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Session 1 1.

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1 Session 1 1

2 Its vs It’s Which is it? Literacy Focus

3 My neighbour's cat never stays in its own garden.
"Its" is a possessive adjective. The word "its" is used to describe something that is connected to an animal or an inanimate object. Example: My neighbour's cat never stays in its own garden. Literacy Focus

4 "It’s” is a contraction that is shorthand for "it is" or "it has."
Example: It's (it is) a nice day. It's (it has) been a nice day. Literacy Focus

5 What do you use electricity for?
Electricity is great! What do you use electricity for? Which electrical item could you not live without? 5

6 It’s important that we reduce our use of energy
It’s important that we reduce our use of energy! Click the image to find out more… 6

7 There are many ways we can reduce our energy use, but what will you actually do?
Write a list of changes you would really make to reduce your energy use. 7

8 Session 2 8

9 The cost of electricity
The total annual energy consumption of the UK schools sector is 11,378 million kWh of energy or 25 per cent of the total public sector energy costs. The average annual energy cost per pupil in all English schools is £44. That means, the average energy cost for a school of the same size as Sirius is £64,636. But we are not an average school… 9

10 What else can be done? Watch this film.

11 Get your best designs to Mr Fletcher by 1st March!
Over to you! Design a sticker we can use to remind people to switch off when not needed. Get your best designs to Mr Fletcher by 1st March! 11

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