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Today’s Objective We will identify and describe the major events of the George W. Bush administration.

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Presentation on theme: "Today’s Objective We will identify and describe the major events of the George W. Bush administration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Today’s Objective We will identify and describe the major events of the George W. Bush administration.

2 The George W. Bush Presidency

3 State Standards 2D (s) Explain the significance of the following years as turning points: including 2001 (terrorist attacks on World Trade Center and the Pentagon), and 2008 (election of first black president, Barack Obama). 12A (r) Analyze the impact of physical and human geographic factors such as the settlement of the Great Plains, the Klondike Gold Rush, the Panama Canal, the Dust Bowl, and the levee failure in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. 19D (s) Discuss the role of contemporary government legislation in the private and public sectors such as the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977, USA PATRIOT Act of 2001, and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.

4 Today’s Product I will create a bubble map that identifies and describes the major events and people of the 21st Century in the U.S.

5 Bush v. Gore, 2000 In the Election of 2000, the U.S. Supreme Court by a 5-4 count declared the Florida recounts stopped, giving George W. Bush a victory in the election.

6 Election of 2000 Electoral Votes Gore 266 Bush 271

7 Election of 2000 Many people felt it was the wrong decision, especially because Gore won the popular vote. This has happened two other times: 1876 and 1888.

8 Impact of Third Parties
Ralph Nader and the Green Party likely tipped the election to Bush. Nader received nearly 100,000 votes in Florida.

9 W.’s First Term Bush’s first term of office was dominated by the attacks on 9-11 and the War on Terrorism.

10 Saddam Hussein arrested
When Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein was captured in 2003, Bush’s approval rating was near 90 percent, the highest of any president ever recorded.*

11 The War in Iraq As the war dragged on, Bush had to answer questions as to what the nation’s strategy was in the on-going conflict in Iraq.

12 The War in Iraq With no end of the war in sight, many Americans became unhappy with Bush.

13 Bush re-elected in 2004 In the Election of 2004, Bush narrowly defeated Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry.

14 Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast of the U.S. on August 28, 2005

15 Hurricane Katrina The city New Orleans was a disaster area after levee failures left 80 percent of the city underwater.

16 Hurricane Katrina Many people went days waiting for help. When the people did not receive immediate assistance, many people blamed the Bush administration.

17 Hurricane Katrina Hurricane Katrina
Over 2,000 died as a result of Hurricane Katrina and tens of thousands of people were homeless. Following the hurricane, New Orleans population dropped from more than 500,000 to less than 300,000 Over 2,000 died as a result of Hurricane Katrina, most of which drowned.

18 Hurricane Katrina One of the biggest issues of the disaster was the failure of the levees around New Orleans, which were not built to sustain such a storm.

19 Hurricane Katrina The flooding caused by Hurricane Katrina left tens of thousands of people homeless.

20 Hurricane Katrina Following the hurricane, New Orleans population dropped from more than 500,000 to less than 300,000.

21 Economic Meltdown of 2008


23 Economic Meltdown of 2008 In 2008, the United States economy was facing a Depression-like crisis following a huge drop in the stock market and major bank failures.

24 Economic Meltdown Lack of government regulations encouraged people to buy homes that they couldn’t afford, which led to a sharp increase in foreclosures.

25 Economic Meltdown Meanwhile, after years of a bull market, stock markets around the world took major drops.

26 Economic Meltdown One of the major lending institutions in the world – Lehman Brothers – was forced to close their doors.

27 Economic Meltdown Other major banking institutions like AIG, Citibank, and JPMorgan-Chase were near bankruptcy.

28 Economic Meltdown To make things even worse on the American public, gas prices nearly doubled, going up to well over $4 a gallon.

29 Economic Meltdown The automobile industry was especially hard hit; unemployment in Detroit was nearly 30 percent.

30 Who did Americans blame?
Bush and the Republicans

31 The Economic Bailout Near the end of his presidency, Bush signed into law the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, which bailed out numerous failing banks.

32 The Economic Bailout Bush did this to avoid another Great Depression from occurring, but many in his own party were upset for failing to let capitalism take its course.

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