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Bibliography and reference manager programs (EndNote, Mendeley, Zotero) 2016 Attila Skulteti

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Presentation on theme: "Bibliography and reference manager programs (EndNote, Mendeley, Zotero) 2016 Attila Skulteti"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bibliography and reference manager programs (EndNote, Mendeley, Zotero) Attila Skulteti

2 What they can be used for?
Collect bibliographies and articles from various databases Organise and manage the collected data Use of the collected data: Make bibliographies Write an article using references Write your diploma work

3 Endnote Web Web version of the Endnote program, it can be accessed freely if you subscribe to Web of Science or Endnote. Can be used as a stand alone reference manager, or with the desktop version of Endnote It can be syncronised with Endnote.

4 Register for a new account
Homepage Register for a new account

5 Fill in the required information
Registration Fill in the required information

6 Main page

7 Collect – Search online
Choose from various online resources, catalogues and databases

8 Search online Start search

9 Search online, choosing the number of records to download
Select the range of records to download

10 Search online – saving the results
The results can be added to a group, or even to a newly created one

11 Naming the group

12 The created group will be shown under My references – My groups

13 Adding a new record The record type can be choosen, for example Journal article, after that the bibliographic information of that article can be filled

14 Import from a file You can import a file from various online sources, by selecting the downloaded file, and choosing the right format. (See the saving process from Pubmed)

15 Creating a data file from a Pubmed result list

16 Download the file to your computer.

17 Import from file

18 You can delete, rename and share your groups
Manage my groups You can delete, rename and share your groups

19 Sharing a group Groups can be shared by adding the address of the person you want to share with

20 Groups shared with us by others
You can hide the shared group

21 Find duplicates Duplicated records (for example dowloaded twice from an import) can be managed here

22 Manage file attachments
Files can be attached to each record (usually the PDF format full text of the article)

23 Manage file attachments
A list of the attached files, how much storage place they take, etc.

24 Create a bibliography We can create a bibliography from a selected group, which can be formatted and saved as a document.

25 Create bibliography - result

26 Cite while you write plugin
Word processor plugin for Endnote, can be dowloaded here.

27 Export to file From a choosen group we can create a data file, which can be used to move our records to a different reference manager software.

28 Capture reference

29 An article can be saved directly to endnote, by using this tool.
Capture reference An article can be saved directly to endnote, by using this tool.

30 Endnote Desktop

31 Endnote word processor plugin for MS Office

32 Insert citation

33 Insert citation

34 Format…

35 Format…

36 Preferences.. The source of the records can be chosen here, if you choose Endnote Web, the username and the password can be entered for the web account.

37 Endnote Web..

38 Mendeley Free bibliography and reference manager, with integrated social network features for researchers Word processor toolbar Manage PDF attachments


40 Registration

41 Registration

42 Choose an organisation - Optional

43 Start page

44 Download

45 Download

46 Papers We can search the database of mendeley, that means the articles collected all of the other users.

47 Papers

48 Papers – advanced search

49 Groups created by the Mendeley community can be joined or followed

50 We can even create our own groups (private, invite-only, open)

51 Search for registered users, also they can be followed.
People Search for registered users, also they can be followed.


53 My library On a separate page we can manage our collected articles (delete, modify, add)

54 Web Importer

55 Web Importer

56 Save articles from a web page directly into your mendeley account
Web Importer Save articles from a web page directly into your mendeley account

57 Own publications

58 Details of an article can be seen here, they can be even edited.

59 PDF view

60 We can create a folder to organise our records.

61 Empty folder

62 Add articles to a folder
Choose the articles, then Add to, and select the folder.

63 Choose folder Choose the folder

64 Folder with the added article(s)

65 We can either add a PDF file, or enter the article data manually.
Add record manually We can either add a PDF file, or enter the article data manually.

66 Adding an arcticle by filling in the bibliographic information

67 Add files… Adding PDF files, in this case, the bibliographic fields of the article will be filled out automatically from the PDF file.

68 Mendeley Desktop

69 Mendeley Desktop

70 Desktop – list of articles

71 Word processor plugin The toolbar is under References – Mendeley Cite-O-Matic. An article can be added to the document by the Insert Citation button

72 Zotero Dowloadable client, or plugin for Firefox
Web accunt for storing articles, can be syncronised with the client Browser toolbar for saving articles Word processor plugin

73 Zotero
Dowload program Register for an account

74 The online account

75 Dowloading the standalone clients

76 Zotero firefox addon

77 Syncronising

78 Save articles from webpages

79 Save from pubmed (result list)

80 Zotero word processor plugin
Insert reference Insert Bibliography Format references and bibliography

81 Thank you for your attention!

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