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Presentation on theme: "THE HISTORY OF ST. VALENTINE’S DAY."— Presentation transcript:


2 Valentine’s Day is said to take its origin from 3rd Century Rome as a tribute to St. Valentine, a Catholic bishop.

3 Before the establishment of Valentine's Day, the Romans had practised a pagan celebration in mid-February. The celebration featured a lottery in which young men would draw the names of teenage girls from a box. The girl assigned to each young man would be his companion for a year.

4 Roman Emperor Claudius banned marriage from his empire
Roman Emperor Claudius banned marriage from his empire. But Valentine secretly performed marriages. When Claudius found out about Valentine, he sentenced him to death.

5 While in prison, Valentine fell in love with the blind daughter of his jailer. Before his death, he sent a farewell message to her, signed "From your Valentine." The phrase is still used on Valentine cards today.

6 In Ireland, Valentine’s Day became popular in the 17th century
In Ireland, Valentine’s Day became popular in the 17th century. Lovers and friends exchanged small tokens of affection and handwritten notes. By the end of the 18th century, printed cards replaced handwritten notes.

7 In 1835 an Irish Carmelite by the name of John Spratt was visiting Rome. He was responsible for the building of the new church to Our Lady of Mount Carmel at Whitefriar Street. While he was in Rome he was asked to preach at the famous Jesuit Church in the city, the Gesu. Apparently his fame as a preacher had gone before him and the elite of Rome flocked to hear him and he received many tokens of esteem including the remains of Saint Valentine. On November 10, 1836, the Reliquary containing the remains arrived in Dublin and were brought in solemn procession to Whitefriar Street Church where they were received by Archbishop Murray of Dublin.

8 Valentine's Day was imported to North America in the 19th century by British settlers.
In the second half of the 20th century, the practice of giving gifts along with paper-laced cards became popular. Roses, candies and chocolates are the most commonly exchanged Valentine's Day Gifts.

9 Today, it is estimated that one billion Valentine cards are sent each year, 85% of which are sent by women. Valentine’s Day is mostly celebrated in the United States, Mexico, the United Kingdom, Ireland, France and Australia.



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