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General Zoology Unit Four

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1 General Zoology Unit Four


3 Annelida Eukaryotic, eumetazoans, protostomes
Triploblastic, eucoelomates Bilaterally symmetrical (cephalization) Exhibit metamerism Hydrostatic skeleton Complete digestive tract Closed circulatory system Respiration by gills, skin or parapodia Well developed nervous system & sense organs

4 Annelida Excretion by paired metanephridia
Chitinous setae in all but the leeches Sexual reproduction, monoecious & dioecious

5 Annelid Taxonomy Kingdom - Animalia Phylum - Annelida
Class – Polychaeta (marine worms) Ex. – Nereis, Aphrodita Class – Oligochaeta (earthworms) Ex. – Lumbricus Class – Hirudinea (leeches) Ex. – Hirudo

6 Definitions Metamere – a repeating body segment
Metamerism – the division of the body into a series of similar segments, each containing repeating arrangements of organs and systems Somite – a term that is synonymous with metamere





11 Filter feeding with radioles Detritus feeding with tentacles
Polychaetes Active predator Detritus feeding with tentacles

12 Oligochaetes Hirudineans
Detritus feeding with pumping pharynx Predators,detritus & fluid feeding with proboscis or cutting plates Hirudineans

13 Annelid Reproductive Differences
Dioecious No permanent sex organs No clitellum External fertilization Polychaetes

14 Annelid Reproductive Differences
Monoecious Permanent sex organs Permanent clitellum Internal fertilization Oligochaetes

15 Annelid Reproductive Differences
Monoecious Permanent sex organs Temporary clitellum Internal fertilization Hirudineans

16 Go for it!!


18 Arthropoda Eukaryotic, eumetazoans, protostomes
Triploblastic, eucoelomates Bilaterally symmetrical (advanced cephalization) Advanced metamerism resulting in tagmata Highly adaptable jointed appendages Highly adaptable exoskeleton and complex muscle system Open circulatory system Complete digestive tract

19 Arthropoda Respiration by gills, book gills, book lungs, body surface, and tracheae Well developed nervous system with complex sense organs Excretion through coxal, antennal and maxillary glands, and Malpighian tubules Sexual reproduction – dioecious, internal fertilizers, most exhibiting metamorphosis

20 Found on land, in the air and fresh and marine waters
Over 1.2 million extant species Found from polar to tropical regions and in the bodies of other organisms Arthropoda Ecology

21 Arthropod Taxonomy Kingdom - Animalia Phylum - Arthropoda
Subphylum - Trilobita (all extinct) Subphylum - Chelicerata Class - Merostomata Ex. - Limulus Class - Arachnida Order - Araneae (spiders) Ex. - Latrodectus, Loxosceles Order - Scorpionida (scorpions) Order - Opiliones (harvestmen) Order - Acari (ticks)

22 Arthropod Taxonomy Kingdom - Animalia Phylum - Arthropoda
Subphylum - Crustacea Class - Maxillopoda Subclass – Cirripedia (barnacles) Ex. – Balanus Class - Malacostraca Order - Isopoda (includes pill bugs) Ex. - Armadillidium Order - Decapoda (shrimp, crab, lobsters) Ex. – Penaeus, Cancer

23 Arthropod Taxonomy Kingdom - Animalia Phylum - Arthropoda
Subphylum - Myriapoda Class – Chilopoda (centipedes) Class – Diplopoda (millipedes)

24 Arthropod Taxonomy Kingdom - Animalia Phylum - Arthropoda
Subphylum - Hexapoda Class – Insecta Order - Thysanura (silverfish) Order - Odonata (dragonflies) Order - Orthoptera (grasshoppers, cockroaches) Order - Isoptera (termites) Order - Anoplura (sucking lice) Order - Hemiptera (true bugs)

25 Arthropod Taxonomy Kingdom - Animalia Phylum - Arthropoda
Subphylum - Hexapoda Class – Insecta Order - Homoptera (cicadas) Order - Coleoptera (beetles) Order - Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths) Order - Diptera (true flies) Order - Siphonaptera (fleas) Order - Hymenoptera (ants, wasps, and bees)

26 Six Reasons for Arthropod Diversity
A versatile and adaptable exoskeleton Advanced segmentation and paired appendages Oxygen pumped directly to the tissues Highly developed sense organs Complex behavioral patterns Limited intraspecific competition through metamorphosis

27 Thermoregulation The acquiring, regulating and maintaining of body temperature through physiological and behavioral means Physiological – using body structures to generate, maintain, or release heat Behavioral – using body actions and movements to obtain, maintain, or release heat

28 Chelicerata Two body segments – cephalothorax (prosoma) and abdomen (opisthosoma) Six pair of appendages – one pair of chelicerae, one pair of pedipalps and four pair of walking legs No antennae or mandibles

29 Chelicerata

30 Class Merostomata

31 Class Arachnida Order Araneae

32 Class Arachnida Order Araneae

33 Class Arachnida Order Scorpionida

34 Class Arachnida Order Opiliones

35 Class Arachnida Order Acari

36 Crustacea Two body segments – cephalothorax (prosoma) and abdomen (opisthosoma) Most have a carapace Two pair of antennae Mandibles for chewing and crushing Biramous appendages

37 Crustacea

38 Class Maxillopoda Subclass Cirripedia

39 Class Malacostraca Order Isopoda

40 Class Malacostraca Order Decapoda

41 Class Malacostraca Order Decapoda

42 Crustacean Reproduction

43 Ecdysis

44 Myriapoda Body segments – myriapods have a head and trunk
One pair of antennae Mandibles for feeding Uniramous appendages

45 Myriapoda

46 Class Chilopoda

47 Class Diplopoda

48 Hexapoda Body segments – insects have three tagmata – head, thorax and abdomen One pair of antennae Mandibles for feeding Uniramous appendages

49 Hexapoda

50 Class Insecta

51 Class Insecta

52 Class Insecta

53 Three Reasons for Insect Abundance and Diversity
Structural modifications to the mouth, legs, wings and alimentary canal Well adapted to dry environments Light weight, highly adaptable exoskeleton

54 Insect Feeding Strategies
Phytophagus Saprophagus Carnivorous predators Parasites Hyperparasitism

55 Insect Flight Mechanisms
Synchronous Asynchronous

56 Holometabolous (complete) metamorphosis

57 Hemimetabolous (incomplete) metamorphosis

58 Insect Reproductive Success Factors

59 Insect Reproductive Success Factors

60 Insect Reproductive Success Factors

61 Echinodermata Eukaryotic, eumetazoans, deuterostomes
Triploblastic, eucoelomates Radially symmetrical (no cephalization) No metamerism Endoskeleton made up of ossicles Complex water vascular system for movement Complete digestive system Respiration through papulae, bursae, tube feet, skin or respiratory tree

62 Echinodermata Reduced nervous system with few sense organs
No circulatory or excretory systems Autotomy and regeneration common Sexual reproduction –dioecious, external fertilizers that go through metamorphosis

63 Some are carnivores, others detritivores and others herbivores
All members are marine organisms Found from polar to tropical regions in all depths of the ocean Echinoderm Ecology

64 Echinoderm Taxonomy Kingdom - Animalia Phylum - Echinodermata
Subphylum - Pelmatozoa (stalk animal) Class - Crinoidea (lily form - sea lilies) Ex. - Antedon Subphylum - Eleutherozoa (free animal)

65 Echinoderm Taxonomy Kingdom - Animalia Phylum - Echinodermata
Subphylum - Pelmatozoa (stalk animal) Subphylum - Eleutherozoa (free animal) Class - Asteroidea (star form - sea stars) Ex. - Asterias, Echinaster Class - Ophiuroidea (brittle stars) Ex. - Ophiura Class - Echinoidea ( sea urchins, sand dollars) Ex. - Stronglyocentrotus Class – Holothuroidea (sea cucumbers) Ex. - Sclerodactyla, Holothuria

66 General Echinoderm Anatomy

67 General Echinoderm Anatomy

68 Class Ophiuroidea

69 Class Echinoidea

70 Class Holothuroidea

71 Class Crinoidea

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