32 No, seriously. Write a parody of the book. (See teacher for explanation)

33 Found it! Write a passage as a “found” poem. Find a particularly effective description of bit of action that is really poetry written as prose. Rewrite it to create a poem.

34 Jeopardy Write an episode of Jeopardy based on the plot, setting, theme, character, etc. from the book.

35 Adding on… Write another chapter or episode for the story. Add a character.

36 Changing perspective Write the story from a different character’s point of view.

37 Your Fortune is… You are a fortune teller and have been asked to predict what each of the characters in your book will be doing ten year after the story ends. Be sure to explain why you feel this will happen.

38 Psychiatrist You are a psychiatrist; keep a log of five sessions with the major character. Be sure to include information about what the character really did in the book.

39 Party Time! You are planning a party with a theme based on your novel. Describe your ideas, invitations, and decorations as well as food and entertainment. Make a sample invitation, explain the theme and which characters you will invite. If it is a costume party, describe the costumes of the characters. Be sure to explain why and how this theme relates to the book.

40 For Sale You are a real estate agent and want to sell a family a house in the neighborhood in which your book takes place. As part of the job, you must inform your clients about the community, the kinds of people living there, the existing organizations, the types of jobs available and the schools. Make your description brief and to the point or you may lose the interest of the clients.

41 Book Report Sandwich Create sandwich layers out of appropriately colored construction paper and write different parts of the book on each part of the sandwich: top bread: title/author; lettuce: summary; tomato: main character information; mayonnaise: setting; cheese: climax; ham: plot; bottom bread: draw a favorite scene. (Staple together on one edge)

42 Book in a… Choose a container to use for decorating and containing information from your book. Outside the container: decorate it to convey major details, elements or themes found in the book. Inside the container: Questions: place ten questions based upon the book, 5 must be open ended thinking questions; Vocabulary: place 10-word glossary of unfamiliar words from the book; Things: include five things that have a connection to the story.

43 Picture Me! Create a picture book version of the book that would appeal to younger students.

44 Prove It! Give a 150-second presentation sharing information about a book’s plot and characters. Finish by offering an opinion and recommendation about the book. Other students then have 150 seconds to question the presenter about the book. If the presenter is able to prove in five minutes that he or she read the book, the student is excused from turning in a written report about it.

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