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Physical Education Program Grant

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1 Physical Education Program Grant
Awarded to ACS!

2 Carol M. White PEP Grant Federal Grant from the United States Department of Education Purpose: To initiate, expand, or enhance physical education programs, including after-school programs, for students in kindergarten through 12th grade. Grant recipients are required to implement programs to help students make progress toward meeting state standards. Projects: Funds may be used to provide equipment and support to enable students to participate actively in physical education activities. Funds also may support staff and teacher training and education.

3 ACS Receives PEP Award! Year 1: $684,845.00 Year 2: $168,656.00
Year 2 and 3 amounts are contingent upon: Our district is meeting the requirements and stipulations of the grant (ie: pedometers, surveys) Our district is successfully implementing the new programs designed to achieve our goals as described in the narrative portion of the grant. Congress releases appropriate funding to the Department of Education in the upcoming years.

4 PEP Grant Basic Goal ACS students will increase their exposure to a variety of fun, exciting physical activities through the purchasing of new equipment and additional enrichment programs in order to gain the experiences needed to become active participants in life-long fitness. In addition, nutrition and physical education curriculums will be enhanced to increase the overall wellness of our student population.

5 Major Components Equipment Education Nutrition

6 Equipment State of the art fitness facilities designed for specific ages and all ability levels to exercise safely and efficiently. High School Wellness Center Resistance training room : Includes free weight equipment and Hoist resistance stations Cardio room: Includes virtual reality bikes, Precor cardiovascular equipment (treadmills, bikes, ellipticals, and adaptive motion trainers), and core training stations. Prospect Fitness Lab Includes youth virtual reality bikes, an elliptical, a treadmill, free weights, core training stations, and the Hoist youth circuit set for resistance training. Sheldon Wellness Center Includes youth virtual reality bikes, an elliptical, a treadmill, the Hoist 4 station jungle gym, free weights, a complete youth circuit set, and core training stations.

7 High/ Middle Equipment
High School Snowshoes XC Skis Middle School In-line Skates Shared Outdoor volleyball set-up Multimedia Projector for gymnasium Virtual Sportwall Vertical Climbing Wall Portable Adventure Curriculum Kit

8 Elementary Equipment Prospect Sheldon Shared Elementary
Interactive Sportwall Traverse Climbing Wall Sheldon Wall-mount glass basketball backboards and hoops Shared Elementary Snowshoes Multimedia Projector for gymnasium Outdoor volleyball set-up Railyard Fitness Course Ultra Fit Fitness Equipment Portable Adventure Curriculum Kit Easy-Roll Carpeting

9 Equipment continued Shared: District-wide use available Adaptive
Pro XerDance System Deluxe Yoga Pack Set of laptops for record keeping/ personal training logs Wii Deluxe System Adaptive Cobalt Flux Dance System Sony Playstation

10 Education Increased Continuing Education for PE Department
- National and State Physical Education Conferences - New equipment training - Additional training for all faculty and staff Curriculum Revision - Health Education Curriculum Assessment Tool will be used to revise our current health/ nutrition curriculums - Physical Education curriculums will be revised to include new programs and the incorporation of new equipment Increasing Community Education and Partnerships - Representatives from the Village Recreation Program, AYA, and YMCA will be invited to participate in training to encourage district-wide community use of the new equipment.

11 Nutrition/ Consultants
Registered Dietitian A registered dietitian will be contracted to assist the cafeteria manager and cafeteria staff in finding affordable, sustainable ways to increase healthy foods available to our students. Wellness coordinator A wellness coordinator will be contracted to assist the PEP Team regarding the review and revision of physical activity and nutrition policies to ensure alignment to NYS PE standards and our district wellness policy. The wellness coordinator will also facilitate collaboration of efforts between PE providers, cafeteria staff, and all faculty members.

12 Topics of Discussion Adult Equipment Usage
The PEP grant is a student-based grant. Therefore, teachers are encouraged to incorporate the use of new weight rooms and fitness equipment within their curriculums. In such instances, teachers and staff will be allowed to utilize the equipment alongside their students. Also, faculty, staff, and community use is allowed during specified days (ie: family fun nights, staff development days). However……. “routine adult use” is NOT allowed. Routine adult use of any equipment purchased using PEP grant funding for personal gain is not allowed until the school year. Doing so could jeopardize PEP grant funds! After the 3 year grant period has been completed, the usage of new equipment and wellness centers by faculty, staff, and community members will be welcomed and strongly encouraged.

13 Topics of Discussion continued
Staff Education All PE staff, all Elementary staff, and any interested MS and HS staff will have the opportunity to be trained in the proper use of the fitness facilities and new equipment Faculty and Staff Opportunities Paid positions are available at the elementary level (1 at Sheldon, 2 at Prospect) to conduct after-school enrichment programs for 6 week intervals. Applications are available through Eric Romesser

14 Thank You We appreciate all the additional efforts you are making throughout your day to make the implementation of the PEP grant so successful. We look forward to increasing the health and wellness of our students, our school, and our community.

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