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What is History?.

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1 What is History?

2 What is History? History attempts to describe and explain the past. Historians are generally concerned with the causes, consequences and significance of events. History is distinct from myths and narratives about the past in that History is exclusively concerned with what can be demonstrated through the reasoned use of evidence.

3 What is History? Everything has a history so anything can be the studied by History. Once, History tended to focus exclusively on war, politics and 'great men'. Now, the discipline of History is much more diverse. Areas of study include, for example; - The history of everyday life - The history of ideas - The history of technology - Gender history - Cultural history - Art history

4 What is History? In the Western world at least, History is regarded as falling into the following major periods: - Pre-History (before writing) - approx BC - Ancient History - > 470 AD - Medieval History AD - Modern History 1500 > present

5 The Romulus & Remus Myth
Rhea, a Latin princess, escaped from the control of her uncle and gave birth to Romulus & Remus, her children by Mars, the God of War. Rhea's wicked uncle was so jealous he killed Rhea and Mars and ordered the death of Romulus & Remus The servant could not kill the baby twins and sent them in a basket down the Tiber. The twins were found by a she-wolf and then a shepherd Romulus & Remus grew into strong men and founded their own village. In a fight over what to kill the city, Romulus killed Remus

6 The geography of Rome Easily defended hills
Access to the sea by the Tiber Island in the Tiber made it easier to cross, major north-south trade route Volcanic activity had created fertile soil (but also malaria-infected marshes) Later on - well-positioned in the Mediterranean (militarily and commercially)

7 The Etruscans and their influence
Conflicting accounts of their origins Last three kings believed to have been Etruscan Building: drains, sewer, paved streets, the forum, planned streets, the arch, houses Religion - divination, necropolises

8 Two classes of citizens
Patricians (Patres - fathers) Large landowners of noble birth who had a privileged position within the state; they could trace their ancestry back to the original clans who occupied the seven hills Plebeans (Plebs - the multitude) The body of Roman citizens apart from the privileged participants - small farmers, traders, craftsmen and labourers; excluded from political, legal, economic and religious rights Large landowners, leased public land Didn't own land, might 'rent' it. Harsh debt laws, taxed in time of war, could make money through trade Monopoly of powerful political positions Ruled by the patricians, excluded from senate, assembly dominated by patricians Controlled religion, became Pontiffs and Augurs Excluded from religious office Laws unwritten and only patricians could interpret and administer it No right of appeal against decisions of patricians Dominated army, could afford to keep their property running while absent Served in army, had to leave land unattended. Military service gave political leverage.

9 Familia Familia Familia
The gentes (clans) A gens was a clan: gentes (clans) were composed of families descended from a common ancestor and had religious rites in common GENS Familia Familia Familia

10 Patronage (patrocinium)
The Roman Family... PATERFAMILIAS Paternal authority (patria potestas), Complete disciplinary control (manus) Lordship (dominium) Patronage (patrocinium) Family The Roman family included many generations: the oldest couple, their married sons with their wives and children, and their unmarried sons and daughters. Slaves Generally prisoners of war taken by the Romans in their conflicts with the Italian tribes around them. A slave could be freed by the paterfamilias. Freedmen (liberti) became clients. Clients Clients, although dependants, enjoyed some of the privileges of the family. They were granted land and protection by their patron in return for economic and political services.

11 What was involved in being a 'client'?
Duties (officia) Benefits (beneficia) To follow patron to war Received land to farm To vote for patron in elections and support his view in the assembly Received legal help and protection in the courts To give respectful attention to patron Received food rations (occasionally payment in cash) To support the patron in certain economic matters, such as helping to provide a dowry for the patron's daughter Patrons and clients could not give evidence against one another

12 Praenomen (personal name) Cognomen (family name)
Roman names Praenomen (personal name) Nomen (clan name) Cognomen (family name) Agnomen (special name) Adoptive names Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus Aulus Quintus Decimus Titus Publius Gnaeus Lucius Marcus Gaius Sextus Manius Tiberius Cornelias Claudius Julius Aemilius Licinius Scipio Sulla Gallus Lentulus Balbus Celsus Dolabella Naso (nasus - nose) Capito (caput - head) Caesar (curly-haired) Africanus Macedonicus Creticus Magnus (great) Felix (fortunate)

13 Political Organisation
Consuls - two patrician magistrates Supreme executive authority - military, civil and judicial Symbol of imperium - the fasces (double-headed axe enclosed in a bundle of rods) Toga praetexta - with a purple band Auspicium - right to take the auspices Each consul had the right of veto Only one year in office, ten years before eligible for re-election The senate - council of nobles Originally 100 members (late 300), patricians only Seat for life, unless guilty of serious misconduct Advisory body to consuls Power to veto resolutions The comitia curiata - people's assembly Originated in the time of the kings Rome was divided into 'parishes' (curiae) The assembly elected the consuls Voted for or against resolutions consuls put before it but could not raise or discuss any issues

14 Expansion through the Italian peninsula
B.C. Wars against the Sabines, Aequi, Volsci. In 493 Latin League created B.C. Rome sacked by the Gauls. Gradually recovers - Servian wall built. In 343 defended Capua from the Samnites. B.C. Latin League dissolved. Wars with Samnites, Etruscans, Umbrians and Gauls. Wars against Samnites led to the development of Maniples. Roman colonies. B.C. Wars against Magna Graecia. Pyrrhus of Epirus

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