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Kindergarten Math Night

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Presentation on theme: "Kindergarten Math Night"— Presentation transcript:

1 Kindergarten Math Night
Strategies & skills to support your child’s success in Math! November 2014

2 One-to-One Correspondence
Beginner On Target/Above Counting household objects with your finger Counting objects (make sure the quantity matches the number counted) Write & represent (through picture)

3 Compare (More/Less) Beginner On Target/Above
Compare groups of objects to determine which has more or less Use math language to compare numbers. Ex. 3 is more than 2 Use correct math terminology terms- “greater”, “fewer”, “equal”- while comparing sets of objects or numbers

4 Counting Beginner On Target/Above Counting objects up to 15
Counting aloud to 50 Count backwards from 15 Parent: select any number and have your child count on from there Count backwards from 20 or above

5 Number Representation
Beginner On Target/Above Read and write numbers to 15 Read and write numbers to 50 Practice writing the numbers correctly.

6 What's to come? What two numbers make ___? Ex. ___+___=10
Addition with numbers less than 10 Draw a picture to solve story problems Introduce math symbols (+, -, and =)

7 Home Activities Identify coins and their value Counting objects
Card games: Compare Dot cubes: roll the cube, identify the number, & represent the number rolled with objects Roll & Record

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