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Segmentation of Building Facades using Procedural Shape Priors

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1 Segmentation of Building Facades using Procedural Shape Priors
Olivier Teboul, Loïc Simon Panagiotis Koutsourakis and Nikos Paragios

2 Introduction 3D Urban Modeling is of increasing interest
Navigation systems, online applications, video games Huge amount of images available online (bing maps, google maps, flickr) Facade analysis plays a central role  semantic segmentation

3 Problem Rectified Facade image Segmentation into architectural classes

4 Problem Rectified Facade image Segmentation into architectural classes

5 Problem Rectified Facade image Segmentation into architectural classes
windows walls

6 Problem Rectified Facade image Segmentation into architectural classes
windows walls balconies

7 Problem Rectified Facade image Segmentation into architectural classes
windows walls balconies doors

8 Problem Rectified Facade image Segmentation into architectural classes
windows walls balconies doors roofs

9 Problem Rectified Facade image Segmentation into architectural classes
windows walls balconies doors roofs sky

10 Problem Rectified Facade image Segmentation into architectural classes
windows walls balconies doors roofs sky shops

11 Problem Rectified Facade image Segmentation into architectural classes
windows walls balconies doors roofs sky shops Enforce architectural constraints

12 Problem Rectified Facade image Segmentation into architectural classes
windows walls balconies doors roofs sky shops Enforce architectural constraints alignment

13 Problem Rectified Facade image Segmentation into architectural classes
windows walls balconies doors roofs sky shops Enforce architectural constraints alignment consistent topology

14 Problem Rectified Facade image Segmentation into architectural classes
windows walls balconies doors roofs sky shops Enforce architectural constraints alignment consistent topology procedural shape prior : The segmentation should be the result of a shape grammar derivation

15 Related Work Classic Segmentation methods
Mean Shift, Level Set, MRF-based methods, Normalized Cut  Lack semantic information Semantic Segmentation methods He et al. CVPR 04, Shotton et al. ECCV  Do not guarantee architectural consistency ! Grammar-based methods Image-driven (bottom-up): Dick et al. ICCV 01, Müller et al. 07, Koutsourakis et al. 09  Based on self-similarity measure Grammar-driven (top-down): Alegre & Dellaert 04 , Ripperda et al. DAGM 06  Exploits the input grammar Recent Work: Vanegas et al. CVPR10, Toshev et al. CVPR10

16 Shape grammar [Stiny 72] Dictionary of shapes window wall balcony door
roof sky shop facade floor groundfloor attic image tile

17 Shape grammar [Stiny 72] Dictionary of shapes Set of Replacement Rules
window wall balcony door roof sky shop facade floor groundfloor attic image tile facade

18 Split Grammars [Wonka 03]
A rule can only split a shape into several one along an axis Example: replace a floor by a sequence of walls and tiles A rule is characterized by the parameter vector W The dimension of W depends on the rule floor wall tile w1 w w w w5

19 Procedural Modeling of Facades
Start from an axiom (Image) Sequentially apply replacement rules The derivation tree keeps track of the building structure

20 Procedural Modeling of Facades
Start from an axiom (Image) Sequentially apply replacement rules The derivation tree keeps track of the building structure

21 Procedural Modeling of Facades
Start from an axiom (Image) Sequentially apply replacement rules The derivation tree keeps track of the building structure

22 Procedural Modeling of Facades
Start from an axiom (Image) Sequentially apply replacement rules The derivation tree keeps track of the building structure

23 Procedural Modeling of Facades
Start from an axiom (Image) Sequentially apply replacement rules The derivation tree keeps track of the building structure To be optimized : rule selection and split parameters

24 Segmentation energy

25 Segmentation energy Single Pixel x Feature vector

26 Segmentation energy Single Pixel x

27 Segmentation energy Single Pixel x Single Region R R

28 Segmentation energy Single Pixel x Single Region R Segmentation π

29 Segmentation energy

30 Pixel-wise MAP classification
Supervised Learning Goal : learning a discriminative model of p(c|fx) Feature vector fx is a patch around x Randomized Forest classifiers [Breiman ML Journal 01, Lepetit & Fua PAMI 06] input Pixel-wise MAP classification Window probability Wall probability (red= 0 blue = 1) Ground truth (color = class)

31 Optimization : grammar factorization
Independent sampling of rules may lead to inconsistent buildings Idea : tie together the derivation of some architectural classes Factorization Independent derivation

32 Optimization : grammar factorization
Reduces the dimension of the space of shapes Factorization is a natural way to fight the curse of dimensionality Allows a fixed representation of facades (independently from the layout topology). A segmentation is described by a fixed sequence of rules : 1 rule to split the image into sub-regions  r1 1 rule to split a façade into floors  r2 1 rule to split a floor into walls and tiles  r3 1 rules to split a tile into window and balcony  r4 Segmentation π = (r1, …, rM)

33 Optimization: algorithm
Start from an initial seed π0 = (r10, r20, …, rM0) π0

34 Optimization: algorithm
Start from an initial seed π0 = (r10, r20, …, rM0) Gaussian perturbations of all the rules πi = (r1i, r2i, …, rMi) π0

35 Optimization: algorithm
Start from an initial seed π0 = (r10, r20, …, rM0) Gaussian perturbations of all the rules πi = (r1i, r2i, …, rMi) Keep the best segmentation as new seed v π1

36 Optimization: algorithm
Start from an initial seed π0 = (r10, r20, …, rM0) Gaussian perturbations of all the rules πi = (r1i, r2i, …, rMi) Keep the best segmentation as new seed Iterate N times

37 Segmentation with Procedural Shape Priors
Quantitative Results Pixel-wise MAP 20 training images 10 test images Segmentation with Procedural Shape Priors

38 Analysis The shape grammar introduces a context : each class has fewer challengers Disambiguation thanks to grammar consistency : take advantage of the repetitions over the facade

39 Qualitative Results Architecturally consistent
Robust to illumination conditions, hard cast shadow, reflections

40 Conclusion Procedural Shape Prior for Semantic Segmentation
Grammar Factorization Source code for Randomized Forest Database of Parisian facades

41 Future Work Exploring more efficient optimization techniques Optimize the rule selection Robust algorithms inspired from grammar parsing Coupling with multiple views towards finer modeling Image-based modeling Other grammars and architectures Thank you!

42 Questions ?

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