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ARCHERY Energy Systems used in the Shooting Sequence by Doug Soar,

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1 ARCHERY Energy Systems used in the Shooting Sequence by Doug Soar,
Level IV NCCP, National Coach

2 ARCHERY I acknowledge that this is information developed for coaches and elite archers from various sources, including CAC and FCA material . This was whilst researching and completing Level IV tasks. Doug Soar.

3 The Three Types of Energy System
There are three types of energy system Anaerobic Alactic Anaerobic Lactic Aerobic

4 The Function of the Energy Systems
The three energy systems provide the muscles with the energy to sustain or repeat intense effort.

This Energy System requires no oxygen. It uses the energy stored in the cells for fuel. It produces no lactic acid. This is the main source of energy for activity lasting up to 10 seconds.

This Energy System requires oxygen. It uses carbohydrate for fuel. It produces lactic acid. It is the chief source of energy for activity lasting between 10 seconds and 2 minutes.

This Energy System needs oxygen. It uses fat and carbohydrates for fuel. It produces no lactic acid. It is the main source of energy for activity lasting more than 2 minutes.

The demand for energy is sometimes referred to as the aerobic/anaerobic split. It is determined by three factors: 1. The work time. 2. The work intensity. 3. The work/pause ratio.

How long the participants work without rest. The Work Intensity: How hard the participants work. The Work/Pause Ratio: How long the participants work relative to how long they pause.

10 The Physical Factors affecting Performance in Sport
These factors call upon one of the three types of energy system to sustain a particular activity. There are five physical factors that affect performance in sport.

11 The Five Physical Performance Factors
Endurance: the ability to sustain or repeat intense effort. Strength: the ability to apply great force. Power: the ability to produce explosive force. Speed: the ability to move the body rapidly. Flexibility: the range of motion of body parts.

12 Energy System Sub-divisions.
All three of these Energy Systems are split into two types of energy output. These are Power and Capacity.

13 Power or Capacity Power: the ability to develop a particular energy system over the short term for that particular system. Capacity: the ability to sustain a particular energy system to the limits of time for that particular system.

14 Terms used for Energy Systems
ME = Maximum Effort VO2 Max = Maximal Aerobic Power, or the maximum amount of oxygen which can be taken into the body and utilized for performance. HR = Heart Rate

DURATION OF ACTIVITY INTENSITY OF ACTIVITY ENERGY SYSTEM Seconds 100% ME Anerobic - Alactic Power Seconds 90% ME Anerobic - Alactic Capacity Seconds % ME Anaerobic - Lactic Power Seconds % ME Anerobic - Lactic Minutes % HR Max Aerobic Power Minutes 70% VO2 Max Aerobic Capacity

We must determine the relative importance of the POWER and the CAPACITY/ENDURANCE of the three energy systems used during the shooting sequence.

17 Simplifying Shooting Sequence Analysis
To simplify the analysis of the shooting sequence use the following code: VH = very High H =high M = medium L = low U =unimportant

18 Assessing Every Type of Energy System
Various stages in the Shooting Sequence will be assessed for their importance. The Key Phase or Technical Action will be noted. The various Energy Systems will be given. The importance of the system will be assessed.

19 Stage #1 of Shooting Sequence
TECHNICAL ACTION ENERGY SYSTEM IMPORTANCE Call to the AnerAlac power VH; H; M; L; U. shooting line to AnerAlac Capacity VH; H; M; L; U. take up the AnerLac Power VH; H; M; L; U. shooting position. AnerLac Capacity VH; H; M; L; U. secs. Aerobic Power VH; H; M; L; U. Aerobic Capacity VH; H; M; L; U. (Circle the energy system required and the relative importance )

20 Stage #2 of Shooting Sequence
TECHNICAL ACTION ENERGY SYSTEM IMPORTANCE Mental Preparation AnerAlac power VH; H; M; L; U. (breath/centre/focus). Aner Alac Capacity VH; H; M; L; U. 1 to 5 secs AnerLac Power VH; H; M; L; U. AnerLac Capacity VH; H; M; L; U. Aerobic Power VH; H; M; L; U. Aerobic Capacity VH; H; M; L; U. (Circle the energy system required and the relative importance )

21 Stage #3 of the Shooting Sequence
TECHNICAL ACTION ENERGY SYSTEM IMPORTANCE Raising of the arms AnerAlac power VH; H; M; L; U. into the pre-shooting AnerAlac Capacity VH; H; M; L; U. position. Aner Lac Power VH; H; M; L; U. 1 to 2 secs AnerLac Capacity VH; H; M; L; U. Aerobic Power VH; H; M; L; U. Aerobic Capacity VH; H; M; L; U. (Circle the energy system required and the relative importance )

22 Stage #4 of the Shooting Sequence
TECHNICAL ACTION ENERGY SYSTEM IMPORTANCE Rotating of the bow AnerAlac power VH; H; M; L; U. shoulder and the AnerAlac Capacity VH; H; M; L; U. setting down of AnerLac Power VH; H; M; L; U. both shoulders AnerLac Capacity VH; H; M; L; U. 1 to 2 secs Aerobic Power VH; H; M; L; U. Aerobic Capacity VH; H; M; L; U. (Circle the energy system required and the relative importance )

23 Stage #5 of the Shooting Sequence
TECHNICAL ACTION ENERGY SYSTEM IMPORTANCE Drawing the bow AnerAlac power VH; H; M; L;U. (Full Spread). AnerAlac Capacity VH; H; M; L; U to 3 secs AnerLac Power VH; H; M; L; U. Aner Lac Capacity VH; H; M; L; U. Aerobic Power VH; H; M; L; U. Aerobic Capacity VH; H; M; L; U. (Circle the energy system required and the relative importance )

24 Stage #6 of the Shooting Sequence
TECHNICAL ACTION ENERGY SYSTEM IMPORTANCE Holding/Aiming at AnerAlac power VH; H; M; L;U. Full Draw. Aner Alac Capacity VH; H; M; L; U to 5 secs. Aner Lac Power VH; H; M; L; U. Aner Lac Capacity VH; H; M; L; U. Aerobic Power VH; H; M; L; U. Aerobic Capacity VH; H; M; L; U. (Circle the energy system required and the relative importance )

25 Stage #7 of the Shooting Sequence
TECHNICAL ACTION ENERGY SYSTEM IMPORTANCE Release and AnerAlac power VH; H; M; L;U. Followthrough. AnerAlac Capacity VH; H; M; L; U to 5 secs. AnerLactic Power VH; H; M; L; U. (#1 to #7 are AnerLac Capacity VH; H; M; L; U. repeated six times Aerobic Power VH; H; M; L; U. for an end of arrows.) Aerobic Capacity VH; H; M; L; U. (Circle the energy system required and the relative importance )

26 Stage #7 of the Shooting Sequence
TECHNICAL ACTION ENERGY SYSTEM IMPORTANCE Set bow down and AnerAlac power VH; H; M; L;U. walk to score arrows. Aner Alac Capacity VH; H; M; L; U to six mins. AnerLac Power VH; H; M; L; U Aner Lac Capacity VH; H; M; L; U. Aerobic Power VH; H; M; L; U Aerobic Capacity VH; H; M; L; U. (Circle the energy system required and the relative importance )

27 Analysis of the Energy Systems
ENERGY SYSTEM IMPORTANCE AnerAlac power VH ( 3 ); H ( 2 ); M ( ); L ( ); U ( ). . Aner Alac Capacity VH ( ); H ( ); M ( ); L ( ); U ( ). Aner Lac Power VH ( ); H ( ); M ( ); L ( ); U ( ). AnerLact Capacity VH ( ); H ( ); M ( ); L ( ); U ( ). Aerobic Power VH ( ); H ( ); M ( ); L ( ); U ( ). Aerobic Capacity VH ( ); H ( ); M ( 2 ); L ( 1 ); U ( ). From the above analysis determine the importance, the power, and capacity/endurance of each system on archery performance.

28 Which is the most Critical Energy System for archery ?
From the analysis on the previous slide which is the most critical system for performance in archery ? ANAEROBIC-ALACTIC POWER

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