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Triploidy: A tool to improve cassava as an efficient biofuel crop

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1 Triploidy: A tool to improve cassava as an efficient biofuel crop
Sheela,M.N. Sreekumari,M.T.,Asha Devi,A., Ramanathan,S.,Abhilash,P.V. and Chakrabarti,S.K. Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Trivandrum, India Presented at the Second Scientific meeting of the Global Cassava Partnership meeting held Kampala,Uganada,18-22,June2012

2 CASSAVA Born in Brazil, South America
Introduced to India during 17th century as a food security crop Evolved as a profitable industrial crop India’s productivity high : 32 t/ha Area concentrated in southern peninsula Used as secondary staple, cattle/poultry feed and Industrial raw material Raised in rain fed and irrigated production systems Grown as mono crop, intercrop and mixed crop


Good culinary qualities (taste, cooking time, mealiness etc) High starch content :stability and quality Low cyanogen content Early maturity (5-6 months) Resistance to pests and diseases especially Cassava mosaic disease Resistance to PPD Drought tolerance Other desirable agronomic attributes (non-branching plant type, high harvest index, nutrient efficiency fried chip making quality etc.).

5 CASSAVA STARCH Cheapest source: South east Asia and South Asia
40% higher than rice &25% more than maize Value added products viz. starch, sago, flour, chips Textile industries Pharmaceutical industries Adhesives : Laundry, Fast food Paper industry Thippi used in poultry feed – mix.

6 Alcohol from cassava TRIPLOID CASSAVA
Starch Glucose Alcohol Yield : L/ ton of fresh tubers L/ ton of dry starch To make cassava an efficient biofuel crop, drastic improvement in Yield, Starch & sugar content is needed TRIPLOID CASSAVA

7 Production of high starch varieties Polyploidy breeding (Triploidy)
Cassava is an ideal crop for polyploidy breeding due to: Low chromosome number (2n =36) Cross pollination :amenability for hybridization and Grown primarily for vegetative parts Breeding objectives Ideal plant type (erect non- branching / top branching) Higher yield (> 35t/ ha) Higher DM (> 45%) and extractable starch (>30%) Resistance/ tolerance to CMD

8 Procedure: Production of Tripoids : Induction of tetraploids
Induction of tetraploidy by colchicine treatment (0.5% for 12 hr.) Isolation of apparent tetraploids based on leaf size, shape and thickness Confirmation of the ploidy status by cytological screening (2n=72) Screening of 4x plants for flowering and pollen fertility Isolation of fertile clones for use as male parents

9 Characteristics of tetraploids in Cassava for visual screening
Leaves: thicker, broader and coarser Increase in length &girth of petioles Leaf lobes : lower length/breadth index & higher leaf area index Stomata: Increase in length, volume & aperture size; less no. per unit area Increase in length of palisade cells

10 Characteristics of tetraploids in Cassava for visual screening
Increase in flower size & length of pedicels Delayed flowering Reduction in pollen fertility & seed setting

11 Production of triploids
Procedure: Raising a pollination block Crossing elite diploids with induced tetraploids (2x X 4x) Seedling progeny Isolating apparent 3x seedlings based on leaf characters Cytological confirmation of the apparent triploids (2n= 3x= 54)

12 Majority of the triploids possess
Compact plant type, stout, tall and vigorous stem Late branching due to sparse flowering nature Broad, dark green leaves with acuminate leaf tip More chloroplasts in stomatal guard cells (14-17) as against 9-13 in diploids High leaf retention capacity High harvest index Higher yield (> 35.0 t/ ha) High dry matter (45 – 50 %) Higher extractable starch content ( >30%)

13 Comparison of diploids, triploids & tetraploids

14 Comparison of diploids, triploids & tetraploids

15 Comparison of diploids, triploids & tetraploids

16 Performance of the triploid cassava clones in Multilocation trial
Tuber Yield/plant Extractable starch content

17 Triploids in pipeline: High starch clones:
Production of triploids A remarkable achievement in cassava productivity & 5-6 % increase in extractable starch content Net return – about Rs.21,000 as additional income /ha. New triploid hybrids out yielded all the released varieties Triploids in pipeline: High starch clones: Tr16-6, Tr30-1, Tr11-8, Tr47-1 Early bulking hybrids: Tr2-18, Tr3-4, Tr2-15, Tr7-5

18 High starch triploid hybrids
Sree Apoorva Sree Athulya 4-2 1- 6 6- 6

Developed large number of hybrids incorporating the three different sources of CMD resistance. Lines received from CIAT with resistance from TME lines (CMD2 gene). Sree Padmanabha (TMS30001) having resistance from tropical Manihot series (TMS) with CMD1 gene. Resistance in interspecific hybrids developed at CTCRI Promising hybrids are in prerelease stage

20 Virus load in cassava resistant and susceptible varieties
Resistant clones Susceptible released varieties

21 Evaluation of CMD resistant clones
Sl. No. Clone Yield t ha -1 Starch% No Yield t ha -1 1 CR54A3 39.34 33.3 8 CR9A125 51.81 32.6 2 CR43-11 57.73 32.3 9 I-14-S17 34.10 42.5 3 CR20A-2 53.45 32.1 10 799/10S1 33.21 33.7 4 CR21-10 43.58 31.6 11 S1284 56.95 32.4 5 7MNGA-1 35.41 27.4 12 S537-2 29.65 26.0 6 CR43-2 35.96 31.5 13 IPS2-1 32.83 30.3 7 IMS2-8 22.59 29.4 14 SREE REKHA 31.61 24.5 CD(.05) 12.21

22 Variation in root flesh colour among cassava inbreds
CASSAVA BREEDING PROGRAMME Clones with good tuber shape and fried chip quality : CR 20-A2 Clones with high nutritional quality viz high carotene , higher protein Tolerance to post harvest physiological deterioration Variation in root flesh colour among cassava inbreds

23 Protein content Tuber crude protein : 1.11%-7.18% on DWbasis. Leaf protein : % (DW) and %(FW) Interspecific backcross hybrids recorded significantly higher tuber protein than the intervarietal hybrids and released varieties Traits Crude protein % (DW) Dry matter (%) Crude protein % (FW) Starch % (FW) 1.0000 ** 0.7399** 0.1890* ** 0.8611** NS

24 Protein, dry matter and starch content of promising cassava clones
Clone No Protein (% on dry weight basis) Dry matter (%) Starch Crude protein True protein CPT 20 4.35 3.05 30.54 19.63 CPH23 4.08 2.78 36.80 22.20 CPS30 6.48 5.23 36.82 18.28 CPT32 6.80 6.10 24.88 15.47 CPT40 7.18 5.94 28.78 19.29 CPT103 5.72 4.51 28.86 20.21 Sree Jaya 2.10 1.45 25.88 21.77 M4 2.34 1.95 38.14 27.75 S.E 0.69 0.63 1.8 1.26

25 Earliness : Short duration clones of 5-6 months
Ensure tuber availability to industry Suited to rice based cropping systems Adaptable to climate change Overcome CBSD 9S165 9S127 9S132 NUTRIENT EFFICIENCY :7IIIE3-5 (K efficient hybrid) Varieties for product diversification : Fried chips

26 CASSAVA BREEDING 1960-1990 1990-2010 2010 onwards PRECISION BREEDING

27 FUTURE THRUSTS Development of CMD resistant tetraploid clones of high combing ability: In vitro/In vivo Triploid with high yield & starch for biofuel Development of PPD tolerant clones & CMD resistant Short duration clones Varieties with high nutritional quality Varieties for specific end product development: Fried chips, french-fries etc.


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