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Maternal and Child Health

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1 Maternal and Child Health

2 Maternal & Child Health
Different from Women’s Health and Child’s Health “Maternal” Health of mothers and children highly inter-related: pregnancy, nutrition, lactation, primary care provision, health seeking, advocacy for education etc Maternal educational status consistent predictor of infant survival

3 Leading Causes of Under Five M & M in Developing World
Infectious Diseases leading cause of death among children (about half) Undernutrition Potentiating effects on infectious diseases Related to poor learning and cognitive function Perinatal (extreme prematurity, stillbirth etc)

4 Infectious Diseases in Under 5’s
Many vaccine preventable Expanded Program of Immunization (EPI) established 1974 Has significantly reduced polio, neonatal tetanus, and measles Parasitic diseases-treatment available for almost all Malaria major killer in sub-saharan Africa (1 million per year) and morbidity extensive ---> severe anemia, undernutrition Helminth infections ---> anemia, undernutrition, cognitive HIV/AIDS Acute lower respiratory tract infections (number 1) Diarrheal diseases - highlight precarious state of children


6 The assets of the top 3 billionaires are more than the combined GDP of all of the least developed countries and their 600 million people

7 At least 1/5 of the world’s population (1
At least 1/5 of the world’s population (1.2 billion people) live in absolute poverty, surviving on US$1 or less a day, and a total of 50%, half of the world’s population, live on US$2 or less a day 70% of people living in absolute poverty are women.

8 Every minute 20 children under 5 years old die, leading to over 10
Every minute 20 children under 5 years old die, leading to over 10.6 million deaths a year.


10 53% of childhood deaths are associated with malnutrition, as a direct or indirect cause.

11 66% of child deaths each year are caused by diarrhea, acute respiratory infections, measles, malaria and perinatal illnesses.





16 Maternal Mortality Risk of dying as result of pregnancy or childbirth
1 in in Sweden 1 in 6 in Afghanistan and Sierra Leone Maternal mortality ratio (# of maternal deaths/ live births) US - 17 Haiti - 680 Malawi UNICEF, 2004

17 Maternal Mortality MMR UNICEF, 2004

18 More Disparities Urban vs Rural Afghanistan: MMR 418 in Kabul
MMR 6507 in rural Ragh Wealthy vs Impoverished Peru Richest quintile – MMR 130 Poorest – MMR >800

19 Disparities at home Joia’s story Najeeha’s story

20 26¢ Measles vaccine Per dose
What can be done 26¢ Measles vaccine Per dose Malawi boosted immunization coverage to 90 percent in 2002 from 50 percent in For the first time ever, no measles deaths were reported in 1999.

21 $1.20 Tetanus vaccine 3 doses for mother
What can be done $1.20 Tetanus vaccine 3 doses for mother Bangladesh increased coverage for mothers to 86 percent in 1998 from 5 percent in 1986; during the same period, the death rate fell to 4 per 1,000 live births from 41.

22 33¢ Oral rehydration salts Per dose
What can be done 33¢ Oral rehydration salts Per dose In Mexico, since the introduction of oral rehydration therapy in 1984, mortality rates for diarrheal diseases fell by 60 percent in less than a decade.

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