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Prospect of SiPM application to TOF in PANDA

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1 Prospect of SiPM application to TOF in PANDA
Top view of PANDA detector TOF and PID in PANDA Test bench for SiPM application Preliminary results of time resolution Conclusion Things to do Barrel DIRC Barrel TOF Endcap DIRC Forward TOF Forward RICH

2 Prospect of SiPM application to TOF in PANDA
PANDA detector Acceptance of Forward Spectrometer: ± vertical ± 100 horizontal Barrel TOF Side TOF walls Front TOF wall - Front wall 140x5x1.5 сm3, 20 tiles, 140x10x1.5 сm3, 46 tiles - Side walls inside of dipole magnet 100x10x1.5 cm3, 14 tiles at each poles made of plastic scintillator BC408. Time resolution  70 psec Traditional approach: PMT R4998 (for 5 cm tiles) PMT R2083 (for 10 cm tiles)

3 Goal: Identification of forward moving charged particles detected by FS with momenta below 4-5 GeV/c. TOF resolution ~70 ps SiPM can provide necessary time resolution Side walls of the TOF detector should operate in magnetic field ~0.5T SiPM insensitive to magnetic field SiPM is a good solution for TOF located in magnet  No light guides to bring light out of magnetic field  No loss of light in fiber  No bundle attachment to multichannel PMT and e.t.c. Forward TOF Detector

4 Mass reconstruction with TOF
Effective separation of the pions and kaons up to 3 GeV/с ; kaons and protons up to 4 GeV/c G.Gavrilov

5 Front Wall count rate simulation at 15 GeV/c proton beam
Histogram bin is equal to width of central tiles (5 сm)

6 Electronics test station for TOF
TDC – time resolution ~ 25 ps per channel • PMT - Hamamatsu R4998 (diam. 25 mm, rise time 0.7ns) • FD - shaper discriminator TOF TOF* Computer, data analysis ntuple Dt, q1, q2 Scintillator NE110 10x12x12 mm3 PMT R4998 G.Gavrilov

7 Electronics test station for TOF
results No Constant Fraction FD  = 105 psec  = 69 psec T.Tanimori, M.Yoshioka et. al. NIMA 216(1983)57-65 With offline compensation G.Gavrilov

8 Electronics test station for TOF
results Constant Fraction Discriminator  = 74 psec Crystall + PMT + electronics = 64.5 ps PMT + electronics = 62 ps electronics = 20 ps PMT(2)= 58 ps PMT(1)= 40 ps t1-t2  = 64.5 psec With offline compensation t1-t2 (corr) G.Gavrilov Yu Naryshkin, PNPI seminar, 21 October 2008

9 Test station for SiPM application to TOF
3 BC408 plates : 140*10*1.5 cm3 140* 5*1.5 cm3 100*10*1.5 cm3 6 PMT Hamamatsu: 4 - R4998 2 - R2083 The prototype with BC408 plastic 140*5*1.5 cm3 is ready for testing SiPM G.Gavrilov

10 Proton beam test station in PNPI
1 GeV proton beam Proton beam test station in PNPI Test conditions Protons E= 500900 MeV with diam.10 mm Tracking of the protons through the tile with   0.5 mm Beam scan along the tile (70cm) Counting rate 30 kHz Ageing study of SIPM is available at proton beam Flux up to 108 109 cm-2 G.Gavrilov

11 Conclusion PNPI is interested in SiPM investigation for TOF in PANDA
Electronic test station for TOF timing studies is available and can be used for SiPM Eventual beam test with ~1 GeV protons is possible G.Gavrilov

12 Things to do Procurement of SiPM for TOF
TOF test station to be adopted for SiPM SiPM test requires a high resolution TDC (CAEN TDC V1290N or CAEN TDC V775N) Work out Cooling system for SiPM MC optimization of light guides-SiPM G.Gavrilov

13 Scintillator tile SiPM SiPM Summing amplifier G.Gavrilov
Peltier cooler SiPM Summing amplifier CFD G.Gavrilov

14 Electronics for TOF CFD module with DL for fast pulses
Time resolution ~40 psec Dynamic range 1:50 Coincidence module Time range 210 nsec G.Gavrilov

15 Electronics for TOF CFD module with DL for fast pulses
100 psec CFD module with DL for fast pulses Time resolution ~40 psec Dynamic range 1:50 G.Gavrilov

16 Electronics for TOF Charge sensitive amplifier – leading edge 3 nsec
Amplifier module: amplification coefficient 18 db noise coefficient 3.6 db, dynamic range 1GHz G.Gavrilov

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