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Negative effects of sports technology

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1 Negative effects of sports technology
R046 – LEARNING OUTCOME 3 Negative effects of sports technology

2 Rule/regulation changes
PERFORMANCE Rule/regulation changes Skills may deteriorate Players/teams may be over reliant on the latest technology Cost Not all sports/teams/individuals can afford the latest technology – this puts them at a disadvantage to those who can afford it.

3 GAMEPLAY Prolongs game duration In rugby, close decisions sometimes take up to five minutes to decide. In cricket, video referral technologies have occasionally been wrong, affecting the outcome of matches, leagues and tournaments

4 GAMEPLAY 100% accuracy? Decisions may still be wrong or incidents may still be missed. Human error is not eliminated. Over reliant on technology Could officials become over reliant on technology? How would this impact on the game if more decisions were made via technology. Would this change the nature of the sport? The wait for a decision to be made would take time…

5 Decreases live spectatorship
Live streams? More people are staying at home to watch sport

6 For spectators, opinion on the use of video replays for officiating is similarly mixed. In cricket, teams can decide which technologies are used and which are not, which leads to inconsistency and disagreement across the sport. Given that video replay technologies are expensive, the way professional sport if refereed becomes very different from grass-roots sport. Overall, as much as spectators like fairness, they also like to be entertained. Video replays provide drama and debate, but if they disrupt gameplay, is it worth it? While some welcome the influence of these innovations, some long to return to the days when the referee’s decision was final.’

7 Less entertaining Increased certainty of decisions may make sport less entertaining for some. Crowd Influence Crowd may influence outcome if giant screens in stadium show replays

8 OTHER Other negative effects…

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