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6th Grade Weekly Newsletter

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1 6th Grade Weekly Newsletter
Volume 5 Issue 28 April 28th, 2017 6th Grade Weekly Newsletter Science In Review Science Next Week 5/1-5/7 The students will conclude the Penguin Engineering Challenge by constructing a dwelling that will keep a penguin cold in a warming climate. There will be a materials list and a hypothetical cost associated with the materials that are chosen. The students will collaborate to create a dwelling at the lowest possible cost and will keep track of their expenses. The students will need to reference the data from last week while making decisions on materials used and design. We will test the dwellings and reflect back on why some of designs and materials worked better than others. 4/24 The students began experimenting with different materials to see how these materials absorbed and transferred heat. 4/25 The students began graphing the data that they collected. 4/26 The students reflected on the data and graphs and wrote explanations on why the materials had different temperatures. 4/27 The students collected data on a few more materials that they may use when constructing the dwelling for the penguin. 4/28 The students came up with questions about the dwelling and began to brainstorm how they want to design the penguin dwelling and what materials they would like to use. Social Studies with Ms. Hall   This week students began creating an accordion time line of the Chinese dynasties. They discovered the Chinese were the first to create a seismograph , the compass, and gunpowder. Under the Song Dynasty they were the first government in the world to issue paper money and establish a permanent navy. They also learned that there are many misconceptions about the Great Wall of them is that it can be seen from outer space. It can only be seen with a powerful telescope . Next week we will unearth facts about Ancient Rome and the connection between East and West thanks to Marco Polo.

2 Take A Peek At Next Weeks Math! Our first AR book and quiz is due on
6th Grade Weekly Newsletter Volume 5 Issue 28 April 28th, 2017 Math with Ms. York Week in Review This week students have really focused on mastering the essential skills they are going to need to be successful in math. Topics of discussion were the following; Ratios & Proportions, Rates & Unit Rates, Percentages, Solving One & Two Step Problems, The Distributive Property, Inequalities, and Exponents. Take A Peek At Next Weeks Math! Monday 4.24 NYS Math Test Review Tuesday 4.25 NYS Math Test Wednesday 4.26 NYS Math Test Thursday 4.27 NYS Math Test Friday 4.28 Geometry NEXT WEEK Math State Test will be May 2nd – May 4th Math Help Tuesday May 2nd, 2017 ELA with Mr. Knowles  *All students are required to read at least three AR books every marking period. One of these books has to be based on Social Studies. Our first AR book and quiz is due on May 10, 2017.  This past week students read, “I Charted,” and effectively engaged in discussions (electronic and small groups) from reading chapters of Rick Riordan’s The Lightning Thief. When students finished the novel they took the AR quiz. Middle School ‘Spring Fling” Dance May 5th , :00pm-8:30pm Middle School Gym $5/person Sponsored by the 6th Grade Class and the Middle School Student Council. ELA Next week Next week students will continue to work on the accompanying writing project from Rick Riordan’s The Lightning Thief. Students will develop their individual hero’s character and The Hero’s Journey stages they want to utilize. In this module students are involved in a deep study of Greek mythology, its purposes, elements and connections to Joseph Campbell’s theory and stages of The Hero’s Journey. You can find this module at:

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