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Egypt Case Study.

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1 Egypt Case Study

2 Main highlights for the period: 2000 – 2010
Domestic currency interbank introduction (2001) A new Law in (2003) provided independence to the central bank through its own instruments. Exchange rate Regime: Crawling peg in 2001 followed by a managed floating regime in 2003.

3 Foreign exchange currency interbank activation (December 2004)
New monetary policy framework launch of corridor system (June 2005) Introducing new Open Market Operation instruments: CDs and CB notes, in addition to the reactivation of the deposits auctions Exchange rate Regime: Floated active foreign exchange, relative stabilization, parallel market elimination

4 ADF the level

5 ADF after first difference

6 Lag Lenth

7 Stability Test

8 Impulse Response If we remove op

9 Impulse Response If we add op

10 Variance Decomposition

11 Granger causality test

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