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Future Organisation of the PCWG

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1 Future Organisation of the PCWG
Wednesday, 13 December 2016 Glasgow, Scotland Peter Stuart

2 Proposed PCWG Organisational Approach 2017
PCWG Organizational Committee Committee Member Committee Member Committee Member Committee Member Coordinator PCWG members will be invited to volunteer as committee members and/or coordinator Committee members and coordinator tenure of one-year (with possibility of renewal) Potential to overlap committee members with meeting host (organizational efficiency) Monthly committee call (organized by coordinator) If you are interested in being either the coordinator or an organizational committee please

3 Proposed PCWG Organisational Approach 2017 Administrative Assistant
Committee Member Coordinator Administrative Assistant Attend Committee monthly call Takes accountability for overall organization of group and effective running of the steering committee. Chairs/facilitates meetings (could also be done by committee members). Administrative functions: Managing PCWG inbox. Manage PCWG mailing list. Support meeting hosts Prepare meeting agendas, minutes and proceeds Update PCWG website. Manage PCWG DropBox Doesn't exist! Provide strategic input to PCWG It would be very helpful to the PCWG if funding could be provided for this position(estimated cost of 15EUR/year) Lead specific PCWG activities Host meetings/webinars ? Lead PCWG code feature development?

4 Funding & Membership Fee
The potential for a PCWG membership fee has been discussed, but the initial conclusion is that this would be unworkable and undermine the open ethos of the group. The potential to fund a part-time coordinator or a part-time administrative assistant has been briefly explored, but is currently considered unworkable (not clear who would pay and how). Therefore the plan is for the PCWG to continue to rely on ‘in kind’ (time, food, venues, data etc) contributions from its members and hosts. The group will attempt to repeat the funded PCWG summer internship which was successfully implemented in 2016, however it is acknowledge that even this small level of funding is still hard to organize. Q. Does the group agree?

5 Should the PCWG Continue?
Informal feedback is that the group should continue its activities into The consensus view seems to be that, although progress has been made, the PCWG has unfinished business. Q. Does the group agree? Q. Should the PCWG create a new roadmap or refresh the existing 2016 roadmap? Informal feedback indicates that the PCWG should try and focus its activities as much as possible in 2017 and this might mean that it should decide not to undertake certain activities in the future which are well covered by other groups. Q. What activities should the PCWG avoid? Q. What activities should the PCWG focus on?

6 Meeting Frequency Informal feedback is that the group should have less physical meetings per year in future than in 2016 (6 physical meetings in 2016). Need to hold at least one meeting per year in US (there is substantial US engagement in the group). Aim for 2 meetings in Europe and 1 meeting in US in Where possible time meetings to be coincident with other events e.g. standard meetings or conferences. Additionally host virtual meetings/webinars in between physical meetings. Aims for 3 virtual meetings in 2017. Strong feeling that ‘physical meetings should be 100% physical’ and ‘virtual meetings should be 100% virtual’ i.e. no remote attendance at physical meetings. Q. Does the group agree?

7 Proposed PCWG Funding Principles
The PCWG will remain free to join and free to participate in. Voluntary contributions will be sought from corporate members. Organisations making annual contributions ≥ £1500 GBP will be offered the opportunity for their support of the PCWG to be publicised on the PCWG website ( An area of up to 600×400 pixels will be provided. All necessary design work must be completed by the sponsor. Sponsorship information will be removed at the end of the funding period. Sponsors may choose to provider links to their products, services or recruitment web pages. The contributions will be spent on: ‘Out of pocket’ travel expenses of Group Coordinator (≈5000 EUR/year). Salary cost of part-time PCWG administrator (≈15000 EUR/year). Salary cost of PCWG Student Interns (≈5000 EUR per intern depending on placement duration). A nominal financial administration fee (≈1000 EUR/year) The PCWG will publish a description of its financial management process on the PCWG website. The PCWG will publish an annual outline financial statement. The PCWG will aim to end each year with a cash neutral financial position. The PCWG funds will be held in a dedicated bank account managed by a PCWG member organisation.

8 Join the Power Curve Working Group at:

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