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“Just in Case” Boxes Hywel Dda Local Health Board August 2012

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1 “Just in Case” Boxes Hywel Dda Local Health Board August 2012
Elizabeth Lewis Lead Palliative Care Pharmacist Dr Ray Majer Palliative Care Consultant Hywel Dda Local Health Board August 2012

2 The Just in Case Box Scheme
JIC Box scheme has been launched across Wales to improve access to end of life medication Ensures health professionals can respond rapidly to worsening symptoms and avoid unnecessary suffering Aims to avoid inappropriate hospital admissions

3 What is a JIC Box? Orange plastic box containing end of life drugs, symptom control guidelines, a patient information leaflet and an administration sheet for audit purposes The box is sealed when supplied by the pharmacy and re-sealed after use, before returning to the pharmacy. Both seal numbers are recorded for security purposes Prescribed for patients whose death is expected within a period of less than six months

4 Supplied by pharmacists participating in the scheme
Pharmacist dispenses JIC box within 48 hours of receiving prescription – not for emergency supply JIC Box kept in patients home until needed The box has a minimum expiry date of six months Once the JIC box is used the re-sealed box is returned to issuing pharmacy where the use of the medication is matched to the administration sheet

5 Hywel Dda Health Board Just in case box scheme launched on 11th December 2011 Training delivered to community pharmacists, GPs, DN & ART teams and palliative care CNSs across Health Board both before and after launch Up-date letters sent to GP practices and community pharmacies at regular intervals Participating pharmacies visited when signed up to scheme and given on-site training

6 Population Data Hywel Dda has a population of 372,100 – 13% of Welsh total Carmarthenshire 183,800 (49%) Pembrokeshire 122,400 (32%) Ceredigion 75,900 (20%) Covers a quarter of land mass of Wales – 2nd most sparsely populated Health Board Has a dramatically increasing elderly population (>65 expected to increase by 50% by 2026) 55 GP practices 99 Community Pharmacies -66 participating in JIC box scheme

7 What do we want to know? Is the scheme effective?
How many boxes are being prescribed? Are boxes prescribed for suitable patients ? Are the boxes prescribed in a timely manner? Do the boxes contain the right drugs & quantities? Is there an effective audit trail? Are we preventing admissions ? Are there any problems?

8 Methodology Data collected from returned claim forms for payment from community pharmacies for claims made in the first six months of the scheme Feedback from comments from Community Pharmacists (CPs) on claim form Unstructured interviews with Acute Response Team (ART) Data from NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership

9 Sample 88 JIC boxes issued in first 6 months
since launch of scheme December 2011 69 claims made by community pharmacists for boxes returned (used & unused)

10 Hywel Dda Just in Case Box Pharmacy Claim & Audit Form
Box No. Date of issue Date of return Reason for return (A,B,C or D) Box sealed? Y / N Admin sheet completed? Y / N Did contents match Admin Sheet? Y/ N No. of 10mg Diamorphine amps used No. of 30mg Diamorphine amps used No. of Hyoscine amps used No. of Cyclizine amps used No. of Midazolam amps used Reason for return: A – Contents used (replacement issued) B – Contents used (further box not required) C – Contents not used (no longer required) D – Contents expired Comments:

11 JIC Boxes Issued In the first 6 months of the scheme a total of 88 boxes were issued with a return of 69 (78%) Boxes are returned when used or out of date (at least six month expiry from issue) Some boxes will now be out of date & have not yet been returned

12 JIC Box with Patient (Length of time in days)
Number of boxes 15 14 13 12 9 6 Days N=69

13 Outcome Compared first and second quarters to see if any difference after:- Further training Increased awareness Experience of using the scheme

14 JIC Box with Patient Comparison of quarters (Length of time in days)
Number of boxes 9 7 10 8 4 7 5 4 4 5 3 3 Days N=69

15 Reason For Return of JIC Box
1 33 35 N=69

16 Reason for Return of JIC Box Comparison of quarters
15 23 12 18 1 N=69

17 JIC box sealed when returned to pharmacy
19 29 13 8 N=69

18 Administration sheet Document to record the use of each of the medications in the box and provide an audit trail for the controlled drugs (NB this is in addition to recording administration on a drug chart) To be completed each time a drug is administered by a doctor or nurse To be returned with the box to the pharmacy where matched to the remaining contents Discrepancies should be investigated

19 The Administration Sheet
The administration sheet is supplied with the box along with a drug chart It is for audit purposes and must be returned to the pharmacy Details will have been completed by the pharmacy before supply

20 Results Administration Sheet Completed
15 11 8 Leah to determine the number of cases who died within 40 hours from 36 in 1-15 days column. Awaiting pt details of Lizzie. 1 1

21 Results Contents Match Administration Sheet
14 10 9 Leah to determine the number of cases who died within 40 hours from 36 in 1-15 days column. Awaiting pt details of Lizzie. 2 1

22 What’s in the JIC box? Diamorphine 10mg x2 Diamorphine 30mg x2
Midazolam 10mg in 2ml x4 Cyclizine 50mg x3 Hyoscine HBr 400micrograms x4 Water for Injection 10ml x2

23 Results Diamorphine Amps Used (10mg)
42 Leah to determine the number of cases who died within 40 hours from 36 in 1-15 days column. Awaiting pt details of Lizzie. 13 14 N=69

24 Results Diamorphine Amps Used (30mg)
52 Leah to determine the number of cases who died within 40 hours from 36 in 1-15 days column. Awaiting pt details of Lizzie. 8 9 N=69

25 Results Hyoscine amps used
49 Leah to determine the number of cases who died within 40 hours from 36 in 1-15 days column. Awaiting pt details of Lizzie. 4 4 4 8 N=69

26 Results Cyclizine Amps Used
44 16 Leah to determine the number of cases who died within 40 hours from 36 in 1-15 days column. Awaiting pt details of Lizzie. 7 2 N=69

27 Results Midazolam amps Used
51 Leah to determine the number of cases who died within 40 hours from 36 in 1-15 days column. Awaiting pt details of Lizzie. 6 7 4 N=69

28 Results Use of drug Leah to determine the number of cases who died within 40 hours from 36 in 1-15 days column. Awaiting pt details of Lizzie. N=69

29 Summary 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter Total Boxes Issued 52 36 88
Dec 11- Feb 12 2nd Quarter March 12- May 12 Total Boxes Issued 52 36 88 Boxes Returned 42 (81%) 27 (75%) 69 (78%) Contents used 24 (57%) 12 (44%) 36 (52%) Admin sheets returned 15 (63%) + 1 (4% ) - partially 11 (92%) 26 (72%) 1 (4%) Not matched 14 (58%) 10 (83%) 24 (67%)

30 Who is prescribing JIC boxes?
22 GP practices out of 55 have prescribed a JIC box In the prescribing practices:- Range 1 to 8 boxes per practice Average of 3 boxes per practice

31 Who is prescribing JIC boxes?
County Number of Boxes Number of Surgeries Range Average Carmarthenshire 61 13/24 1-7 5 Ceredigion 21 6/16 1-8 3 Pembrokeshire 6 2/15 2

32 How many patients with JIC boxes in the home were admitted to hospital?
Cross referenced with Myrddin Hospital System Health Board Mortality Database As at 14th September 2012 5 patients still alive JIC boxes issued from 11/04/12 – 18/06/2012 Leah to determine the number of cases who died within 40 hours from 36 in 1-15 days column. Awaiting pt details of Lizzie. N=69

33 5 out of 69 patients were admitted to hospital
How many patients with JIC boxes in the home were admitted to hospital? All deaths in hospital are reviewed by Hospital Director of Clinical Care as part of the weekly mortality audit 5 out of 69 patients were admitted to hospital Possibly 3 of the 5 patients could have remained at home

34 Weekly Mortality Audit
Hywel Dda Mortality Review database Concern Comments LENGTH OF STAY Date JIC box issued Date of Death 1 (NJ) Moderate Patient has significant hypercalcaemia that is inadequately and inappropriately treated. died same day of admission 16/12/2011 18/02/2012 2 (JC) No concerns Should have had palliative care at home 27/01/2012 14/02/2012 3 (ML) Died in Ty Bryngwyn – admitted because of family concerns about terminal haemorrhage 2 days 04/02/2012 11/02/2012 4 (RJ) Demonstrates the lack of end-of-life care planning 1 day 14/03/2012 16/03/2012 5 (GP) DNAR order put in-place 8 days 16/04/2012 24/05/2012

35 Feedback from Community Pharmacists
District nurses not familiar with the All Wales Medication Administration Record 2 boxes issued in lead up to Christmas. Inappropriate use of boxes and they were returned within a day or two. Also District nurse waited at the pharmacy for the box to be made up Contents of a returned box did not match the Admin Sheet – GP contacted. Unrecorded drugs were administered by an Out of Hours GP One box returned via district nurse – Admin Sheet missing – could not recover Boxes tend to be issued too late – relatives turn up at closing time wanting pack urgently. Not enough to last until Monday morning if started on Friday night. GPs in this area usually use hyoscine 600mcg and not the 400mcg in the pack System does not seem to work well in completing the circle of drug usage Prescription written incorrectly – referred back to practice. Second attempt also written incorrectly even though details were faxed to practice.

36 Feedback from Community Pharmacists cont.
Box returned with contents not matching Admin Sheet. All Wales Medication Chart blank but amps of Diamorphine, Hyoscine and Cyclizine missing from box Pharmacist received prescription but no Notification Form – not apparent that it was for a JIC box as strengths listed were not as per the scheme. Patient expected box to be done in 5 mins – as advised by GP and District Nurse. Pharmacist referred matter to GP practice who insisted that JIC box was need and if Boots couldn’t provide in 5 mins – there was another pharmacy that could System works well, GPs need further info. Fee is not enough to cover the work involved Admin sheet not being returned in some instances. GPs & Nurses unsure of how JIC works properly Had to supply JIC box to a patient in New Quay as local pharmacy not participating in service – long distance for Boots to deliver. Not enough PILs supplied with meds to put into box. Having PDFs of the PILs would be useful.

37 Feedback from Acute Response Team (ART)
‘ART - first point of contact out of hours before OOHs GPs – very frustrating if no meds prescribed’ ‘Often attend patient with JIC box but no medication written on chart then have to ring OOHs GP and wait for up to an hour for them to arrive to write up drugs- distressing for patients & carers, ‘soul destroying for ART nurses’ ‘GPs reluctant to write up PRN medication’ ‘ART prompt DNs to ask for drugs to be prescribed but they need to flag up patients when they start to deteriorate and are needing frequent calls’ ‘Not sure when to re-seal box’

38 Feedback from Acute Response Team (ART)
‘When executed properly it is an amazing scheme which has helped lots of patients’ ‘Could set up syringe driver there and then’ ‘Recommend there is more liaison during working hours DN should prompt GP to prescribe drugs’ ‘Not enough water for injection in the box’

39 Conclusions JIC boxes need to be issued earlier in the patients’ journey 13/69 boxes issued in last 3 days of life 22/69 boxes issued in last 7 days of life Security of JIC scheme compromised by failure to complete & return administration sheet and to re-seal the box after use More advance planning needed for GPs to prescribe the medication on the drug chart prior to the patient requiring the drugs

40 What did we want to know? Is the scheme effective? Are we preventing admissions ? 5/69 patients admitted to hospital. ‘When executed properly it is an amazing scheme which has helped lots of patients’ How many boxes are being prescribed? 88 boxes in first 6 months –anticipated 200 per annum from Powys model Are boxes prescribed for suitable patients ? Don’t know Are the boxes prescribed in a timely manner? The boxes need to be prescribed earlier Do the boxes contain the right drugs & quantities? Yes ? More water for injection Is there an effective audit trail? Yes but not adhered to

41 Discussion Currently less than 50% of surgeries participating
Advance prescribing is an issue Audit trail often not completed. Administration sheet not completed and/or not returned Security seals not always used All Wales electronic system for claims and audit not yet developed (relying on paper records and no flagging up of out of date boxes) Electronic system for prescribing being developed locally to solve CD prescribing issues Introduce PDF versions of PILs

42 Electronic prescribing
GP prescribing template for the JIC box developed in Hywel Dda on a local basis for Vision and is being developed for EMIS Should there be an All Wales approach?

43 Thank You

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