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Exploring Creation with Botany

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1 Exploring Creation with Botany
Lesson One Review

2 What is Botany? Botany is the study of plants. A person who studies plants is called a botanist.

3 What is Latin? Latin is a “dead language,” which means that no one speaks it anymore. Scientist use Latin to name the things they discover.

4 What is Biology? You can remember the meaning by dividing the word in half. Bio • logy In Greek, “bio” means life and “ology” means the study of.

5 What is Biology? So, biology is the study of living things. A person who studies biology is a biologist.

6 How does Botany fit in Biology?
Botane is a Greek word that means plant. Since a plant is a living thing, botany is a part of biology. A botanist is a biologist who studies plants.

7 What does a Botanist do? Botanist might: An astrobiologist is a
Study plants that can be used to make medicine. Experiment on plants to learn more about them. Grow plants in outer space to see how gravity affects them. An astrobiologist is a astronaut who studies living things.

8 How do Biologist organize living things?
Biologists separate living things into separate groups called kingdoms. The process of putting things in groups is called classification.

9 The Five Kingdoms Animalia Animals Plantae Plants Monera Bacteria
Our Study Animalia Animals Plantae Plants Monera Bacteria Fungi Mushrooms Protista Microscopic Living Things

10 Classification: Break Them Down
Kingdoms need to be broken up into even smaller groups to help organize all the different living things which God has made.

11 Classification: Break Them Down
Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species

12 Naming a Living Thing When a living thing has been classified, all the way down to the species, it is given two names. Name of the Genus-Name of the Species Naming things this way is called binomial nomenclature.

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