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“The Minister’s Black Veil” by Nathaniel Hawthorne

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1 “The Minister’s Black Veil” by Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Beginning of the Romantic Period in American Literature

2 About the Author In imaginative, allegorical fashion, he dealt with themes of guilt and secrecy, and intellectual and moral pride His work shows Hawthorne's constant preoccupation with the effects of Puritanism in New England, with recognition of its decadence. Nathaniel Hawthorne ( ) Salem, Massachusetts From prominent Puritan family He felt guilty for sharing the blood of witchcraft judge John Hathorne; he added w to change name. A childhood reader of poets and romances, he became a novelist whose tales dealt with moral conflicts in Colonial New England.

3 What is Nathaniel Hawthorne’s best known work?
The Scarlet Letter Set in the Puritan community, Hester Prynne bears an illegitimate child Prynne is introduced to the ugliness, complexity, and ultimately the strength of the human spirit. The novel contrasted Puritan morality with passion and individualism.

4 “The Minister’s Black Veil” Plot Graph
Climax Falling Action Inciting Incident Resolution Rising Action Exposition

5 Symbolism vs. Allegory What is the difference between symbolism and allegorical characters/objects? A symbol can simply represent something besides itself, but an allegory may have a deeper meaning or lesson. See the Scarlet Letter for an example The “A” simply means Adultery, but it has deeper meanings such as the battle between Puritan values and individualism.

6 What is represented here? How can it change?
Symbolism vs. Allegory How can symbolism change in a story? What is represented here? How can it change?

7 Literary Elements: Allegory
Allegory is a form of extended metaphor, in which objects, persons, and actions in a story or play, represent particular qualities or ideas, related to morality, religion or politics. Characters are often personifications of abstract ideas as charity, justice, greed, or envy. For example: In The Lord of the Flies, the conch represented civility and order; while the character Simon represented peace and nature.

8 Consider the following:
How does Hooper’s decision affect himself? Why does Hooper make this decision? What does Hawthorne want people to learn from Hooper’s decision? How far would we go to stand up for something we believe in?

9 Literary Elements: Mood
What is mood? Mood is the feelings or emotions created in the reader by the author’s use of detail. For example, authors commonly use the setting to create the mood. The mood is not constant and can change during the story.

10 Clues for Quiz How is symbolism used in the story?
How does symbolism change in the story? How is time important to the story? How does the protagonist affect other characters? How is the story allegorical?

11 Clues for Quiz What is the mood of the story? Why is the veil worn?
What are the internal or external conflicts in the story? What do we learn about the protagonist at the end of the story? How does this short story exhibit romanticism?

12 “The Minister’s Black Veil” Vocabulary
Throng Venerable Countenance Deputation Subtle Antipathy Profaned Impertinence Sexton Plighted Ostentatious Pathos Placid Expedient Discern Visage

13 In class writing assignment
How does “The Minister’s Black Veil” fit into the concept of Romanticism? Use the book and class notes to answer this question. Put into paragraph form examples, reasons, and explanations of how this story exhibits the Romantic philosophy.

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