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Project title: "Interdisciplinary research on multifunctional hybrid particles for biorequirements” acronim: INTERBIORES Contract no. 211/2012 Project.

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Presentation on theme: "Project title: "Interdisciplinary research on multifunctional hybrid particles for biorequirements” acronim: INTERBIORES Contract no. 211/2012 Project."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project title: "Interdisciplinary research on multifunctional hybrid particles for biorequirements” acronim: INTERBIORES Contract no. 211/2012 Project Cod: PN-II-PT-PCCA- – Programme PN II – Partnerships Priority Areas - Applied Research Projects – Type 2

2 The total value of the contract 3.323.334 lei
Contracting Authority: Executive Unit for Financing Higher Education, Research Development and Innovation (UEFISCDI) Contractor: "Petru Poni" Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry,Iasi Duration of project: – The total value of the contract lei From the source of funding: Source 1 - The state budget: lei Source 2 - from other sources (Net financing) lei Project Director: CS I Dr. Aurica P. Chiriac

3 Members: “Petru Poni” Institute for Macromolecular Chemistry – Iasi
- Project Coordinator Project Director: Dr. Chiriac P. Aurica “Gr. T. Popa” Medicine and Pharmacy University Iasi – UMF - Partner 1 Team leader: Dr. Verestiuc Liliana Research and Development National Institute of Technical Physics Iasi Iaşi - Partner 2 Team leader: Dr. Chiriac Horia SC REZISTOTERM SRL Partner 3 Team leader: Dr. Chiriac Mihai

4 Abstract: The project with multi-disciplinary character is focused on analysis and solving from the physical, chemical and biochemical viewpoint the design and technology of novel systems, based on antioxidants-loaded core-shell magnetic nanocomposites deposited onto the stent surface. Novel formulation methods based on the use of biocompatible polymers will be developed and applied to create a family of magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) further characterized as a platform for magnetically guided delivery of therapeutics. The selected polymers will undergo physical (forming of interpolymer complexes by physical interactions) and chemical (functionalization, derivatization, crosslinking, reactive mixing) modifications in order to obtain stable multifunctional nanosystems. The key features of the new target delivery systems will be investigated, including in vitro bioactive compounds activity, capacity to protect the antioxidants from proteolysis, as well as the capacity of the magnetic guidance and retrieval. The project includes aspects like toxicology, biocompatibility of the nanodevices, and also efficacy and biodistribution of the system. The studies are doing to the facts that a major problem associated with target delivery is the inability to deliver pharmaceuticals to a specific site of the body without causing nonspecific toxicity. The bioproducts loaded magnetic nanoparticles have several advantages such as: small particle size, large surface area, magnetic response, biocompatibility and non-toxicity and are directed with external magnets to the right site, and requires smaller dosage because of targeting, with no side effects. One of the most innovative aspects of this proposal is the use of functionalized magnetic nanoparticles with antioxidative biomolecules deposited onto the stent surface to realize a drug-eluting-stent type for bio-requirements. The new stent device will functioning as a delivery platform. At the same time, the prepared MNPs will represent a particularly appropriate tool based on their ability to be simultaneously functionalized and guided by an external magnetic field, the presence of the antioxidative biomolecules would be an additional benefit. To conclude, the purpose of the multi-disciplinary character project is to realize target delivery systems based on hybrid bio-nano-composites with improved magnetic performance of the nanoparticles and maximized therapeutic potential of the drug eluting/retrieval stents by the loaded antioxidative biomolecules layered on the stent surface. In addition, the design of the nanoparticles will include the improvement of the monodispersity, colloidal stability and functionality. Also, further engineering of these nanoparticles and of their formulation as hybrid systems for target delivery will allow improving their bioselectivity and bioefficiency.

5 Concept and objectives:
The project with multi-disciplinary character is focused on analysis and solving from the physical, chemical and biochemical viewpoint the design and technology for the stents achievement with drug delivery possibilities, based on antioxidants-loaded core-shell magnetic nanocomposites deposited onto the stent surface. The market for stents is, in many ways, still emerging. While coronary stents have been on the commercial market in one form or another for several years, the technologies and materials used to create the devices are improving every day. In addition, innovative technology is bringing new classes of devices (e.g., fully degradable stents) to market, technologies that grow the market and even expand means of diagnosis and therapy stent to new patient populations in some cases. One of the most innovative aspects of this proposal is the use of functionalized magnetic nanoparticles with antioxidative biomolecules deposited onto the stent surface to realize stent devices type for bio-requirements. Thus the new stent device will function as a delivery platform. At the same time, the prepared MNPs will represent a particularly appropriate tool based on their ability to be simultaneously functionalized and guided and/or removed by an external magnetic field owing to the magnetic NPs inclusion, meanwhile the presence of the antioxidative biomolecules would be the additional benefit. As it is well known stents are scaffoldings, usually cylindrical or tubular in shape, which function to physically hold open and, if desired, to expand the wall of the vessel. Typically stents are capable of being compressed, so that they may be inserted through small cavities via catheters, and then expanded to a larger diameter once they are at the desired location. Although stents are significant innovations in the treatment of occluded vessels, there remains a need for administering therapeutic substances to the treatment site. Systemic administration of the therapeutic substance often produces adverse or toxic side effects for the patient. Local delivery of therapeutic substances, by contrast, provides a smaller overall dosage that is concentrated at a specific treatment site. Local delivery can produce fewer side effects and achieve more effective results. In this context novel formulation based on biocompatible polymers will be developed and applied to create a family of antioxidant magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) for covering the stent surfaces further characterized as a platform for magnetically guided and delivery of therapeutics. The selected polymers will undergo physical (forming of interpolymer complexes by physical interactions) and chemical (functionalization, derivatization, crosslinking, reactive mixing) modifications in order to obtain stable multifunctional nanosystems. The key features of the new target delivery systems will be investigated, including in vitro bioactive compounds activity, capacity to protect the antioxidants from proteolysis, as well as the capacity of the magnetic guidance, retrieval and remove. The project includes aspects like toxicology, biocompatibility of the nanodevices, and also efficacy and biodistribution of the system. In addition, the design of the nanoparticles will include the improvement of the monodispersity, colloidal stability and functionality. Also, further engineering of these nanoparticles and of their formulation as hybrid systems for target delivery will allow improving their bioselectivity and bioefficiency.

6 Stage I/2012 – the obtained results:
In accordance with the plan of the project "Interdisciplinary research on multi-functional hybrid particles for bio-requirements", the stage I/2012 has the objectives: (I) magnetic composites preparation and (II) their physical – chemical evaluation, which were fulfilled by specific activities : - the obtaining of magnetic nanoparticles (NPs) with linking capacity and antioxidant enzymes transport; - the surface modification of magnetic NPs with polymeric structures, as basis for antioxidant hybrid materials; - the characterization of the magnetic composites with the aim of association with antioxidant enzymes and the estimation of the physical-chemical theoretical and experimental conditions necessary for their realization, and the dissemination of the results by national and international symposia communications, publications in the ISI quoted journals or indexed in international databases. The conducted studies have resulted in: (I) Synthesis and characterization of polymeric matrices, respectively: (1) poly(2-hidroxyethyl methacrilate-co-3,9-divinyl-2,4,8,10-tetraoxaspiro[5.5]undecan-co-glicidil methacrylate) ternar copolymer (synthesized by radical copolymerization in aqueous dispersion); 2) poly(dimethyl acrylamide-co-3,9-divinyl-2,4,8,10-tetraoxaspiro [5.5]undecan-co-itaconic acid) ternar copolymer (synthesized by radical copolymerization in dimethyl acetamide solution); (3) poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacylate-co-3,9-divinyl-2,4,8,10-tetraoxaspiro [5.5]undecan –coacrylamide)(synthesized by radical copolymerization in dimethyl acetamide solution); (4) 6 variants of bloc copolymers based on poly(succinimide)-b-poly(ethylene glycol)(PEG) (synthesized by copolycondensation in dimethyl formamide in the presence of Mn(CH3COO)2.2H2O as catalyst ), PEG having different molecular weights, such as : 2000, 3000, 4000, 10000, and 35000; (5) one grafted polymeric structure based on carboxymethyl starch-g-poly(lactic acid); (II) The preparation of hybrid structures with magnetic characteristics by using the realized polymeric matrices; (III) Testing activities of the polymeric matrices and hybrid structures for coupling of the antioxidant enzymes, in course. In the context of the dissemination activity of the results by communications at national and international symposia, by publications in the ISI quoted journals or indexed in international databases, there were presented: (a) Three communications at 5th International Conference “Biomaterials. Tissue Engineering and Medical Devices” BiomMedD’2012, Constanta, 29 August – 1 September 2012, respectively:

7 Streptavidin-Biofunctionalized Magnetic Particles for Blood Contacting Applications; V. Bălan, M.I. Popa, A.P. Chiriac, I. Neamtu, L.E. Nita, M.T. Nistor, M. Butnaru, L. Verestiuc Bioactive Hybrid Scaffolds in Regenerative Medicine and Tissue Engineering; M.T. Nistor, C. Zgardan, C. Vasile, L.E. Nita, A. Chiriac Assembly Design and Characterization of an Innovative Modulated Drug Delivery System; L. Nita, M. Nistor, N. Tudorachi, I. Neamtu, A. Chiriac (b) One communication „Determination of the kinetic parameters and analysis of gases released by thermal decomposition of CMS-g-PLA copolymer” at XXXII National Chemical Conference Rm Valcea, October 2012, and ( c ) One paper accepted for publication in Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (IF = 2.237): “Thermal degradation of carboxymethyl starch-g-poly(lactic acid) copolymer by TG-FTIR-MS analysis”, authors Nita Tudorachi, Rodica Lipsa, Fanica Mustata.

8 Stage II/2013: In accordance with the plan of the project „Interdisciplinary research on multi-functional hybrid particles for bio-requirements”, the phase II/2013 had as objectives (I) Magnetic composites synthesis and (II) Physical-chemical evaluation (phase I/2012 continuation). The objectives were carried out through and finalized by specific activities, such as: the obtaining of magnetic nanoparticles (NPs) with linking capacity and antioxidant enzymes transport; experimental development for magnetic NPs surface modification with the aim of obtaining molecular adapted bio-structures, as basis for new hybrid materials; the evaluation of antioxidant enzymes, significant for biological structures; magnetic NPs bio-functionalization with biological structures for the nanometric level control of the biological and biochemical processes; experimental development for the obtaining of bio-functionalized magnetic NPs; magnetic composites characterization in association with antioxidant enzymes for the estimation of the experimental and theoretical physical-chemical conditions necessary for their preparation; elucidation and characterization of the surface properties of the particles, associated with antioxidant enzymes coupling reactions and results interpretation for subsequent studies of targeted delivery and controlled release; dissemination of the results by communications at national and international symposia, by publications in the ISI quoted journals or indexed in international databases. The dissemination of the results by communications at national and international symposia, by publications in the ISI quoted journals or indexed in international databases, materialized as it follows:

9 The obtained results: Published papers:
Characterization of the semi-interpenetrated network based on collagen and poly(N-isopropyl acrylamide-co-diethylene glycoldiacrylate). Authors: MT Nistor, A.P. Chiriac, LE Nita, C Vasile. Int J Pharmaceutics 452 (2013) 92– 101; IF=3.458. Multilayered structure based on poly(N,N-dimethyl-acrylamide-co-3,9-divinyl-2,4,8,10-tetraoxaspiro (5.5) undecane) prepared in a multiphase gelation process. Authors: AP Chiriac, LE Nita, MT Nistor, L Tartau. Int J Pharmaceutics 456 (2013) 21– 30; IF=3.458. Obtaining of new magnetic nanocomposites based on modified polysaccharide. Authors: NTudorachi, AP Chiriac, Carbohydrate Polymers 98 (2013) 451– 459; IF=3.479. Upon the Delivery Properties of a Polymeric System Based on Poly(2-Hydroxyethyl Methacrylate) Prepared with Protective Colloids. Authors: LE Nita, AP Chiriac, M Nistor, TBudtova. J Biom Nanobiotechnol 4(2013), ; ISSN Online: Upon the Developments of Drug-Eluting Stents in the Treatment of Coronary Lesions. Authors: A.Diaconu, V Balan, AP Chiriac. Recent Patents on Materials Science 6(2013) ; ISSN: Semi-interpenetrated Network with Improved Sensitivity Based on Poly(N-Isopropylacrylamide) and Poly(aspartic acid). Authors: MT Nistor, AP Chiriac, LE Nita, INeamtu, CVasile. Polym Eng Sci 53(2013) ; IF=1.243. Poly(N,N-dimethylacrylamide-co-3,9-divinyl-2,4,8,10-tetraoxaspiro(5.5)undecane) synthesis as matrix ensuring intramolecular strategies for further coupling applications. Authors: AP Chiriac, MT Nistor, LE Nita, I Neamtu. Rev. Roum. Chim. 58(2013)(2-3), ; IF

10 The obtained results: Hydrogel based on poly(N,N-dimethylacrylamide-co-3,9-divinyl-2,4,8,10-tetraoxaspiro(5.5)undecane) with dual sensitive behavior. Synthesis and characterization. Authors: LE Nita, AP Chiriac, MT Nistor, I Neamtu. Rev. Roum. Chim., 2013, 58(2-3), ; IF Poly(acrylic acid)/ poly(ethylene glycol) nanoparticles designed for ophthalmic drug delivery. Authors: A.M. Vasi, M.I.Popa, E.C.Tanase, M. Butnaru, L. Verestiuc, agreed to be published in J. Pharm. Sci.; IF=3.13. Book Chapters : Chapter 3. Hybrid Sensitive Hydrogels for Medical Applications. MT Nistor, C Vasile, AP Chiriac, A Rusu, C Zgardan, LE Nita, I Neamtu. In: Polymer materials with smart properties. Ed. M Bercea. Nova Science Publ. New York 2013, 67 – 89. Chapter 8. Sol-Gel Technique Implemented for Biomedical Applications. LENita, AP Chiriac, I Neamtu In: Polymer materials with smart properties. Ed. M Bercea. Nova Science Publ. New York 2013, 189 – 204. Published papers in Proceedings: Functionalized superparamagnetic nanoparticles as versatile carriers for targeted antioxidant enzyme therapy. Authors: V.Balan, M. Butnaru, O. Bredetean, L. Profire, G. Lupascu, A.P.Chiriac, L.E. Nita¸ I. Neamtu, L.Verestiuc Proceedings of the 4th ed. of E-Health and Bioengineering Conference-EHB 2013, Iasi, Romania. Biomimetic composites based on calcium phosphates and chitosan - hyaluronic acid with potential application in bone tissue engineering. Authors: F.D.Ivan, A.Marian, C. E. Tanase, M. Butnaru, L. Vereştiuc, Bioceramics 25, Key Engineering Materials, 587,

11 The obtained results: Communications at scientific meetings:
Functionalized superparamagnetic nanoparticles as versatile carriers for targeted antioxidant enzyme therapy. V. Balan, M. Butnaru, O. Bredetean, L. Profire, G. Lupascu, A.P.Chiriac, L.E. Nita¸ I. Neamtu, L.Verestiuc, 4th IEEE International Conference on E-Health And Bioengineering - EHB 2013, Iaşi, Romania, November 21st-23rd, 2013. Biomimetic composites based on calcium phosphates and chitosan - hyaluronic acid with potential application in bone tissue engineering. 25th Symposium and Annual Meeting of the International Society for Ceramics in Medicine; Bucharest, Romania November 07-10th 2013; Autori: F.D.Ivan, A.Marian, C. E. Tanase, M. Butnaru, L. Vereştiuc, Bioceramics 25, Key Engineering Materials, 587, Poster at scientific meetings: Process for magnetic composites synthesis. Authors: AP Chiriac, LE Nita, INeamtu, MT Nistor. The 17th International Salon of Research, Innovation and Technological Transfer “Inventica 2013” 19 – 21st June 2013 Iasi – Romania. Hybrid Structures for Bioapplications. Authors: AP Chiriac, LE Nita, INeamtu, MT Nistor. National Innovation Salon CHIM-INVENT, 3 – 5 July 2013, Iasi Romania. Registered patent application: Magnetic composite synthesis process. Authors : A.P. Chiriac, L.E. Nita, I. Neamtu, N.Tudorachi, A. Diaconu, V. Balan, C. Munteanu. Patent application No. A 00833/

12 Stage III/2014: Plan and activities
Physico-chemical evaluation (continuation from 2013) Bio-chemical evaluation; Methods for toxicological evaluation of NPs for providing fundamental knowledge on their design and testing as targeted delivery systems. Integration of bio-magnetic systems - Activity 2.7 Characterization of magnetic composites in combination with antioxidant enzymes to determine the experimental conditions to achieve them - continuing in 2012 and 2013 - Activity 2.8 The elucidation and characterization of surface properties of the particles associated with the coupling reaction of the antioxidant enzyme for further studies of release (activity continuation from 2012 and 2013) - Activity 2.9 Determination of the initiation reactions of self-assembling mechanisms for hybrid materials preparation - Part - Activity 2.10 Conceptual design of coupling system between the magnetic composite and the antioxidant enzyme -Part I - Activity 2.11 Dissemination of results through communications at national and international symposia, publications in journals

13 Stage III/2014: Plan and activities
- Activity 3.1 Establish procedures for the preparation and characterization of new materials - Activity 3.2 Dissemination of results through communications at national and international symposia, publications in journals ISI or indexed in international databases - Activity 3.3 Testing biomagnetic self-assembled hybrid materials with antioxidant characteristics - Part I - Activity 3.4 Testing and evaluation of hybrid systems - Part I

14 The obtained results: Published papers:
Current concepts on cardiovascular stent devices; I. Neamtu, A. P. Chiriac, A. Diaconu, L. E. Nita, V. Balan, M. T. Nistor; Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry, 14, (2014). If=3.186 Semi-imprinting quercetin into poly[N,N-dimethylacrylamide-co-3,9-divinyl-2,4,8,10-tetraoxaspiro (5,5) undecane] network: Evaluation of the antioxidant character; A. P. Chiriac, L. E. Nita, L. Tartau, I. Neamtu, M. T. Nistor; Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 103, (2014). IF=3.007 Upon some multi-membrane hydrogels based on poly (N,N-dimethyl-acrylamide-co-3,9-divinyl-2,4,8,10-tetraoxaspiro (5.5) Undecane): preparation, characterization and in vivo tests, L. E. Nita, A. P. Chiriac, M. T. Nistor, L. Tartau; J. Mat. Sci.: Mat. in Med., 25 (7), (2014) , IF=2.379. Upon Synthesis of Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-2-dimethyl-aminoethyl methacrylate-co-itaconic acid) Copolymers as Matrix Ensuring Intramolecular Strategies for Further Coupling Applications; A. P. Chiriac, L. E. Nita, I. Neamtu, V. Balan, A. Diaconu; Journal of Research Updates in Polymer Science, 3 (1), (2014). IF-0.0

15 The obtained results: Communications at scientific meetings:
A. Diaconu, A. P. Chiriac, L. E. Nita, N. Tudorachi, I. Neamtu, V. Balan; Upon synthesis of poly(maleic anhydride-co-3, 9-divinyl-2, 4, 8, 10-tetraoxaspiro (5.5) undecane) copolymer with antioxidant character and possibilities for bioconjugation; communicated at 2nd International Conference on Chemical Engineering, Iasi , November A. Diaconu, I. Neamtu, L. E. Nita, A. P. Chiriac, V. Balan, Poly(maleic anhydride-co-3, 9-divinyl-2, 4, 8, 10-tetraoxaspiro (5.5) undecane) copolymer-based magnetic composites: Potential vectors for remote-controlled bioactive substance release, 2nd International Conference on Chemical Engineering, Iasi , November Tudorachi, A. P. Chiriac, G. Lisa, V. Balan, L. Nita, Magnetic nanocomposites PLGA/magnetite, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University Days, Faculty of Chemistry Conference, Iasi, 31 octombrie – 01 noiembrie 2014, R. Lipsa, N. Tudorachi, A. Grigoras, C. Vasile, P. Gradinariu, A. P. Chiriac, F. Mustata, Poly(vinyl alcohol) copolymers biodegradation with Trichotecium roseum fungi “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University Days, Faculty of Chemistry Conference, Iasi, 31 octombrie – 01 noiembrie 2014. Registered patent application: Process for the synthesis of a magnetic composite ; A.P. Chiriac, L.E. Niţă, I. Neamtu, N. Tudorachi, A. Diaconu, V. Balan, A00808 from

16 Stage IV/2015 – Project objectives
Physical – Chemical evaluation – continued 2014 Stage Biochemical evaluation; Methods for toxicological evaluation of new NPs to provide fundamental knowledge on design and testing as targeted delivery systems Integration of bio-magnetic system – continued 2014 Stage Activity Determination of the initiation mechanism of the self-assembling reaction of hybrid materials – Part III Activity Conceptual approach and the design of the coupling system between antioxidant magnetic composite and stent – Part III Activity 3.3. Testing of self-assembled biomagnetic hybrid materials with antioxidant characteristics. Part II. Activity 3.4. Hybrid systems testing and evaluation – Part III Activity 4.1. Working methods and protocols for new therapeutic strategies, applications and techniques for testing of the obtained hybrid systems. Toxicological evaluation methods of the new synthesized nanoparticles for testing them as targeted delivery systems. Activity 4.2. Developing the capacity of knowledge of particle / stent systems and transport through different specific environments Activity 4.3. Optimization and synthesis studies. Activity Dissemination of the results through publications in ISI journals or indexed in international databases. Activity 4.6. Correlation and optimization of the interdependent functions for optimal conditions of hybrid magnetic antioxidant structures / stent realization. Developing of the laboratory technology for the integration of new hybrid materials as biomagnetic composites with antioxidant characteristics. Part I

17 Activity 2.9. Determination of the initiation mechanism of the self-assembling reaction of hybrid materials Making of the polymer coating on the surface of magnetite is based on several physical interactions that lead to a process of assemblying between the two components and creating of a stable complex hybrid system with magnetic characteristics. The formation of the hybrid type "core (magnetite) - shell (synthetic polymer)" is based on the occurrence of dipole electrostatic interactions, hydrogen bonding, hydrophobic interactions and van der Waals forces that determine the self-assembling process and the system stability. Meanwhile, the hybrid system has free functional groups for subsequent attachment of new active structures, for example enzymes, which is the generic objective of the project. Illustrating the initiation of the reaction mechanism of self-assembling hybrid materials

18 Illustration of the coupling procedure of antioxidant enzyme (catalase) with the magnetic composite
For the antioxidant magnetic composite realization by coupling antioxidant enzyme – catalase – with the magnetic composite, it is proceeded to two coupling methods, as shown: by physical links (reversible) and by chemical links (irreversible) via water-soluble carbodiimides:1-ethyl -3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbo-diimide (EDAC)

19 Evaluation of the magnetic composite functionalization with antioxidant enzyme
Dimensional distribution (a) and zeta potential distribution (b) of the magnetic composites before and after the functionalization Dimensional distribution (a) and zeta potential evaluation (b) of the magnetic composite before and after the functionalization with catalase confirm the immobilization of the enzyme on the surface of the magnetic composite.

20 Activity Conceptual approach and the design of the coupling system between antioxidant magnetic composite and stent The coating procedure of MC nanoparticles to the stent surface is done in an alternating magnetic field (AMF). In designing the system to achieve the conceptual approach of the new process is used the fact that magnetic hybrid nanocomposites as stable dispersed colloidal suspensions in a suitable solvent, can generate heat in AMF and also they show affinity for metal stent. Thus, there are created the right conditions for a uniform deposit on the surface of the stent. It is used an AMF with intensity H = 200 Oe, obtained from a solenoid with the following characteristics: L = 700 μH, V = 125 kHz, I = 2.5 A, U = 1.3 Kv, P = 3 Kvar. After 10 minutes of maintaining the stent and the magnetic nanoparticles dispersion in AMF, the ambient temperature does not exceed 52 C, that certifies a relatively low Curie temperature for magnetic nanoparticles. It can be concluded that nanoparticles avoid the overheating of the tissue, when they are excited by AMF. Thus, these magnetic nanoparticles can be used for treatments including hyperthermia (when the AMF action is reduced to 2-3 min).

21 Magnetic susceptibility evaluation and the film morphology deposited on metallic stent device
Deposition cycle Stent weight, g Stent magnetic susceptibility, e4 V Before deposition After deposition - 0.0120 0.023 I 0.0140 0.052 II 0.0142 0.054 III 0.0146 0.058 IV 0.0150 0.069 After 5 repeated washings 0.0130 0.036 Optical microscopy imaging of the magnetic composite coated stent Magnetic susceptibility values confirm the presence of magnetic composite nanopar-ticles on the stent surface.

22 Activity 3.3. Testing of self-assembled biomagnetic hybrid materials with antioxidant characteristics The new polymer synthesized structures are evaluated in terms of antioxidant character by radical reactions in the presence of 2, 2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical. 28% inhibition of DPPH radicals in case of functionalized PMAU copolymer with meso-erythritol PMAU_E (1/5 ratio PMAU / erythritol) is recorded, meanwhile erythritol witness exhibited 29 % inhibition and the PMAU copolymer just 14.75% reduction. It can be concluded that the antioxidant ability of the functionalized copolymer is conferred by erythritol, but at the same time the PMAU copolymer has antioxidant character. It is noticeable that the antioxidant character is manifested by the system PMAU_E 1/5 even after 72 hours testing period.

23 Activity 4.1. Working methods and protocols for new therapeutic strategies, applications and techniques of testing for the obtained hybrid systems The results of investigation of acute toxicity and biocompatibility of the magnetic composites According to Hodge & Sterner toxicity scale is observed that the value LD50 is in the range of mg / kbw, allowing the placement of MC in the group of low toxic substances. There are no significant variations between the values of the elements of blood leukocyte formula for mice in the treated group with MC compared to the control group treated with distilled water, for 24 hours and 14 days. The laboratory analysis present no significant differences for glutamic pyruvic transaminase (GPT), glutamic oxalacetic transaminase (GOT) and lactic dehydrogenase (LDH) activities between the control and the treated MC groups, after 24 hours and after 14 days from the i.p. administration. In terms of serum opsonic capacity (OC), the phagocytic capacity (FC) and bactericidal capacity (BC) of peritoneal macrophages for the control group treated with distilled water and the treated group with MC, there are no major variations in the results.

24 Toxicological evaluation methods of the new synthesized nanoparticles for testing them as targeted delivery systems Acute toxicity investigation shows that MC particles are relatively harmless from the toxicological point of view when i.p. administered to mice. They exert similar changes on leukocyte formula items and in enzymatic activity like the distilled water administered by i.p. injection in control group. MC administration does not alter the animal's immune defense capability compared with the control group. The major histopathological changes do not occur in the liver structure. The results suggest good biocompatibility by in vivo tests in mice after administration of MC. Microscopic image of liver structure: a - normal control group; b - with diffuse liver stasis and liver regeneration in the group treated with MC (Van Gieson staining, x 40)

25 Optimization and synthesis studies
In the attempts to synthesize a polymer matrix having the best features for obtaining a magnetic composite, but with functional versatility for further coupling of biologically active substances (enzymes), the synthesis, properties and sensitive behavior of a set of random copolymers based on itaconic anhydride (IA) with various molar ratios of 3,9-divinyl-2,4,8,10-tetraoxaspiro [5.5] undecane (U) in the structure, are followed. These new polymer structures, because of their ability to form networks, to possess excellent biodegradability and biocompatibility, amphiphilicity, oxidative properties and good thermal stability, they are good film formers, sensitive to acidic pH, but also with binding opportunities required by further investigations. This behavior can be explained by random spiral-type conformation of these copolymers, with folded and packaged macromolecules by physical interactions occurring between chains. The spiroacetal segment with acidic pH sensitivity is capable of interaction from the ether oxygen with other functional groups by coordinative or hydrogen bonding, and thus to induce the dynamic change of macromolecular chains’ stereochemistry through anomerically effect, interfered with temperature increasing in the thermal agitation conditions. Poly(itaconic anhydride-co-3,9-divinil- -2,4,8,10-tetraoxaspiro [5,5] undecan) – schematic structure-

26 Dissemination of the results
Published papers Design and synthesis of a new polymer network containing pendant spiroacetal moieties; authors: A. Diaconu, A. P. Chiriac , L. E. Nita, N. Tudorachi, I. Neamtu, C. Vasile, M. Pinteala; Designed Monomers and Polymers, 2015, 18(8), , IF=2.78 New nanocomposite based on poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) copolymer and magnetite. Synthesis and characterization; authors: N. Tudorachi, A. P. Chiriac, F. Mustata; Composites Part B-Engineering, 2015, 72, , IF=2.983. Synthesis and thermal investigation by TG-FTIR-MS analysis of some functionalized acrylic copolymers and magnetic composites with Fe3O4; authors: N. Tudorachi, I. Bunia; J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis, 2015, IF=3.56. Degradation of poly(vinyl alcohol)-graft-lactic acid copolymers by Trichotecium roseum fungus; authors: R. Lipsa, N. Tudorachi, V. C. Grigoras, C. Vasile; J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2015, 132, 14. (DOI: /APP), IF=1.77. Static and dynamic investigations of poly(aspartic acid) and Pluronic F127 complex prepared by self-assembling in aqueous solution; authors: L.E. Nita, A. P. Chiriac, M. Bercea, MT. Nistor; Applied Surface Science, 2015, 359, 486–495, IF=2.711. Possibilities of quercetin insertion into poly(N, N-dimethylacrylamide-co-3, 9-divinyl-2, 4, 8, 10-tetraoxaspiro (5.5) undecane) network; authors: A. P. Chiriac, L.E. Nita, I. Neamtu; Materials Science and Engineering C, 2015,47, 17–25, IF=3.088. In situ preparation of a magnetic composite during functionalization of poly[maleic anhydride-co-3,9- divinyl-2,4,8,10-tetraoxaspiro(5.5)undecane] with erythritol; authors: I. Neamtu, A. P. Chiriac, L.E. Nita, N. Tudorachi, A Diaconu; J Nanopart Res, 2015, 17:254, IF=2.184. An investigation on multi-layered hydrogels based on poly(N, N-dimethylacrylamide – co – 3, 9-divinyl-2, 4, 8, 10-tetraoxaspiro (5.5) undecane); authors: A.P. Chiriac, M. T. Nistor, L.E. Nita; Rev. Roum. Chim., 2014, 59(11-12), , IF=0.311 Patterning poly(maleic anhydride-1 co-3, 9-divinyl-2, 4, 8, 10- tetraoxaspiro (5.5) undecane) copolymer bioconjugates for controlled release of drugs; authors: L.E. Nita, A.P. Chiriac, L. Mititelu-Tartaua, E. Stoleru, F. Doroftei, A. Diaconu; International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2015, 493, , IF=3.65. Upon synthesis of a polymeric matrix with pH and temperature responsiveness and antioxidant bioactivity based on poly(maleic anhydride-co-3,9-divinyl-2,4,8,10-tetraoxaspiro[5.5] undecane) derivatives; authors: A. P. Chiriac, L. E. Nita, N. Tudorachi, I. Neamtu , V. Balan, L. Tartau; Materials Science and Engineering C 2015, 50, 348–357, IF=3.088.

27 Dissemination of the results
Published paper in Proceedings: Study on poly(vinyl alcohol) copolymers biodegradation; authors: R. Lipşa, N. Tudorachi, A. Grigoraş, C. Vasile, P. Grădinariu; Memoirs of the Scientific Sections of the Romanian Academy, Tome XXXVIII, 2015, 1-22. Communication at scientific meeting: Biocompatible magnetic nanoparticles with antioxidant enzymes for cardiovascular applications; authors: L. Lungoci, V. Balan, M. Butnaru, C. Dimitriu, L. Verestiuc; 6th International Seminar on Biomaterials & Regenerative Medicine, Oradea, România, 17-19th September 2015. Registered patent application: Process for synthesis of a copolymer matrix for biomedical applications; authors: AP Chiriac, LE Nita, A Diaconu, I Neamtu, N Tudorachi, V Balan, Patent Application No. A/00341/

28 Dissemination of the results
Posters at scientific meetings Upon synthesis of a comprehensive copolymer network based on itaconic anhydride and 3, 9-divinyl-2, 4, 8, 10-tetraoxaspiro (5.5) undecane for bioconjugation; authors: A. Diaconu, L. Niță, A. Chiriac, E. Butnaru, N. Tudorachi, C. Vasile, M. Pinteala; Frontiers in Macromolecular and Supramolecular Science, Simpozionul Internaţional Cristofor I. Simionescu , VII-th Edition. Smart polymeric systems based on n,n dimethylacrylamide and 3, 9-divinyl-2, 4, 8, 10-tetraoxaspiro (5.5) undecane, V. Bălan; authors: A. Diaconu, M. Asăndulesa, E. Butnaru, L. E. Niţă, I. Neamţu, N. Tudorachi, A. P. Chiriac. Zilele Academiei iesene, ed. XXV, sept. 2015 SOD and catalase immobilization onto superparamagnetic nanoparticles for cardiovascular applications; authors: L. Lungoci, V.Balan, M. Butnaru, O.Bredetean L.Verestiuc; 12th International Conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies (NN15), 7-10 July 2015, Thessaloniki, Greece. Antioxidant enzymes immobilized on biocompatible SPIONS for cardiovascular applications; authors: L. Verestiuc, L. Lungoci, V. Balan, M. Butnaru, O. Bredetean; 27th European Conference on Biomaterials, 30 august-3 sept. 2015, Kracovia, Poland. Investigation upon a novel poly(maleic anhydride – co - 3, 9 – divinyl - 2,4,8,10-tetraoxaspiro (5.5) undecane) / magnetite hybrid nanocomposite preparation; authors: I. Neamtu, A. P. Chiriac, L. E. Nita; Fourth International Conference on Multifunctional, Hybrid and Nanomaterials 9-13 March 2015, Sitges, Spain. Possibilities for Quercetin insertion into poly(N,N-dimethylacrylamide-co-3,9- divinyl - 2,4,8,10-tetraoxaspiro (5.5) undecane) network; authors: A. P. Chiriac, L. E. Nita, I. Neamtu; Fourth International Conference on Multifunctional, Hybrid and Nanomaterials 9-13 March 2015, Sitges, Spain.

29 Stage V/2016 - Project objectives
Bio-magnetic system integration: continuation of 2015 stage Activity 5.1. – Diversification of the procedures used for obtaining and characterization of functionalized hybrid stents Activity 5.2. – Correlation and optimization of the interdependent functions for developing optimal conditions for antioxidant / stent hybrid magnetic structures achievement. Elaboration of the laboratory technology for the integration of new hybrid materials as bio-magnetic composites with antioxidant characteristics. Part II Activity 5.3. – Elaboration of the laboratory technology for the antioxidant magnetic hybrid structures obtaining Activity 5.4. – Elaboration of a technique of using the prepared antioxidant magnetic hybrid structures Activity 5.5. – Dissemination of the results through communications at national and international symposia, publications in ISI journals or indexed in international databases. Activity – Organization of a workshop „News in the domain of magnetic NPs: obtaining, properties, applications of the hybrid magnetic NPs”

30 Diversification of the used procedures for the obtaining and characterization of the functionalized hybrid stents The comparative evaluation of the polymer matrices based on poly(maleic anhydride – co - 3, 9 – divinyl - 2,4,8,10-tetraoxaspiro [5.5] undecane) P(U-MA) and respectively poly(itaconic anhydride-co-3, 9-divinyl-2, 4, 8, 10-tetraoxaspiro [5.5] undecane)(PU-ITA), utilized for the obtaining of the magnetic NPs, subsequent deposition on stents and functionalization with antioxidant enzymes, referring the hydrodynamic diameter, thermal stability, viscoelastic behavior and dielectric spectroscopy analysis, characteristics that recommend them in the deposition process on stent, it is realized. Thermal analysis: some differences in the heating behavior of P(U-MA) and P(U-ITA) are observed, referring to the degradation stages and weight losses for every stage. P(U-MA) system has a greater thermal stability. But, taking into account the final destination of the two polymers as matrices for magnetic nanocomposites with biomedical applications, the both structures are suitable for the purpose.

31 Dimension evaluation of P(U-MA) and P(U-ITA)
Dimension analysis of P(U-MA) and P(U-ITA) first evidences the nanosized character of the polymer matrices (see Table). The temperature sensitive character is evidenced by the evolution of the hydrodynamic diameter with temperature change in the range of C. P(U-ITA) presents greater diameters until 28C with an inflection at 34C, while P(U-MA) shows changes at 28C and in the range of °C. Temperature sensitivity is attributed to the spiroacetalic cycle that assures specific conformations to the macromolecular chains, and the hydrophilic-hydrophobic balance of the copolymer generated by both comonomers.

32 Viscoelastic evaluation of P(U-MA) and P(U-ITA) polymer structures
In the shear rate range of s-1 the viscosity values of the polymer matrices decrease, which certifies the non-Newtonian (pseudoplastic) behavior, respective their shear thinning solutions with viscosity from 206,000 Pa.s to Pa.s in the case of P(U-MA) and from Pa.s to Pa.s in the case of P(U-ITA). However P(U-MA) shows a more pronounced pseudoplastic character. In the shear rate range of s-1 the complex viscosity values h* decrease with frequency increase; thus, η * P (U-MA) > η * P (U-ITA) which certifies a greater crosslinking degree in the case of P (U-MA), because of a reduced flexibility of the anhydridic cycle of maleic anhydride compared to the itaconic anhydride. Crosslinked polymer network meshes further ensure the possibility to link bioactive compounds. On the full-range angular frequency used in testing, in the case of P(U-MA) solution, elastic modulus is greater than viscous modulus G' > G"; the graphical representation of G' and G" show two parallel curves with no meeting point, confirming the strong gel character. P(U-ITA) solution presents a gel behavior at low angular frequency, with G '> G''. At high angular frequency, P(U-ITA) shows G "> G' corresponding to a fluid-like behavior, with a weaker crosslinked polymer network and with poor structural strength under stationally condition.

33 Dielectric spectroscopy analysis of P(U-MA) and P(U-ITA) polymer structures
Regarding P(U-MA) copolymer, the activation energy for b relaxation is 34.5 kJ/mol while the relaxation transition is registered in the temperature range of - 65C until +35o C. Regarding P(U-ITA) copolymer, the activation energy for b relaxation is 38.4 kJ/mol in the temperature range of +20C until +50o C; in this case is evidenced too, g relaxation with activation energy of 28.8 kJ/mol, in the temperature range of - 140C until -5oC. P(U-MA) : From broadband dielectric spectroscopy data it results a b relaxation process associated to the rotation of the rigid side groups of spiroacetalic cycle present in the macromolecular chain. P(U-ITA) : has a b relaxation process associated to greater spiroacetalic groups and g relaxation process due to smaller polar groups in the side chains, by localized and non-cooperative movements.

34 Conclusions From the comparative evaluation study carried out on the polymer matrices based on poly(maleic anhydride-co-3,9-divinil-2,4,8,10-tetraoxaspiro [5.5] undecane) and poly(itaconic anhydride-co-3,9- divinil-2,4,8,10-tetraoxaspiro [5.5] undecane), were drown some conclusions about the two formulations with new structures and outstanding performances in terms of the possibility to use them for preparing magnetic nanocomposites, as well as the additional capabilities in increasing their functionalities for subsequent coupling of bioactive compounds, namely antioxidant enzymes and deposition on stents for biomedical uses. Thermal analysis evidenced a relative similar behavior for the both variants of copolymers. The temperature sensitivity is attributed to the hydrophobic- hydrophilic balance generated by the comonomers and to the spiroacetal groups’ presence; this is evidenced by the hydrodynamic diameters values that change in the temperature range of °C. Rheological investigation in the shear rate range between 0.01 and 100 s -1 shows a fluid like non-Newtonian behavior for the two copolymer solutions. Also, the oscillatory testing proves a gel-like or a fluid-like behavior as a function of angular frequency. We decided after testing the use of P(U-MA) for subsequent applications according to the project’s objectives. For the structure of poly(maleic anhydride-co-3,9-divinyl-2,4,8,10-tetraoxaspiro [5.5] undecane) was conducted further investigation and developed a laboratory technology for synthesis.

35 Correlation and optimization of the interdependent functions for developing of the optimal conditions in the antioxidant hybrid magnetic structures / stent achievement - optimizing of the conditions for magnetic nanocomposites deposition on stent In accordance with the optimized results of the synthesis, polymer matrices characterization ( thermal stability, dimension, rheological behavior), development and transport of the magnetic NPs/stent through various specific environments, the polymer matrix constituted by poly(maleic anhydride-co-3,9-divinil-2,4,8,10-tetraoxaspiro [5.5] undecane) was chosen and the laboratory technology of synthesis was detailed. On this basis it was subsequently developed the technology of in situ preparation of the magnetic composite NPs by the splitting of the anhydride cycle with erythritol and including of the magnetite core in the polymeric film. To optimize conditions for making antioxidant magnetic hybrid structures / stent, the conditions of the magnetic nanocomposite NPs deposition in an alternating magnetic field, as a function of the dispersion medium, deposition time and the cycles number of deposition, were researched. Magnetic nanocomposites NPs in situ prepared during functionalization with erythritol of the copolymer poly(maleic anhydride-co-3,9-divinil-2,4,8,10-tetraoxaspiro [5.5] undecane) were deposited on stent in an alternating magnetic field and the deposition dependence on the dispersion medium (dielectric constant, dipole moment, electrostatic factor, density, viscosity, surface tension, molecular polarization, magnetic susceptibility) was followed. Study of the dependence of magnetic composite NPs deposition on stent, the deposition yield, stent magnetic susceptibility, correlated with the deposition conditions (such as the dispersion medium characteristics, time and number of deposition cycles) allowed to optimize the technological process of obtaining functionalized magnetic stent.

36 The characteristics of the dispersion medium used in deposition
Solvent Dielectric constant,  Dipole moment, 10 e-18emu Electrostatic factor, EF  x  Density, g/cm3 Viscosity,  cP Surface tension,  dyn/cm Molar polarization P Magnetic Susceptibility,  x 10-6 cm3/mol Yield , % Chloroform 4.806 1.15 5.527 1.48 0.514 26.53 44.96 -59.93 27.78 Ethyl acetate 6.02 1.88 11.32 0.89 0.426 22.55 61.20 -49.11 10 Tetrahydrofuran 7.58 1.75 13.27 26.40 55.57 -39.85 Cyclohexanol 15.00 1.86 27.90 0.97 41.06 33.91 84.90 -70.61 20 Methyl ethyl ketone 18.51 2.76 51.07 0.79 0.36 23.97 77.81 -45.72 19.60 Acetone 20.70 2.69 55.68 0.78 0.30 22.01 64.53 -33.86 14.29 Ethanol 24.55 1.66 40.75 0.99 21.40 51.65 -34.19 32.55 Dimethylformamide 36.71 3.86 141.70 0.94 0.802 35.20 71.64 -43.41 33.33 Dimethylsulfoxide 46.68 3.90 182.05 1.09 1.99 42.86 67.15 -42.86 66.67 Water with surfactant 78.39 1.85 145.38 71.81 17.41 -12.97 15.79

37 Deposition evolution of the magnetic nanocomposite NPs on stent depending on the dispersion medium
Solvent Deposition (mg/min)x102 Deposition Stent Susceptibility 3’ mg x 100 % Volume, e-4 V Masa, e-4 M Etanol 0.43 0.48 0.52 0.56 0.57 0.14 32.55 0.012 0.429 DMSO 0.45 0.60 0.24 66.67 0.006 0.371 Acetone 0.46 0.49 0.50 0.06 14.29 0.014 0.495 DMF 0.53 0.58 0.59 0.62 0.15 33.33 0.016 0.519 Ethyl acetate 0.55 0.05 10 0.470 THF 0.42 0.44 0.04 MEC 0.54 0.61 0.10 19.60 0.025 0.668 Cloroform 0.8 27.78 0.007 0.453 Cyclohexanol 0.39 0.40 0.41 20 0.005 0.317 Water 15.79 0.017

38 Deposition evolvement of the magnetic composite NPs on stent according to the dispersion medium of NPs, time and number of deposition cycles (I) Correlation of the magnetic composite NPs deposition on stent (mg x 100) and the magnetic susceptibility values of stent (mass x 104) with the density of the dispersing solvent for NPs and their deposition on the stent in alternating magnetic field conditions: at the highest density of g / cm3 for chloroform as dispersion and deposition medium, it is obtained the yield of 28% and the mass susceptibility of stent e-4M. Correlation of the deposition yield of the magnetic composite NPs on stent (mg x 100) and the magnetic susceptibility of stent (mass value x 104) with the viscosity of the dispersing solvent for NPs and their deposition on stent in alternating magnetic field conditions: at the highest viscosity of cP for cyclohexanol as dispersion and deposition medium it is obtained the yield: 20% and mass susceptibility of stent : e-4 M. Correlation of the deposition yield of the magnetic composite NPs on stent (mg x 100) and the magnetic susceptibility of stent (mass value x 104) with the dielectric constant of the dispersing solvent for NPs and their deposition on stent in alternating magnetic field conditions:at the highest dielectric constant of for water with tensioactive as dispersion and deposition medium it is obtained the yield: 16 % and mass susceptibility of stent: e-4 M. Correlation of the deposition yield of the magnetic composite NPs on stent (mg x 100) and the magnetic susceptibility of stent (mass value x 104) with the dipole moment of the dispersing solvent for NPs and their deposition on stent in alternating magnetic field conditions:at highest dipole moment of 3.90 for dimethyl sulfoxide it is obtained the yield: 67 % and mass susceptibility of stent: e-4 M.

39 Deposition evolvement of the magnetic composite NPs on stent according to the dispersion medium of NPs, time and number deposition cycles (II) Correlation of the magnetic composite NPs deposition on stent (mg x 100) and the magnetic susceptibility values of stent (mass x 104) with the electrostatic factor of the dispersing solvent for NPs and their deposition on the stent in alternating magnetic field conditions: at the highest electrostatic factor of 182 for dimethyl sulfoxide as dispersion and deposition medium, it is obtained the yield of 67% and the mass susceptibility of stent e-4M. Correlation of the magnetic composite NPs deposition on stent (mg x 100) and the magnetic susceptibility values of stent (mass x 104) with the surface tension of the dispersing solvent for NPs and their deposition on the stent in alternating magnetic field conditions: at the highest surface tension of dyne/cm for water with tensioactive as dispersion and deposition medium, it is obtained the yield of 16% and the mass susceptibility of stent e-4M. Correlation of the magnetic composite NPs deposition on stent (mg x 100) and the magnetic susceptibility values of stent (mass x 104) with the molecular polarization of the dispersing solvent for NPs and their deposition on the stent in alternating magnetic field conditions: at the highest molecular polarization of for cyclohexanol as dispersion and deposition medium, it is obtained the yield of 20% and the mass susceptibility of stent e-4M. Correlation of the magnetic composite NPs deposition on stent (mg x 100) and the magnetic susceptibility values of stent (mass x 104) with the magnetic susceptibility of the dispersing solvent for NPs and their deposition on the stent in alternating magnetic field conditions: at the highest magnetic susceptibility of for cyclohexanol as dispersion and deposition medium, it is obtained the yield of 20% and the mass susceptibility of stent e-4M.

40 Conclusions The resulted data show that the efficient deposition of the magnetic composite Nps on stent are dependent on the solvent characteristics in the following order: density > viscosity > electrostatic factor > magnetic susceptibility > molecular polarization > dielectric constant > dipole moment > surface tension. One can obtain deposition yields up to 67% and magnetic susceptibility of e-4 M for a stent with initial weight of mg. Optical microscopy images for magnetic composite NPs deposited on stent from: (a) dimethyl sulfoxide; (b) dimethylformamide; (c) water with tensioactive (a) Dimethyl sulfoxide (b) dimethylformamide (c) water with tensioactive Based on the obtained information, the technological process for the deposition of the magnetic composite NPs on stent was carried out.

41 Stents biofunctionalization
The functionalized stents with magnetic nanocomposite NPs including functional groups able to couple bioactive structures have been used to bind antioxidant enzymes. Subsequently, in organ bath the enzymatic activity was tested. The biofunctionalized magnetic stents were characterized by SEM. Functionalization with enzymes does not modify the stent surface morphology, while the magnetic particles after repeated washings still remain immobilized on the metallic surface. It finds a decrease in the enzyme activity, proper to the decomposition of the substrates by the immobilized enzyme on stent, this being due to lower concentrations of the enzyme relative to the unit area of the surface and to the conformational changes undergone by the enzyme. Values of the enzyme activity can ensure the proper functioning of the stent with antioxidant activity.

42 Conclusions Correlation and optimizing of the interdependent functions in the synthesis of the polymer matrix with the preparation of the magnetic nanocomposite and the creation of the conditions for functionalization with antioxidant enzymes – superoxide dismutase and catalase – allowed the elaboration of optimal conditions for the achievement of the antioxidant hybrid magnetic structures / stent and also developing the laboratory technology for the integration of the new hybrid materials and biomagnetic composites with antioxidant characteristics. By developing laboratory technology for obtaining antioxidant hybrid magnetic structures was insured the conception of the techniques for use.

43 Workshop - News in the domain of magnetic NPs: obtaining, properties, applications of the hybrid magnetic NPs According to the project objectives in 2016 was organized the workshop: “News in the domain of magnetic NPs: obtaining, properties, applications of the hybrid magnetic NPs”, held on 1st of July 2016 at “Petru Poni” Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry in Iasi. The workshop included the following activities: Conferences: H. Chiriac. Low curie temperature glassy magnetic alloys for medical applications. Communications: V. Balan, L. Verestiuc. Biofunctionalized magnetic nanoparticles for biomedical applications. N. Tudorachi, A. Chiriac, L. E. Nita, I. Neamtu, V. Balan, A. Diaconu. Studies on magnetic nanocomposites based on carboxymethyl starch–g-poly(lactic acid-co-glycolic acid) copolymer and magnetite. Posters: D.D. Herea, H. Chiriac, E. Radu, N. Lupu, Magnetic nanoparticles for mechanically induced necrosis of cancerous cells. E. Radu, H. Chiriac, C.M.Dnceanu, D.D. Herea, G. Stoian, N. Lupu, A ferrofluid based on low curie Fe67.2Cr12.5Nb0.3B20 nanoparticles with potential biomedical applications. I. Neamtu, L. E. Nita, N. Tudorachi, A. Diaconu, A. P. Chiriac. Synthesis and properties of new magnetic hybrid composites. A. Diaconu, L. E. Nita, L.Tartau, I. Neamtu, N. Tudorachi, A. P. Chiriac. Experimental researches on hybrid magnetic composites with applicability in the achievement of cardiovascular stents. M. Bercea, L. E. Nita, I. Neamtu, A.P. Chiriac. Magnetic field effect on the rheological properties of composite materials. N. Tudorachi, R. Lipsa, L. Matrical, G. L. Ailiesei, A.P. Chiriac. Carboxymethyl starch–g-poly(lactic acid-co-glycolic acid) copolymer for biomedical applications. Synthesis and characterization. T. Mereuta , L. Lungoci , O. Bredetean , C. Dimitriu , V. Balan , M.Butnaru , L. Verestiuc. Antioxidant enzymes immobilized on magnetic nanoparticles with potential cardiovascular applications. F. D. Ivan, V. Balan, M. Butnaru , L. Verestiuc. Magnetic composite supports based on biopolymers, calcium phosphate and magnetic particles for bone tissue regeneration. V. Redinciuc, V. Balan, L. Verestiuc. Nanoparticles based on N-palmitoyl chitosan biotinylated for breast cancer therapy.

44 Dissemination of the results (I)
Published papers: A. P. Chiriac, V. Balan, M. Asandulesa, E. Butnaru, N. Tudorachi, E. Stoleru, L. E. Nita, I. Neamtu, A. Diaconu, Investigation on thermal, rheological, dielectric and spectroscopic properties of a polymer containing pendant spiroacetal moieties, Materials Chemistry and Physics 180 (2016) , IF=2.101. R. Lipsa, N. Tudorachi, R. N. Darie-Nita, L. Oprica, C. Vasile, A. Chiriac, Biodegradation of poly(lactic acid) and some of its based systems with Trichoderma viride, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 88 (2016) 515–526, IF=3.138. A. P. Chiriac, L. E. Nita, L. Mititelu-Tartau, I. Neamtu, N. Tudorachi, A. Diaconu, Using an alternating magnetic field for covering a metallic stent with a new magnetic composite Rev. Roum. Chim., 61(4-5), (2016), , IF=0.311. V. Balan, M. Butnaru, L. Verestiuc, Preparation, characterization and preliminary evaluation of magnetic nanoparticles based on biotinylated N-palmitoyl chitosan, Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Advancements of Medicine and Health Care through Technology – MediTech2016, 12 – 15 October 2016 (ISI Proceedings). L. Verestiuc, V. Balan, T.Mereuta, D.C. Dimitriu, A. Diaconu, L.Nita, M. Butnaru, Enzymes-biofunctionalized magnetic nanoparticles for cardiovascular applications, BIOMATERIALS FOR HEALTHCARE: Biomaterials for Tissue and Genetic Engineering and the Role of Nanotechnology, 1st biennial conference BioMaH, October 17-20, 2016 Rome, Italy, Pag , ISBN Balan V, Butnaru M, Bredetean O and Verestiuc L, Design and evaluation of biofunctionalized magnetic nanoparticles for biomedical applications, Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol., 10th World Biomaterials Congress 2016. Doi: /conf.FBIOE

45 Dissemination of the results (II)
Communications: A.P. Chiriac, L.E. Nita, L. Mititelu-Tartau, I. Neamtu, N. Tudorachi, A. Diaconu, Experimental research on magnetic composites and their application in vascular stents development ,  7th International Conference “Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering & Medical Devices” BIOMMEDD'2016, Septembrie 2016 Constanta, Romania. A.P. Chiriac, L.E. Nita, I. Neamtu, A. Diaconu, N. Tudorachi, V. Balan, L Mititelu-Tartau, Strategy for polymer network preparatiom and ensuring intramolecular conditions for further coupling applications, Annual Conference & Expo on Biomaterials―Biomaterials 2016,‖ Martie 2016 Londra, UK. A. P. Chiriac, V. Balan, M. Asandulesa, E. Butnaru, N. Tudorachi, E. Stoleru, L. E. Nita, I. Neamtu, A. Diaconu, L. Mititelu-Tartau, Upon Poly(2-Hydroxyethyl Methacrylate-Co-3, 9-Divinyl-2, 4, 8, 10-Tetraoxaspiro (5.5) Undecane) as Polymer Matrix Ensuring Intramolecular Strategies for Further Coupling Applications, 18th International Conference on Materials Science, Engineering and Manufacturing, ICMSEM 2016, Aprilie, Paris, Franta. V. Balan, A.G. Rusu, I.A. Tanasa, C. Surdu, O.M. Manolea, A. Minuti, B.I. Ciubotaru, L. Verestiuc, Magnetic nanoparticles functionalized with enzymes for potential applications as biosensors, 7th International Conference “Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering & Medical Devices”, Constanta (Romania) 15th - 17th September, 2016 L. Verestiuc, V. Balan, T.Mereuta, D.C. Dimitriu, A.Diaconu, L.Nita, M. Butnaru, Enzymes-biofunctionalized magnetic nanoparticles for cardiovascular applications, BIOMATERIALS FOR HEALTHCARE: Biomaterials for Tissue and Genetic Engineering and the Role of Nanotechnology, 1st biennial conference BioMaH, October 17-20, 2016 Rome, Italy L. Verestiuc, Polymeric nanomaterials for medical and pharmaceutical applications, SupraChem Lab Project Training, “P. Poni” Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Iasi (PPIMC), Balan V, Butnaru M, Bredetean O and Verestiuc L, Design and evaluation of biofunctionalized magnetic nanoparticles for biomedical applications, Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol.,Abstract: 10th World Biomaterials Congress. doi: /conf.FBIOE , 2016 L. Verestiuc, V. Balan, M. Butnaru, D. Zaharia, Biofunctionalized nanocomposites based on magnetite and chitosan for medical applications, 3rd International Conference Health Technology Management, ICTHM-2016, October 6-7, 2016, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, pag 120, ISBN

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