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Chapter 1 and 3 Review Bonding

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 1 and 3 Review Bonding"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 1 and 3 Review Bonding 200 200 200 200 200 200 400 400 400 400
Atomic Structure Bonding Bonding 2 Organic Molecules Hodgepodge 200 200 200 200 200 200 400 400 400 400 400 400 600 600 600 600 600 600 800 800 800 800 800 800 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000

2 The most common type of feedback system.
Negative (200)

3 A structure composed of more than one tissue:
Organ (400)

4 This Kingdom contains paramecium and amoeba.
Protista (600)

5 What is homeostasis? Body’s internal environment remains relatively stable (800)

6 List the three components of a feedback system.
Stimulus Control center An effector

7 List the three particles that compose the atom
Proton Neutron Electron (200)

8 Where do we find electrons in the atom?
orbitals (400)

9 Number of electrons 53

10 Number of neutrons 74 (800)

11 All isotopes have the same ___ but a different _____.
Atomic number (# protons) Atomic mass (# neutrons) (1000)

12 NaCl: Molecule, compound, both

13 These will NOT bond with other atoms.
Noble gases (400)

14 List the three types of bonds:
Ionic Covalent Hydrogen (600)

15 2 ionic (800) How many valence electrons in Barium?
What type of bond will it most likely form? 2 ionic (800)

16 Due to strong attractions between ions
Ionic (1000)

17 In a double bond ____ electrons are shared.
4 (two pairs) (200)

18 A positively charged ion is called a _________
Cation (400)

19 T Type of bond shown here… Be specific Polar covalent (600)

20 Type of bond shown by the dashed lines hydrogen (800)

21 Type of attraction described above
Van der waals forces (1000)

22 Enzymes end in … -ase (200)

23 What type of organic compound? Carbohydrate (400)

24 What class of organic compounds
Is this molecule in? Lipids (600)

25 Identify the building blocks of fats
Glycerol and fatty acids (800)

26 What two functional groups are found in amino acids?
Amine and carboxyl (1000)

27 pH scale ____ to ____ 0-14(200)

28 Building blocks of nucleic acids
nucleotides (400)

29 This level of protein structure is… secondary (600)

30 The pH of: [OH-] = 1 X 10-3 M 11 (800)

31 5 C sugar Phosphate group Nitrogenous base(1000)
What are the three parts of the nucleotide? 5 C sugar Phosphate group Nitrogenous base(1000)

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