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Welcome to Post – 2018 September 2017

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Post – 2018 September 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Post 16 2017 – 2018 September 2017
Presenters: Mrs Cartwright Mrs Ward

2 This evening’s Aims Chenderit’s vision and key priorities for Ofsted Staff, parent and student voice Introduction to Chenderit Sixth Form How parents can support Post 16 learners Post 18 options Questions

3 Whole school objectives 2017 - 2020
Our Vision: To pursue excellence academically and in all other spheres of school life. Whole school objectives

4 1. To improve the quality of Leadership and Management at all levels.
For leaders at all levels and governors to ensure that more and most able students, including those who are disadvantaged, are more consistently challenged by their work and know how to achieve the highest grades To ensure leaders at all levels and governors improve the PSHE and tutor time programmes, ensuring these are cohesive and well-taught and delivered across the school For leaders at all levels and governors to build on developments to improve engagement and information sharing with parents so that all parents know who to approach with any issues they have and are confident in the school’s systems for dealing with bullying and safeguarding issues.

5 2. To improve the quality of Teaching & Learning (curriculum)
To plan (and adapt plans) effectively for class and homework, using prior learning and on-going Assessment for Learning (AfL – especially differentiation through feedback and questioning), so that all groups of students including the more and most able students, particularly those who are disadvantaged, are more consistently challenged by their work To secure good progress for all groups of students but especially the more and most able students, including those who are disadvantaged, by ensuring they know how to achieve the highest grades To improve marking, assessment and feedback, ensuring that students’ engagement and responses lead to faster progress for all groups of students especially the more and most able students, including those who are disadvantaged.

6 2. To improve the quality of Teaching and Learning (Guidance/PSHE)
To plan and implement effective and cohesive tutorial and PSHE programmes, that are consistently well taught and delivered by all staff To identify potential underachievement (e.g. of boys, more and most able and DP students) early and put in place interventions plans that lead to good progress

7 3. To improve the quality of Behaviour for Learning (Curriculum)
To set high expectations which inspire, motivate and challenge students (Teachers’ Standard 1) To manage behaviour effectively to ensure a good and safe learning environment (Teachers’ Standard 7)

8 Why these objectives? Ofsted 2017 – Good Next steps for the school
Leaders and those responsible for governance should ensure that: the most able pupils, including those who are disadvantaged, are more consistently challenged by their work and know how to achieve the highest grades PSHE is consistently well taught and delivered across school, and tutorial time is used well they build on developments to improve engagement and information sharing with parents so that all parents know who to approach with any issues they have and are confident in the school’s systems for dealing with bullying and safeguarding issues.

9 Our strengths “The leadership team has maintained the good quality of education in the school since the last inspection. You have maintained an unwavering focus on high standards. The school has a calm and purposeful feel. You have successfully addressed the areas for improvement identified in the previous inspection report. The quality of teaching, learning and assessment is now more consistent across the school. Staff consistently follow the school’s assessment policy to provide useful feedback to pupils. Pupils told us that they find this helpful, because they know how well they are doing in different subjects.”

10 What did ofsted say about our students?
“Pupils are keen to learn and do their best. Pupils are confident, friendly and engage well with visitors. They describe their school as ‘close knit’ and a ‘friendly community’. They benefit from opportunities to take part in extra-curricular activities, such as debating, sport and drama, which play a significant role in developing their confidence. The school is renowned for the quality of pupils’ art work and the gallery is an important, well-regarded feature.”

11 What did ofsted say about Our support of students?
“The school’s pastoral team provides effective support to pupils who, for whatever reason, need some extra support or a listening ear. The vast majority of pupils we spoke with believed that bullying was rare and that it was dealt with effectively; a small minority disagreed.”

12 Other good news: Student survey
32/40 questions (i.e. 80% of questions) have a positive trend Some very pleasing improvements over the three years, for example: Homework is seen far more positively, perhaps as a result of SMHW Behaviour (positive and negative) is more fairly administered Staff listening to students is showing a significant improvement In total, 13 questions have improved significantly Thank you!

13  Student Survey – some examples…
% agree or tend to agree My parents encourage me to work hard and achieve my school targets 93 I can access technology and books easily at home, to support my studies 88 My teachers expect me to work hard, and encourage me to do my best 92 I have not been bullied at school by other pupils 78 When I am using web technology at school, appropriate safeguards are in place to protect me 85 When I started at this school, teachers and other pupils helped me settle in quickly At this school, we learn about different races, religions and cultures 81 Overall, I believe I am making good progress at school 82 This school teaches me about the dangers of alcohol/drug/solvent abuse 80 I am satisfied that my homework provides me with appropriate challenge I have the opportunity to take part in extra-curricular social and sporting events at school I am proud of my achievements and progress to date at this school I can normally complete all my homework in the allocated time This school provides me with a good choice of subjects to study This school is a safe and secure place to attend I understand my assessments and how they link to my targets and exams, for each subject My parents review and talk to me about my homework 70 I have good opportunities to take part in music, arts and craft activities at school 73

14 Other good news: parent survey
Average % agree or strongly agree 1. My child is happy at school 89% 2. My child feels safe at this school 94% 3. My child makes good progress at this school 91% 4. My child is well looked after at this school 5. My child is well taught at this school 88% 6. My child receives appropriate homework for their age 7. This school makes sure its pupils are well behaved 78% 8. This school deals effectively with bullying 71% 9. This school is well led and managed 85% 10. This school responds well to any concerns I raise 84% 11. I receive valuable information from the school about my child's progress 92% 87% Average % agree or strongly agree (exc blanks and don't know) 89% 94% 91% 88% 78% 71% 85% 84% 92% 87% Parent view – recommend…

15 Other good news: staff survey
Overall % agree or strongly agree (Oct 16) I am proud to be a member of staff at this school 98% Children are safe at this school. 100% Behaviour is good in this school 80% The school deals with any cases of bullying effectively (bullying includes persistent name-calling, cyber, racist and homophobic bullying) 90% Leaders do all they can to improve teaching 89% The school makes appropriate provision for my professional development 81% The school successfully meets the differing needs of individual pupils 88% I know what we are trying to achieve as a school 95% The school is well led and managed 91% Average % agree or strongly agree 85%

16 Mrs Ward Mrs Ward

17 Sixth Form Under the new system being introduced, all A-level exams will take place at the end of Year 13. Implications: Focus on continual revision Focus on big final exams Focus on on-going assessment

18 What will happen in sixth form?
Rights Good quality teaching Regularly assessed work High quality feedback Co-curricular opportunities Information, advice and guidance Contact with staff Responsibilities Motivation Attendance Homework Wider reading Participation Contact

19 Your child’s tutor You should have received an from your son / daughter’s tutor. Please do reply to establish contact. Absence / concerns / progress Subject staff -Subject specific progress Sixth Form Team

20 Attendance Students are expected to attend all day every day. 95%+ attendance is an expectation of studying at Chenderit. You will be contacted if attendance drops or if absence is not authorised in advance. Students may not leave school during study periods Education is a priority Please ensure other activities are scheduled at other times. Driving lessons, dental appointments, holidays etc.

21 How can I help my child? Students are expected to do 5 hours of homework per subject per week. Where a course is taught by more than one teacher, homework set will be divided appropriately between teachers. Show My Homework

22 ‘I don’t have any work’ Show My Homework
Consolidate, organise and condense class notes Redo and improve upon previously assessed work Research new knowledge and prepare for upcoming lessons Rehearse skills acquired in lessons to establish mastery Develop independent learning skills – independent enquiry, reflection, collaboration, organisation and target setting.

23 ‘I left all of my work at school’
Google Classroom launch Revision Wider reading Discussion General knowledge Going out Paid work and other commitments

24 ‘My child is always working/ never working’
Contact tutor or Miss Norris Participation in school community Debate Musical Theatre Sport Trips Sixth Form Committee Mentoring Reading Volunteering

25 Next steps Aspirations Speakers Websites
Trips Work Experience

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