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Honors Science st Semester

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1 Honors Science 2016-2017 1st Semester
Ben Mangrum Periods 1, 2, 3, 4 Room 406

2 9/6/16 *20 minute class periods
Science News article—“Your dog really does know what you’re saying, and a brain scan shows how”: read, answer questions, discussion Hand out Syllabus

3 9/7/16 Science Pre-test Syllabus talk
Scientific Method review: Finish discussion questions for Dog Brain Scan article, write TQ’s, discuss lia/wp/2016/08/30/confirmed-your-dog- really-does-get-you/

4 9/8/16 Finish Scientific Method review: Revisit TQ’s, write Hypotheses on whiteboards, discuss format of each Hand out Biology books Skim through 2-1, 2-2 Start “Descriptive Outline” for 2-3 (see handout) Share unfamiliar terms from 2-1, 2-2, explain

5 9/9/16 *Assembly Schedule Collect Syllabus Contract Sheets
Hand out bathroom passes Collect “Descriptive Outline” for 2-3 HOG RACER Notes, Carbon Compounds Lecture

6 9/12/16 Pass out Lab Safety Handout
Watch Lab Safety Video: M91iyg Lab Safety Quiz Review questions from Carbon Compound Lecture

7 9/13/16 *Evacuation Drill Schedule
Lab Safety Test Corrections, collect Pre-lab for Identifying Organic Molecules Lab

8 Identifying Organic Compounds
1. Title: Identifying Organic Compounds 2. Purpose/Background: Include the Fundamental Question, discuss the “Biological Significance” and the “Content from Class” 3. Protocol: Materials (copy from handout—you bring one food to test along with the food label) Safety concerns (summarize from handout) Flow chart (drawings of procedures) 4. Pre-lab Analysis: Answer all “Link to the Lab” questions. Also include Testable Questions and Hypotheses. 5. Data Table: Copy from handout (using full page)

9 9/14/16 *Early Release Schedule
Identifying Organic Molecules Lab: Discuss procedures, conduct lab

10 9/15/16 Continue Identifying Organic Molecules Lab

11 9/16/16 Finish Identifying Organic Molecules Lab
Work on Post-Lab (Post-Lab Analysis, Conclusion paragraphs—refer to handout)

12 Identifying Organic Compounds
5. Data Table: Completed table with all data filled in 6. Post-Lab Analysis: Discuss items listed under “Analysis” on Lab Report handout 7. Conclusion: Discuss items listed under “Conclusion” on Lab Report handout

13 9/19/16 Collect Identifying Organic Molecules lab reports WS 2-3
Descriptive Outlines of 2-4 (on separate paper) *Quiz Wednesday on Carbon Compounds

14 9/20/16 Hand back labs, discuss, explain “reliability” and “validity” and how they apply to this lab Collect Outlines, Correct WS 2-3 Energy and Enzymes Lecture *Quiz Tomorrow on Carbon Compounds

15 9/21/16 Carbon Compounds Quiz
Review, Finish Energy and Enzymes Lecture Pineapple/Gelatin Introduction Make and pour gelatin cups Discuss “Background” with partner, write Testable Question

16 9/22/16 Hand back quiz, discuss Measure, add pineapple puree to cups
Discuss “Background” with partner, write Testable Question, Hypothesis on whiteboards, then later into notebooks Start Pre-Lab: Title, Purpose (FQ, TQ, Hypothesis), Protocol (Materials, Safety, Flow Chart), Data Table

17 9/23/16 Make Final Measurements, Record data (compile class data)
Create a graph of average results Write analysis paragraph

18 Enzyme Activity Lab Report
Title: Investigating the Effect of Temperature on Enzyme Activity Purpose: Fundamental Question, Testable Question, Hypothesis Protocol: Materials, Safety, Picture Flow Chart Data: Copy data table from handout Analysis: Graph of class average results Analysis Paragraph: Summarize what was expected to happen, what actually happened, and identify the following: 1.manipulated variable (1) 2.responding variable (1) 3. controlled variables (2) 4. validity measure (1)

19 9/26/16 Finish analysis paragraphs, collect Labs WS 2-4
Descriptive Outlines 3-1, 3-2 *Enzyme/Experimental Design Quiz on Wednesday

20 9/27/16 Hand back labs, discuss
Collect outlines from 3-1 and 3-2, Correct WS 2-4 Section 3-2 Lecture *Enzyme/Experimental Design Quiz tomorrow!

21 9/28/16 *Early Dismissal Schedule Enzyme/Experimental Design Quiz
Finish Section 3-2 Lecture?

22 9/29/16 Hand back Enzyme Quiz, discuss Finish Section 3-2 Lecture
Food chain activity, answer questions *Bio Chapter 2 Test tomorrow!

23 9/30/16 *Substitute Bio Chapter 2 Test
Finish food chain questions in journals?

24 10/3/16 *Science Olympiad sales pitch Make up test?
Finish, Collect, review Food web diagram, questions from activity WS 3-2

25 10/4/16 Hand back tests, look over answers, discuss
Collect WS 3-2, correct Pole-to-Pole Video (complete WS while watching video) BTh9U4

26 10/5/16 Finish Pole-to-Pole Video Collect, correct Pole-to-Pole WS
Discuss Field Study tomorrow—bring appropriate clothing, maybe an umbrella, flashlight, small shovel/gardening tool

27 10/6/16 Field Study—go outside, measure environmental conditions as a class, collect data from quadrant in groups of four Answer questions, calculate population densities of dandelions and any other common plants in area Outline 3-3 from book, draw all four cycles into notebook Introduce 4-day Food Log (to be completed Thursday-Sunday)

28 10/7/16 *Assembly Schedule (40 minute periods)
Remind about food logs (day 2) Collect field study sheets, discuss questions Collect outlines/drawings 3-3 Cycles of Matter Lecture Food Web WS

29 10/10/16 Correct Food Web WS Review food logs, discuss how to look up values and calculate 4-day average Review, finish 3-3 Lecture Carbon, Nitrogen Cycle, Limiting Nutrient WS Homework: Calculate caloric values for food from 4- day log using nutrition labels or spx (link located on lab handout)

30 10/11/16 Correct Carbon, Nitrogen Cycle, Limiting Nutrient WS
Introduce Energy Loss Lab: read introduction, predict % of energy lost due to heat, measure heat loss, calculate total body heat loss in 24 hours, explain kCalories vs. calories Calculate % of energy lost, write Conclusion Paragraph (on separate paper, stapled with food log and calculation sheet), turn in if done Start WS 3-3

31 10/12/16 *Early Dismissal Schedule
Collect remaining Energy Loss Labs (food log, calculations, conclusion paragraph) WS 3-3 Begin 4-2 Outlines *Chapter 3 Quiz Friday!

32 10/13/16 Collect 4-2 Outlines, correct WS 3-3
Hand back Energy Loss Labs, discuss Begin Relationships, Succession Lecture *Chapter 3 Quiz tomorrow!

33 10/14/16 Chapter 3 Quiz Finish Relationships, Succession Lecture
Species Interaction WS 5-1 WS

34 10/17/16 Make up quiz? Acid Rain Lab Day 1: read handout, write flow chart, answer pre-lab questions, perform day 1 procedures (groups of 4) Correct Species Interaction WS Population Density WS Population Simulation (link on webpage)— complete at home

35 10/18/16 Hand back quizzes, discuss
Collect Population Density WS, Population Simulation Acid Rain Lab Day 2: write hypothesis, compare hypotheses with another table, conduct day 2 procedures Correct 5-1 WS, Population Density WS

36 10/19/16 *PSAT Schedule (17 minute classes) WS 5-2

37 10/20/16 Correct Population Simulation, 5-2 WS
Begin PBS Video (Lethal Seas): -seas.html

38 10/21/16 Finish PBS Video (Lethal Seas): al-seas.html Data Analysis WS—CO2 and Temperature trends, collect, discuss

39 10/24/16 Read Great Barrier Reef article
Acid Rain Lab “Day 3”: make final measurements, calculate % for each group, compile class data, graph results, answer post-lab questions and write conclusion

40 10/25/16 Collect Acid Rain Labs
Discuss main takeaways from Lab reports using student examples (discuss relationship between sulfates/nitrates and acidity) Read Volkswagon article, respond to questions, share with 3 others in a group, discuss Begin Human Impact Jigsaw: read assigned articles, answer related questions in journals

41 10/26/16 *Early Dismissal Schedule Hand back Acid Rain Labs, discuss
Human Impact Jigsaw: Form homogenous groups (with others that read same article), review responses to questions

42 10/27/16 Human Impact Jigsaw:
Return to homogenous groups (with others that read same article), finish group discussions, fill out half-sheet summary of topic Meet in heterogeneous groups (with others that read other articles), present summaries to group, fill out summary table Collect, Review summary table as a class

43 10/28/16 Finish reviewing Human Impact Jigsaw summary table as a class
Guam Snake/Spider article, questions, collect Begin Ecology Test Review—circle less familiar terms, look up definition and context within chapters 3-6 *Ecology Test Tuesday!

44 10/31/16 Discuss Guam Snake/Spider questions, mention more current updates: way/2013/12/03/ /dead-mice-update- tiny-assassins-dropped-on-guam-again and /more-funding-eliminate-brown-tree-snakes- 0826/ / Review list of topics on Ecology test: Create 10 questions that include two terms each, quiz neighbor and discuss Begin Outlines on p , section 7-2 from book *Ecology Test tomorrow!

45 11/1/16 Ecology Test Finish Outlines on p , section 7-2 from book

46 11/2/16 Make up test? Collect Outlines on p. 172-173, section 7-2
Microscope Parts and Functions Lecture Fill out Microscope diagram Microscope Activity

47 11/3/16 Hand back tests, discuss Collect, discuss Microscope Activity
Parts of a Cell Lecture

48 11/4/16 *Substitute Introduce Cell Organelle Analogy project— develop analogies, review with partner 7.2 WS

49 11/7/16 Correct 7.2 WS Cell Analogies—review, discuss poster requirements Begin Cell Transport Lecture *Cell Organelle Structure, Function Quiz tomorrow *Work on Cell Analogy Poster tonight!

50 11/8/16 Cell Organelle Structure, Function Quiz
Finish Cell Transport Lecture *Cell Organelle Analogy Posters due tomorrow!

51 11/9/16 *Early Release/Assembly Schedule Collect posters
Set up Starch/Iodine/Sandwich bag demo, leave out on counter, write down predictions Watch clips of diffusion, etc from ABC DVD

52 11/10/16 Make up quiz? Review Cell Transport Lecture, revisit Cell Transport demo (starch in a bag) Cell Membrane Modeling activity, check off Begin WS 7-3

53 11/14/16 Hand back quiz, discuss Collect rest of cell membrane models
Review Cell Transport Lecture, answer questions from overhead Cell Specialization Lecture WS 7-3, 7-4

54 11/15/16 Hand back posters, discuss Correct WS 7-3, 7-4 WS
Read Weird Cells Lab Handout, Draw Flow Chart of Procedures, demonstrate “wicking” *Cell Membrane, Transport, Specialization Quiz Thursday

55 11/16/16 Review Weird Cells Lab Procedures
Show elodea video clip Start Plants, Animals, and Other Weird Cells Lab (6 drawings: 2 onion cell drawings, 1 animal cell drawing, 1 elodea drawing from video clip, 1 idioblast drawing, 1 drawing from of unicellular organism in pond water) *Cell Membrane, Transport, Specialization Quiz Tomorrow

56 11/17/16 Cell Membrane, Transport, Specialization Quiz
Complete Weird Cells Lab (6 drawings: 2 onion cell drawings, 1 animal cell drawing, 1 elodea drawing from video clip, 1 idioblast drawing, 1 drawing from of unicellular organism in pond water) Answer post-lab analysis questions *Lab Report due tomorrow

57 11/18/16 Make up quiz, lab? Collect Weird Cells Lab Reports
Outline of 8-1, p. 207, 8-3 ATP/ADP coloring activity/8.1 WS *Chapter 7 Test Tuesday!

58 11/21/16 Hand back quiz, discuss
Hand back labs, discuss (show pictures of red onion plants and elodea plants, cell examples, watch video clips: Collect Outline of 8-1, p. 207, 8-3 ATP/ADP coloring activity/8.1 WS *Chapter 7 Test Tomorrow!

59 11/22/16 Chapter 7 Test ATP/ADP coloring activity/8.1 WS
Start 8-3/comparison table WS

60 11/23/16 *Early Dismissal Schedule
Correct ATP/ADP coloring activity/8.1 WS Begin Photosynthesis Lecture Part I (8-2) 8-3, comparison table WS

61 11/28/16 Make up Chapter 7 Test? Collect 8-3/comparison table WS
Hand back test, discuss ATP, Photosynthesis Animation Videos #8, 9 Photosynthesis Lecture Part 2 (8-3)

62 11/29/16 Finish Photosynthesis Animation Videos (10, 11)
Review Photosynthesis Lecture (8-3), answer questions in class Pairs draw flow charts of light dependent reactions, Calvin cycle on whiteboards, account for where energy travels throughout process (red markers), review as class Correct 8-3/comparison table WS?

63 11/30/16 Correct 8-3/comparison table WS
“How Did that Plant Get Here?” EOC Practice Packet, score each section after completion

64 12/1/16 Collect, score, discuss rest of “How Did that Plant Get Here?” EOC Practice responses Respiration, Fermentation Lecture Outlines of 9-1, 9-2 in book

65 12/2/16 *Assembly Schedule Collect outlines 9-1, 9-2
Review, Finish Respiration, Fermentation Lecture Respiration Animation Videos (#13, 14)

66 12/5/16 Introduce, conduct Yeast, Sweeteners Lab (compile class data at end) Watch rest of Respiration Animation Videos (#12,15) during data collection WS 9-1, WS 9-2 *Photosynthesis, Respiration Quiz on Thursday!

67 12/6/16 Correct WS 9-1, WS 9-2 Complete graph of data, answer questions, turn in when done Ch. 8-9 Review WS *Photosynthesis, Respiration Quiz Thursday *Lab packet due Tomorrow if not done today

68 12/7/16 *Early Dismissal Schedule Collect rest of labs
Correct Ch. 8-9 Review WS 10-1, 10-2 WS Start drawings of phases of mitosis and list major events of each into notebook *Photosynthesis, Respiration Quiz Tomorrow

69 12/8/16 Photosynthesis, Respiration Quiz Hand back, discuss lab
Collect 10-1, 10-2 WS Finish Mitosis drawings in notebook *Ch. 8, 9 Test on Tuesday!

70 12/9/16 *Late Arrival Schedule (Snow) Make up quiz
Check Mitosis drawings in notebook Correct 10-1, 10-2 WS Mitosis dance (using p ) *Ch. 8, 9 Test on Tuesday!

71 12/12/16 Hand back quiz, discuss
Review Photosynthesis, Respiration (responses with whiteboards to #1-10 on pg. 217, 237) Introduce Great Divide pre-Lab *Chapter 8, 9 Test tomorrow!

72 12/13/16 Chapter 8, 9 Test Great Divide pre-Lab

73 12/14/16 Make up test? Conduct Great Divide Lab
Complete calculations, find class averages, graph data

74 12/15/16 Make up test? Finish graphing results (individual and class average data), answer analysis questions, turn in when done (due tomorrow if not done today) WS 10-3

75 12/16/16 *Half Day Schedule Collect 10-3 WS, correct front side

76 1/3/17 Hand back tests, discuss Hand back lab reports, discuss
Mitosis Pop-it bead modeling activity Begin Regulating the Cell Cycle Lecture * Ch. 10 Quiz on Thursday!

77 1/4/17 Finish Regulating the Cell Cycle Lecture
Correct back side of WS 10-3 Ch. 10 Review slideshow * Ch. 10 Quiz tomorrow!

78 1/5/17 Ch. 10 Quiz Read section 11-4 in textbook, define the following terms:  meiosis, homologous chromosomes, diploid, haploid, tetrad, crossing-over, gamete WS 11-4 Begin Meiosis Lecture

79 1/6/17 Hand back quiz, discuss Collect meiosis definitions, WS 11-4
Finish Meiosis Lecture Draw pictures of phases of meiosis in notebook (and color chromosome pairs) *Ch. 10 Test Monday!

80 1/9/17 Ch. 10 Test Draw pictures of phases of meiosis in notebook (and color chromosome pairs)

81 1/10/17 Make up test? Collect meiosis phase drawings Correct WS 11-4
Paper chromosome activity (put out colored pencils, scissors, tape)—complete steps as a class Read section 11-1, Define the following vocabulary: true-breeding, trait, gene, allele, dominant, recessive

82 1/11/17 *Early Release Schedule
Collect paper chromosome activity, inheritance definitions (true-breeding, trait, gene, allele, dominant, recessive) Mendelian Genetics (11-1) lecture WS 11-1/11-2

83 1/12/17 Hand back tests, discuss Correct WS 11-1/11-2
Paper chromosome extension activity— review part I, generate genotypes for two offspring, determine phenotype for each child for each trait, list both genotypes and phenotypes for both children Punnett Square WS #1 Outline 11-3

84 1/13/17 Collect Paper Chromosome Activities, Outlines for 11-3
Correct Punnett Square WS #1 Lecture: Dihybrid crosses Punnett Square WS #2

85 1/17/17 Correct Punnett Square WS #2 Non-Mendelian Inheritance Lecture
“What Mendel Never Knew” Summary Table Correct Punnett Square WS #3

86 1/18/17 Correct “What Mendel Never Knew” Summary Table
Meiosis Simulations with Pop-it beads Ch. 11 Test Review WS *Ch. 11 Test on Friday! *hand out final exam review sheet to band/orchestra students

87 1/19/17 Correct Ch. 11 Test Review WS
Partner vocabulary check: Compare and Contrast (haploid, diploid), (homozygous, heterozygous), (alleles, genes, traits), (genotype, phenotype), (dominant, recessive), (codominant, incomplete dominant), (meiosis, mitosis), (crossing over, independent assortment), (sister chromatids, homologous chromosomes, daughter cells) *Ch. 11 Test tomorrow!

88 1/20/17 Ch. 11 Test Global Warming article Final Exam Review Sheet?

89 1/23/17 Make up tests? Discuss Tests Hand out Final Exam Review Sheet
Begin Final Exam Review Powerpoint

90 1/24/17 *Band/orchestra students make up test
Finish Final Exam Review Powerpoint Look over Final Exam Review Sheet (especially vocabulary terms)

91 1/25-27/17 Final Exam Wed 1/25 Thu 1/26 Fri 1/27
7:30 – 7:40 Tutorial Tutorial Tutorial 7: :20 Period 3 Period 1 Period 2 9:20 – 9:30 Break Break Break 9:30 – 11:10 Period 4 Period 5 Period 6 11:15 – 11:45 Lunch Lunch Lunch

92 Honors Science 2016-2017 2nd Semester
Ben Mangrum Periods 1, 2, 3, 4 Room 406

93 1/30/17 Hand out bathroom passes 14-1 Lecture
Pedigree practice (p. 343) Outline 14-1, 14-2 in book

94 1/31/17 Collect outlines 14-2 Lecture Punnett Square WS #4

95 2/1/17 *Early Release Schedule Correct Punnett Square WS #4
Introduce Genetic Counselor Letter, start preparing karyotype (due Friday, 2/3)

96 2/2/17 *Substitute Complete karyotypes, write rough draft of Genetic Counselor letter (due tomorrow, typed with karyotype)

97 2/3/17 *Substitute Color-code Genetic Counselor Letters, share with partner(s), turn in Genetics Pedigree WS

98 2/7/17 Blood Typing Mini-Lab Correct Genetics Pedigree WS
Ch. 14 Review WS

99 2/8/17 Correct rest of Genetics Pedigree WS
Collect Blood Type Mini-Lab, discuss Correct Ch. 14 Review WS Chargaff’s DNA Data WS *Chapter 14 Test on Friday!

100 2/9/17 Hand back Genetic Counselor Letters, discuss, share results with partner Correct Chargaff’s DNA Data WS Begin DNA Structure Lecture Sketch of DNA structure from p. 291/294 into notebook *Chapter 14 Test Tomorrow!

101 2/10/17 Chapter 14 Test Finish sketch of DNA structure from p. 291/294 into notebook 12-2 WS *eat a Starburst (day 1)

102 2/13/17 Make up test? Collect sketch of DNA structure from p. 291/294 into notebook, 12-2 WS Swish and Spit activity DNA Replication Lecture, Video 12-3 WS

103 2/14/17 Hand back tests, discuss? Review DNA Replication video clips?
Correct 12-2 WS Modeling DNA Replication Activity

104 2/15/17 Collect 12-3 WS Begin Transcription, Translation Lecture
*Early Dismissal/Assembly Schedule (20 minute periods) Collect 12-3 WS Begin Transcription, Translation Lecture

105 2/16/17 Finish Transcription, Translation Lecture Correct 12-3 WS
Transcription, Translation Videos ( Practice with Transcription and Translation WS DNA/Transcription/Translation Coloring Page

106 2/17/17 Collect DNA/Transcription/Translation Coloring Page
Correct Practice with Transcription and Translation WS Mutations Lecture DNA Mutation Practice Problems WS 12-4 WS *eat a Starburst (day 2)

107 2/27/17 Modeling Transcription, Translation Activity
Correct DNA Mutation Practice Problems WS Correct 12-4 WS Gene Regulation Lecture *DNA Replication, Transcription, Translation, Mutation Quiz tomorrow

108 2/28/17 DNA Replication, Transcription, Translation, Mutation Quiz Review, finish Gene Regulation Lecture PhET Lac Operon Simulation gene-machine-lac-operon 12-5 WS

109 3/1/17 Make up quiz? Gene Regulation Lecture Review Questions
Correct 12-5 WS DNA/RNA Comparison, Vocabulary Review WS, collect when done Evolution pre-survey, collect when done Descriptive Outline/Cornell Notes of p *Chapter 12 Test on Friday!

110 3/2/17 Hand back quiz, discuss Correct Vocabulary Review WS
DNA Review on Overhead *Chapter 12 Test Tomorrow!

111 3/3/17 Chapter 12 Test Read “Grandma’s Experiences Leave a Mark on Your Genes” *eat a Starburst (day 3)

112 3/6/17 Make up Chapter 12 Test Check Outlines (p ), “Grandma’s Experiences” Article Questions Start Evolution, Natural Selection Lecture Bean Variation Mini-Lab: Collect data, add to excel file Create graph of data from 3 groups

113 3/7/17 *eat a Starburst (Day 4) Hand back tests, discuss
Bean Variation Mini-Lab: Finish collecting data, students calculate averages for 30 beans and add line to graphs, answer 3 questions at bottom of sheet Outline/Cornell Notes for 16-1 Finish Natural Selection/Evolution Lecture Introduce Starburst Evolution Lab—count, show preliminary results

114 3/8/17 *Early Dismissal Schedule Collect outlines
Collect Bean Variation Mini-Lab, show graphs from all classes, discuss questions 1-3 from handout Starburst Evolution Lab—graph results

115 3/9/17 Starburst Evolution Lab—graph results, answer analysis questions, turn in if done (otherwise due tomorrow) 16-2, 16-3 WS?

116 3/10/17 Collect Starburst Evolution Lab
16-2, 16-3 WS, collect if done after minutes Begin Speciation Lecture

117 3/13/17 Hand back Starburst Evolution Lab, discuss
Review, finish Speciation Lecture Collect, Correct 16-2, 16-3 WS Selection, Isolation Chart using p , p

118 3/14/17 Correct Selection, Isolation Chart using p , p Evidence for Evolution Lecture Outline/Cornell Notes for p 17-1 WS

119 3/15/17 Collect Outlines Correct 17-1 WS
Radiometric Dating 101 Activity, discuss PhET Radioactive Dating Game Simulation Molecular Analysis of Evolution WS

120 3/16/17 Correct Radiometric Dating 101 Activity, Molecular Analysis of Evolution WS Draw phylogenetic trees from first two examples on the back of Molecular Analysis of Evolution WS Making Sense of Earth History

121 3/17/17 *Assembly Schedule Correct Making Sense of Earth History
Begin Great Transformations” Evolution Video, answer questions on WS 3vL5Gk&list=PLFDB94BE26E3FF135

122 3/20/17 Finish video, collect Video WS, discuss
Introduce Evidence for Evolution Jigsaw— individual work

123 3/21/17 Evidence for Evolution Jigsaw—homogenous groups (review material, responses, begin presentation preparation) *Natural Selection, Speciation Quiz Friday!

124 3/22/17 *Early Dismissal Schedule
Homogeneous group work—finish preparing presentations Begin heterogeneous group presentations? *Natural Selection, Speciation Quiz Friday!

125 3/23/17 Homogenous group check in/review time, practice the presentation Organize heterogenous groups, begin presentations—take notes on chart (no need to fill in details for own specialist group) Collect slides and notes chart *Natural Selection, Speciation Quiz tomorrow

126 3/24/17 Natural Selection, Speciation Quiz
Hand back jigsaw materials, review chart of notes from presentations Hand back Evolution Surveys, take opportunity to update responses, review *Evolution Test on Wednesday!

127 3/27/17 Make up quiz Hand out Evolution Test Study Guide
Begin Evolution Review Powerpoint *Evolution Test on Wednesday!

128 3/28/17 Hand back, review quiz Finish Evolution Review Powerpoint
Review vocabulary and concepts from Test Study Guide

129 3/29/17 Evolution Unit Test Read article about CRISPR and Human Embryos Begin Biological Classif. Lecture (18-1)

130 3/30/17 Make up test? Review, Finish Biological Classification Lectures (18-1, 18-2) Introduce Dichotomous Keys, practice using p Create your own dichotomous key for mollusk shells (visit 8 stations with examples) 18-1, 18-2 WS

131 3/31/17 Hand back tests, discuss Correct 18-1/18-2 WS
Update dichotomous key with names of mollusk shells, test out with another group Dichotomous Key packet

132 4/3/17 Collect Mollusk Dichotomous keys, discuss and choose a few examples to test out Correct Dichotomous Key packet Kingdoms and Domains Lecture (18-3) 18-3 WS *Biological Classification Quiz on Wednesday! (order protists for diversity lab today) (prepare bread mold samples today)

133 4/4/17 Correct 18-3 WS Bacteria Lecture WS 19-1
*Biological Classification Quiz tomorrow!

134 4/5/17 *Early Dismissal Schedule Biological Classification Quiz
Complete WS 19-1

135 4/6/17 Make up quiz? Correct 19-1 WS
Bacterial microscope observations from prepared slides (draw, calculate size of cells) Collect bacteria drawings when done

136 4/7/17 Make up quiz? Hand back bacteria drawings, discuss
Protist Lectures (20-1 through 20-5) Protist Summary WS

137 4/17/17 Make up quiz? Hand back Ch. 18 quiz, discuss
Correct Protist Summary WS Begin Protist Diversity Lab—pre-lab questions, complete Part A WS 21-1

138 4/18/17 Choir students make up Ch. 18 quiz Collect WS 21-1
Protist Diversity Lab—conduct Part A and Part B observations and calculations

139 4/19/17 Kingdom Fungi Lecture (21-1), correct WS 21-1 during lecture
Finish Protist Diversity Labs: 20 minutes to finish Part A or B and/or pond water Show videos of protists from lab: (7:00-7:30); ; Calculate population densities, answer analysis questions, collect if done today (if not, due tomorrow) *Bacteria, Protist Quiz tomorrow!

140 4/20/17 Collect rest of Protist Labs Bacteria, Protist Quiz WS 21-2
Classification of Fungi Lecture (21-2)

141 4/21/17 *ASB Election Assembly Schedule Hand back quiz, discuss
Hand back labs, discuss Collect WS 21-2 Begin Plant Introduction Lecture (22-1): fill in WS’s during lecture as note-taking

142 4/24/17 Bread Mold Observation activity (p. 531): draw under microscope, respond to questions 1-3, discuss Review, finish Plant Introduction Lecture, Non-seed plants (22-1 through 22-3): fill in WS’s during lecture as note-taking

143 4/25/17 Collect 22-1 through 22-3 WS, Bread Mold Activity
Review questions from 22-3 Seed Plant Lecture (22-4, 22-5): fill in WS during lecture as note-taking Explain tomorrow’s field scavenger hunt (survey for available digital/cell phone cameras)

144 4/26/17 Photo field scavenger hunt for fungi, plants: find 1 example of a fungus, 3 different examples of non-seed plants, 3 different examples of coniferous plants (at least one tree), 3 different examples of flowering plants (at least 1 tree) Return to classroom, continue checking photos of plants *Fungi, Plant Quiz Friday!

145 4/27/17 Collect 22-4, 22-5 WS Plant Scavenger Hunt: compare images with field guide sheets to identify 4 plants, check remaining photos of plants, collect recording sheets, discuss, share images on overhead from student digital/phone cameras Introduction to Animals Lecture (26-1) *Fungi, Plant Quiz tomorrow!

146 4/28/17 Fungi, Plant Quiz Review Introduction to Animals Lecture
Begin Invertebrate Jigsaw Individual Work

147 5/1/17 Make up quiz? Invertebrate Jigsaw—homogenous group work: review information for both phyla, create individual set of slides for presentation—must have full page labeled diagram of example organism in phylum, one half-sheet slide for each item on checklist (around 12 slides) *Bacteria, Protist, Fungus, Plant Test Thursday!

148 5/2/17 Hand back quiz, discuss Hand out test review sheet
Invertebrate Jigsaw: review and finish preparing for presentations (plan the narratives) Begin Test Review on Powerpoint *Bacteria, Protist, Fungus, Plant Test Thursday!

149 5/3/17 *Early Dismissal/Assembly Schedule
Finish Test Review on Powerpoint Practice presentation with homogeneous group *Bacteria, Protist, Fungus, Plant Test Tomorrow!

150 5/4/17 Bacteria, Protist, Fungus, Plant Test

151 5/5/17 Make up test? Invertebrate Jigsaw: final fixes for presentations, meet in heterogeneous group, give presentations

152 5/8/17 Hand back tests, discuss
Complete Invertebrate Jigsaw Presentations Collect, begin reviewing summary tables using powerpoint slideshow Hand out invertebrate diversity lab, complete first page (left side)

153 5/9/17 Review invertebrate summary tables, show Invertebrate video clips for each group: Sponge: Cnidarian: Flatworm: Roundworm: Annelid: Mollusk: Arthropod: Echinoderm: Collect rest of summary tables, slides Discuss tomorrow’s Scavenger Hunt WS 29-2

154 5/10/17 Collect WS 29-2 Invertebrate Scavenger Hunt:
--find 6 examples of invertebrates, take pictures, describe, confirm pictures --return to classroom, use book to identify phylum (and, if possible, class) for each --collect forms, discuss *Invertebrate Quiz Friday! (Buy crickets, earthworms, and mealworms today from PetSmart)

155 5/11/17 Correct WS 29-2 Invertebrate Diversity Lab: watch crayfish video clips and image ( , , ), complete other stations and answer questions and follow-up questions, turn in if done *Invertebrate Quiz tomorrow!

156 5/12/17 Collect rest of Invertebrate Diversity Labs Invertebrate Quiz
Begin Chordate Introduction Lecture (30-1)

157 5/15/17 *SBAC English Day 1 Make up quiz?
Monday May 15th 7:25 – 10:25 – Testing 10:25 – 10:55 – Lunch 11:00 – 11:55 – 1st period 12:00 – 1:00 – 2nd period (announcements) 1:05 – 2:00 – 3rd period Make up quiz? Hand back, discuss Invertebrate Diversity Labs Review Chordate Introduction Lecture Begin Backwards Jigsaw for Vertebrate Characteristics—fill out summary sheet for one category of characteristics for 5 vertebrate groups

158 5/16/17 *SBAC English Day 2 Same as yesterday Monday May 15th
7:25 – 10:25 – Testing 10:25 – 10:55 – Lunch 11:00 – 11:55 – 4th period 12:00 – 1:00 – 5th period (announcements) 1:05 – 2:00 – 6th period Same as yesterday

159 5/17/17 *Early Dismissal Schedule Hand back quiz, discuss
Begin rotations of comparisons with member of another group (five rotations), complete second table for all characteristics

160 5/18/17 Finish rotations of comparisons with member of another group (five rotations), complete second table for all characteristics 33-2/Vertebrate Cladogram WS

161 5/19/17 Correct WS 33-2/33-3, Vertebrate Cladogram WS
Collect Vertebrate Summary Tables, review characteristics of each class/group Begin Vertebrate Skull Identification: group skulls according to characteristics on handout, draw a cladogram, create a dichotomous key, test with another student WS 33-3 (make vertebrate quiz today)

162 5/22/17 *SBAC Math Day 1 Correct WS 33-3
Monday May 15th 7:25 – 10:25 – Testing 10:25 – 10:55 – Lunch 11:00 – 11:55 – 1st period 12:00 – 1:00 – 2nd period (announcements) 1:05 – 2:00 – 3rd period Correct WS 33-3 Finish Vertebrate Skull Identification Start Marine Mammal Identification Packet (work in pairs) *Vertebrate Quiz on Thursday!

163 5/23/17 *SBAC Math Day 2 Same as yesterday Monday May 15th
7:25 – 10:25 – Testing 10:25 – 10:55 – Lunch 11:00 – 11:55 – 4th period 12:00 – 1:00 – 5th period (announcements) 1:05 – 2:00 – 6th period Same as yesterday

164 5/24/17 Collect, review vertebrate skull activity
Marine Mammal Identification Packet, collect if done *Vertebrate Quiz Tomorrow!

165 5/25/17 Vertebrate Quiz Collect rest of Marine Mammal Identification Packet, discuss Hand out EOC vocabulary/topic review sheet, underline topics and words to review, list page number for each term

166 5/26/17 Make up quiz? EOC Practice Test Part I (#1-4), discuss
EOC Practice Test Part II (#5-8), discuss EOC Practice Test Part III (#9-12), discuss

167 5/30/17 Make up quiz? Practice Test Part IV (#13-20), discuss
Share frequency of questions from each topic (found in “Test and Item Specifications”) Introduce other SA formats (Conclusion, Research & Explore, Redesign, Criteria & Constraints, Test Solution)

168 5/31/17 Hand back quiz, discuss
Review EOC Test Information: “Lessons Learned” Begin EOC Topic Review—form 5 groups, assignment brainstorming, match vocabulary terms to standards listed on chart, refer to class agenda for assignment list

169 6/1/17 EOC Topic Review—re-form 5 groups, finish assignment brainstorming: match vocabulary terms to standards listed on chart, refer to class agenda for assignment list Rotate sheets to other groups, check/add assignments—7-10 minutes each *Biology EOC on Monday-Wednesday!

170 6/2/17 *Assembly Schedule (40 minute classes)
Review group charts, discuss anything added by other groups with table partner Re-visit biological topics from “Lessons Learned”, ask a few key questions checking for understanding Review complete topic list—hand out complete lists of topics for EOC, take time to identify items most needed for review (list page # from book for those topics), discuss *Biology EOC on Monday-Wednesday!

171 6/5/17 Biology EOC Day 1

172 6/6/17 Biology EOC Day 2

173 6/7/17 Biology EOC Day 3

174 6/8/17 Animal Unit Review (on overhead with whiteboards)
*Animal Test on Monday!

175 6/9/17 Finish Animal Unit Review (on overhead)
Re-visit summary tables for invertebrates, vertebrates, quizzes—verbally quiz neighbor with items from either document *Animal Test on Monday!

176 6/12/17 Animal Test

177 6/13/17 Make up test? Discuss final exam: topics and number of questions for each topic, hand out review sheet Review Activity: Molecular Biology “Taboo” Jeopardy Game

178 6/14/17 *Early Dismissal Schedule Hand back tests, discuss
Finish Jeopardy Game Quiz questions:

179 6/15/17 Begin Final Biology Review (game with whiteboards)
*Hoon Chang, Thi Phung take final exam today

180 6/16/17 Finish Final Biology Review (game with whiteboards)
Quiz questions: Review topics from review sheet *Bring Books and Bathroom Passes, #2 pencil Monday/Tuesday! *Stephanie Sherman takes final exam today

181 6/19-20/17 Final Exam

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