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The Comenius Project - Elementary School of Serravalle

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1 The Comenius Project - Elementary School of Serravalle
Istituto Comprensivo di Soci Comprehensive Institute of Soci Scuola Primaria di Serravalle Elementary School of Serravalle PROGETTO COMENIUS The Comenius Project Piero Della Francesca e la leggenda della Vera Croce Piero della Francesca and the Leggend of the True Cross Arezzo: Chiesa di S. Francesco Arezzo: The Church of S.Francesco a.s. 2005/2006 Scholastic year 2005/2006 The Comenius Project - Elementary School of Serravalle The Comenius Project - Elementary School of Serravalle

2 The Comenius Project - Elementary School of Serravalle
La nostra Scuola si trova all’interno del Parco Nazionale delle Foreste Casentinesi, vicino al monastero di Camaldoli in provincia di Arezzo. Our school is situated within the area of the National Park of the Casentino Forests, near the Monastery of Camaldoli in the Province of Arezzo. The Comenius Project - Elementary School of Serravalle Photo of the School The Comenius Project - Elementary School of Serravalle

3 The Comenius Project - Elementary School of Serravalle
La nostra scuola e’ una pluriclasse, in tutto siamo 18 alunni di età diverse Our school is a class of 18 pupils made up of different age groups. The Comenius Project - Elementary School of Serravalle Photo of Children The Comenius Project - Elementary School of Serravalle

4 The Comenius Project - Elementary School of Serravalle
Anche i bambini di prima, seconda e terza hanno partecipato al progetto. Nella nostra scuola lavoriamo a piccoli gruppi e i grandi aiutano i piccoli The children in the first, second and third year classes have taken part in this project In our school we work in small groups and the older children help the younger ones. E’ molto divertente - tutti siamo maestri!!!!!!!! It is very enjoyable – we are all school teachers!!! The Comenius Project - Elementary School of Serravalle Photo of Children The Comenius Project - Elementary School of Serravalle

5 The Comenius Project - Elementary School of Serravalle
FASI DEL PROGETTO The various phases of the Project Prima fase: visita guidata alla chiesa di San Francesco ad Arezzo per ammirare e studiare il bellissimo affresco di Piero Della Francesca: la leggenda della Vera Croce. The first phase: A guided visit to the Church of San Francesco in Arezzo to admire and study the very beautiful affresco by Piero della Francesca: The Leggend of the True Cross. The Comenius Project - Elementary School of Serravalle Photo of the Affresco The Comenius Project - Elementary School of Serravalle

6 The Comenius Project - Elementary School of Serravalle
FASI DEL PROGETTO The various phases of the Project Seconda fase: scelta dei personaggi The second phase: Choice of characters The Comenius Project - Elementary School of Serravalle Photo of the Characters The Comenius Project - Elementary School of Serravalle

7 The Comenius Project - Elementary School of Serravalle
FASI DEL PROGETTO The various phases of the Project Terza fase: collage con tessuto Casentino The third phase: Collage created with the typical Casentino cloth The Comenius Project - Elementary School of Serravalle The Comenius Project - Elementary School of Serravalle

8 The Comenius Project - Elementary School of Serravalle
FASI DEL PROGETTO The various phases of the Project The Comenius Project - Elementary School of Serravalle The Comenius Project - Elementary School of Serravalle

9 The Comenius Project - Elementary School of Serravalle
FASI DEL PROGETTO The various phases of the Project The Comenius Project - Elementary School of Serravalle The Comenius Project - Elementary School of Serravalle

10 FASI DEL PROGETTO The various phases of the Project Quarta fase: The Fourth phase: Lavoro di gruppo e dialoghi tra i personaggi Group work and dialogue between the characters Let’s gallop!!!! Come on!!! Let’s attack the enemy troops The Comenius Project - Elementary School of Serravalle The Comenius Project - Elementary School of Serravalle

11 The Comenius Project - Elementary School of Serravalle
FASI DEL PROGETTO The various phases of the Project PRIMO DIALOGO: RICCARDO E ALLEGRA The first dialogue: Riccardo and Allegra “I am the Angel sent by God, you must tell everyone to stop making wars because they cause the death of so many innocent people. Sono l’Angelo mandato da Dio, devi annunciare a tutti di smettere di fare la guerra, perché provocaa la morte di tante persone innocenti O.K. I shall stop the wars but you will have to help me to overcome all the difficulties. Va bene, farò smettere la guerra, ma tu dovrai aiutarmi a superare tutte le difficoltà. The Comenius Project - Elementary School of Serravalle The Comenius Project - Elementary School of Serravalle

12 FASI DEL PROGETTO The various phases of the Project SECONDO DIALOGO: ENRICO E ALESSIO Second dialogue: Enrico and Alessio Meno male che mi sono messo il cappello, oggi c’e’ un sole terribile!!! Devo andare dal Re Paolo secondo, moglie mettimi i vestiti belli, mi raccomando, visto che sono il capo delle guardie!!!! “It is just as well that I put my hat on, there is a terribly hot sun today!! I must go to King Paul II (the second). Wife – I beg you to bring me my best clothes, seeing that I am the Head of the Guards!! Bye bye ….. Servant!! Prepare my carriage!! Ciao…… servo!!!!!! Preparami la carrozza!!!!!! The Comenius Project - Elementary School of Serravalle The Comenius Project - Elementary School of Serravalle

13 FASI DEL PROGETTO The various phases of the Project TERZO DIALOGO: MARCO E MARIO Third dialogue: Marco and Mario Posso passare? Devo dire una cosa a Costantino May I pass? I must tell Costantino something No!! You can’t pass, Costantino is sleeping. No!! Tu non puoi passare, Costantino sta dormendo The Comenius Project - Elementary School of Serravalle The Comenius Project - Elementary School of Serravalle

14 FASI DEL PROGETTO The various phases of the Project QUARTO DIALOGO LETIZIA NATASHA FEDERICA Fourth dialogue: Letizia, Natasha and Federica Buona sera regina di Saba, le dovrei comunicare una cosa molto importante…….. Fra pochi giorni ci sarà una guerra molto sanguinosa con Costantino noi ci dovremo preparare Good evening Queen of Saba, I have to tell you something very important… In a few days there will be a very bloody war with Costantino. We shall have to prepare ourselves O.K. I shall go immediately and warn all the court Va bene andrò subito ad avvertire tutta la corte The Comenius Project - Elementary School of Serravalle The Comenius Project - Elementary School of Serravalle

15 The Comenius Project - Elementary School of Serravalle
FASI DEL PROGETTO The various phases of the Project QUINTO DIALOGO MAURO E MATTEO Fifth dialogue: Mauro and Matteo Forward to the attack! Let’s proceed towards the east All’attacco!!!!! Procediamo verso est ready to attack the enemy troops Pronti ad attaccare le truppe avversarie The Comenius Project - Elementary School of Serravalle The Comenius Project - Elementary School of Serravalle

16 The Comenius Project - Elementary School of Serravalle
STORIA DEL PANNO DEL CASENTINO The history of the Casentino cloth Il panno del Casentino nell’antichità era un panno rozzo. Nella seconda metà dell’800 il tessuto veniva usato per coprire gli animali da traino come cavalli o asini perché era molto resistente e caldo. Il colore arancione derivava dalle materie coloranti usate. In ancient times the Casentino cloth was a rough material. During the second half of the ‘800s the cloth was used to cover work animals like shire horses or donkeys because it was weather resistant and warm. The bright orange colour came from the dyes which were used The Comenius Project - Elementary School of Serravalle Photo of a horse covered with the cloth The Comenius Project - Elementary School of Serravalle

17 The Comenius Project - Elementary School of Serravalle
STORIA DEL PANNO DEL CASENTINO The history of the Casentino cloth In seguito questo tessuto fu usato anche dalle persone per confezionare cappotti molto caldi e resistenti alle intemperie. Il colore arancio piacque alle signore e ancora oggi è usato nell’alta moda Afterwards, this material was used by the people to create very warm, weather resistant coats The ladies liked the orange colour and it is still used today in high fashion The Comenius Project - Elementary School of Serravalle Photo of a modern coat The Comenius Project - Elementary School of Serravalle

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