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SNOW Spoke Server Implementation on SHRINE

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1 SNOW Spoke Server Implementation on SHRINE 1.20.1
Greater Plains Collaborative Hackathon Four Keith M. Wanta January 17, 2017

2 What is the SNOW Network?
SNOW stands for SHRINE Network of Wisconsin Research network formed by Marshfield Clinic Research Foundation, Medical College of Wisconsin & University of Wisconsin in 2012 Goal of establishing a shared ontology Umberto Tachinardi, Tom Mish

3 Goal

4 How to Achieve this Goal
Use the SNOW wiki administered by George Kowalski from MCW Ask George for credentials to access the wiki Use the Harvard SHRINE install wiki as a reference: Follow these instructions This will require two shrine.keystore files for each spoke server you build One for your spoke(s) connecting to the SNOW TEST HUB One for your site’s spoke(s) connecting to the SNOW PROD HUB Use tips and tricks in this presentation!

5 SHRINE and i2b2 compatibility

6 System Architecture Operating System (administrator’s choice)
CentOS 6.6 – tested and approved! Windows Database Management System (administrator’s choice) MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, MSSQL Linux Services JBoss, Tomcat, Apache, MySQL, shrine Software Frameworks in SHRINE application server Java, J2EE, Scala, Slick, JAX-RS, Software frameworks for SHRINE web client PHP, Curl, YUI, FastCGI (on Windows) Software frameworks in i2b2 Java, J2EE, Spring Web Framework

7 Client/Server Model (1)
Request: Many based on i2b2 framework Response: Many based on i2b2 framework Client: SHRINE web client JavaScript app in browser (spoke) Authentication: Java Key Store (JKS) SSL certificate “shrine-client-signed.pem” & PM cell username/password Server: /opt/shrine/tomcat/webapps/shrine-webclient (spoke) Topology: Hub and Spoke Configuration: lstDomains.urlCellPM - /opt/shrine/tomcat/webapps/shrine-webclient/i2b2_config_data.js Port: 6443 outbound port 6443 from internal network browser to DMZ firewall inbound port 6443 from DMZ firewall to internal network browser

8 Client/Server Model (2)
Request: Example: Send marshalled XML from SHRINE web client cohort and send to hub broadcaster Response: Example: Receive aggregated counts for each downstream node defined on broadcaster Client: SHRINE adapter forward proxy (spoke) Authentication: Java Key Store (JKS) SSL certificate “{site domain}-https.pem” Server: SHRINE broadcaster reverse proxy (hub) Topology: Hub and Spoke Configuration: shrine.queryEntryPoint.broadcasterServiceEndpoint Port: 6443 outbound port 6443 on firewall in which spoke resides inbound port 6443 on firewall in which hub resides

9 Client/Server Models (3)
Request: QEP requests. Example: Send marshalled XML request from initiating spoke adapter off to all spoke server adapters defined Response: QEP responses. Example: Receive counts for each downstream node Client: SHRINE broadcaster forward proxy (hub QEPs) Authentication: Java Key Store (JKS) SSL certificate - “shrine-hub-https.pem” Server: SHRINE adapter reverse proxy (spoke) Topology: Hub and Spoke Configuration: shrine.hub.downstreamNodes Port: 6443 outbound port 6443 on firewall with hub inbound port 6443 on firewall with spoke

10 Client/Server Model (4)
Request: Example: Send marshalled XML request from downstream spoke server adapter to i2b2 Response: Example: Receive count from i2b2 based on cohort query Client: SHRINE data steward Authentication: i2b2 authorization provider (PM, AD, Shibboleth) Server: Apache HTTP Server (i2b2 application server) Topology: Hub and Spoke Configuration: shrine.steward.pmCellEndpoint (authorization), etc.. Port: standard HTTP(s) ports Port 443 if using https protocol in Apache via open_ssl Port 80 if using http protocol in Apache

11 Install Non-Requirements
It is NOT required to run SHRINE and i2b2 on the same server SNOW wiki has instructions for implementation on the same server It is NOT required to have SHRINE use MySQL and Postgres SNOW wiki has instructions to configure MySQL and Postgres It is NOT required to build a test spoke server SNOW wiki asks you to build a shrine.keystore for the test hub on and production hub on for every site spoke server irregardless of whether you build a test spoke server It is NOT required by Harvard to install SHRINE as root, but you will need to rewrite code if you try You may run Tomcat as a user other than root

12 Troubleshooting SHRINE Exceptions
SHRINE dashboard New client application that checks diagnostics of SHRINE configuration Is this tool helpful? You decide. Alternate way of troubleshooting SHRINE exceptions? Check the log files

13 Troubleshooting SHRINE Exceptions
Log Files: /opt/shrine/tomcat/logs/catalina.out /opt/shrine/tomcat/logs/proxy.log /opt/shrine/tomcat/logs/shrine.log /opt/shrine/tomcat/logs/steward.log /opt/shrine/tomcat/logs/shrine-dashboard.log (wait a minute!) /opt/jboss-as Final/standalone/log/server.log You are encouraged to the University of Wisconsin SNOW hub team with your problems. You cannot test a spoke without a hub.

14 Troubleshooting SHRINE Exceptions
Document exception Add to SHRINE wiki Make a copy of the file Delete log file Restart service service mysqld restart (status/start/stop) service httpd restart (status/start/stop) service jboss restart (status/start/stop) /etc/init.d/postgresql-9.1 restart (status/start/stop) shrine_shutdown / shrine_startup Ask SNOW hub team for help at UW Health!

15 SHRINE Configuration Files
/opt/shrine/shrine.keystore /opt/shrine/tomcat/conf/server.xml /opt/shrine/tomcat/conf/Catalina/localhost/shrine.xml /opt/shrine/tomcat/conf/Catalina/localhost/steward.xml /opt/shrine/tomcat/lib/dashboard.conf /opt/shrine/tomcat/lib/shrine.conf /opt/shrine/tomcat/lib/steward.conf /opt/shrine/tomcat/lib/AdapterMappings.xml /opt/shrine/tomcat/webapps/shrine-webclient/i2b2_config_data.js /opt/shrine/tomcat/bin/ Ignore line w/ shrine:shrine if Tomcat installed as root /opt/shrine/tomcat/webapps/shrine-webclient/js-i2b2/cells/SHRINE/cell_config_data.js

16 CentOS Configuration Files
/etc/sysconfig/network /etc/hosts /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 (defined) /etc/resolve.conf /etc/nsswitch.conf

17 Nuances on CentOS JBoss expects localhost.localdomain by default
/etc/sysconfig/network, /etc/hosts or method is defined in /etc/nsswitch.conf PostgreSQL 9.1 expects localhost as the hostname in its default configuration /etc/hosts or method is defined in /etc/nsswitch.conf shrine_shutdown command can cause error “Could not contact localhost” Be patient after calling shrine_startup before calling shrine_shutdown

18 Hub Connectivity

19 Hub Connectivity

20 SHRINE web client login

21 SHRINE Topics

22 SHRINE Data Steward

23 SHRINE web client cohort

24 SHRINE Topics Pending - new topics start in the Pending state; researchers must wait for the Steward to approve them Approved - new topics start in the Approved state; researchers can use them immediately TopicsIgnoredJustLog - all queries are logged and approved; researchers don't need to create topics

25 Q&A

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