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Philosophy of Jogglee:

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1 Philosophy of Jogglee:
F I R S T C R E A T I V E N E T W O R K What is Jogglee? - the world’s first creative network service and website providing to creative people around the world a place to joint meetings, online cooperation, sharing created works and active trading with their works - its purpose is to allow creative people to make full use of their creative potential regardless of age, gender, territory or art direction and participate in processes and outcomes associated with - in addition to traditional forms of internet trading brings new business opportunities - primary target group are people creating in entertainment (startpoint is the segment of music), secondary target group is the professional as well as the general public Philosophy of Jogglee: Be the right place for creative people to make creation and cooperation easier, online and without limitations. The creative people are individual components connected by Jogglee at joint creation of – work.

2 Why Jogglee? 1. the creative potential is limited and unused
F I R S T C R E A T I V E N E T W O R K Why Jogglee? 1. the creative potential is limited and unused - for example in Czech Republic and Slovakia is about people*, who are active in music industry - further are inactive because of time, economic or family reasons - from total potential of creative people is getting space in the medias about 500** only - which is 0,2% !!! 2. easily available, without limits, brings new opportunities - available 24/ 7 for all users anywhere in the world – individuals and groups - free in the basic form and allows users to fully implement even from home - provides a ready to use platform, legislative background, legal protection and new technologies based on „cloud creating“ - allows online cooperation of users - as the first brings users the opportunities to fully deal with themselves and their works – all in one place 3. business in entertainment (especially in music industry) is moving to the internet - in the next 5 years will internet take a dominant role in the music industry trading (replacing radios) - new stars will be based on internet environment - the key players in the music industry will become the rights holders of the music content placed on internet 4. this type of network does not exist yet - after the social networks it will be the next step in internet evolution - current trend in teamwork is an online cooperation * In CZ and SK: groups playing foreign repertoire ( abroad) groups playing own repertoire registered on Cz/ Sk music portals authors registered in collecting societies performers registered in collecting societies 8 000 singers applying for Superstar TV show ** In CZ and SK: only 50 artists get played simultaneously in biggest mainstream radios

3 1. 4. 2. 5. 3. 6. World’s first Why is Jogglee different ?

4 Who is Jogglee network for ?
F I R S T C R E A T I V E N E T W O R K Who is Jogglee network for ? Music -composers -lyricists -arrangers -vocalists -instrumentalists -remixers -DJs -sound engineers -bands Movie -writers -editors -cameramen -directors -actors -makeup artists Advertising -copywriters Dance -dancers -choreographers Art work -graphic designers Web -designers Photo -photographers People interested in music fans listeners Internet portals Skype Paypal iTunes Audioscrobbler Amazon Mobile operators AT&T T-mobile Telenor Vodafone Sound studios Film studios Production companies Casting companies Sound & lighting Movie equipment Stage equipment Laser equipment Software Hardware Publishers Record labels Distributors Agencies Promoters Collecting societies Producers Managers Medias Advertising agencies Companies Movie studios Radios Broadcasters Software (office, audio, video) Hardware Equipment (audio, video, musical instruments) Office equipment

5 What Jogglee network offers ?
F I R S T C R E A T I V E N E T W O R K What Jogglee network offers ? New possibilities of self-realization New working relationships New working opportunities New working platforms Current technologies Removal limits (time, place, age, gender, genre..) Internationality Free space for presentation Free space for creation Easy access Legislative background Legal protection Opportunity to turn-key creation Opportunity to hire collaborators Direct access to professional public Place for trading the rights Mediation contracts with third parties Place for promotion Direct access to public Growth prospects New artists New content -downloads, charts, news -streaming (audio a video) -job possibilities (testings, castings etc.) New clients New users New content New place for presentation New platforms for software products Opportunity to present new products Direct contact with the target group Opportunity to test new products New business opportunities New clients New talents Verified artists Verified content New contracts New artists New authors New business opportunities Place for existing catalouge Place for promotion New business opportunities New clients Opportunity to present new products Opportunity to test new products Direct contact with the target group Wide creative potential – ready for turn-key -commercials (video, audio, slogans, lyrics) -background music, jingles Specialized electronic services - radio testings, castings, product testing

6 Why the creative potential is the primary target group ?
F I R S T C R E A T I V E N E T W O R K Why the creative potential is the primary target group ? - without it nothing would arise from what we see, hear, or read via the medias (no song, no movie, book, advertising...) - it is the starting point, the beginning of the business chain, to which it will gradually connect more articles - holds the primary rights which are the basics for the business in entertainment generates huge intellectual value, which we can participate by suitably adjusting the parameters broadcasters publishers movie studios record labels production companies creative potential collecting societtes advertisers distributors medias stores

7 FEES & SHARES X today's but tomorrow's ...
(special services) CLIENTS F I R S T C R E A T I V E N E T W O R K Where is the business potential of Jogglee network ? FEES & SHARES 1. paid interactivities between creators personal contact requires travel 2. international content with a big potential of future stars and hits mail/ 3. wide range of internal services requires time call via phone or internet 4. high visit rate and paid interactivities with external entities requires expenses PUBLIC composer lyricist sound engineer performances songs artists bands X stars hits CONTENT vocalist (other segments) CREATIVE POTENTIAL PARTNERS instrumen- talist studio DEALERS LESSORS (advertisers) producer arranger PROFESSIONAL (labels, col. societies, managers, etc.) PUBLIC today's most commonly used means of communication and cooperation (in music industry) but tomorrow's ... INTERNAL SERVICES - storage, plug-ins, softwares - representation (label, publisher, agency, etc) - paid promotion - paid advice (legal, tax, other)

8 F I R S T C R E A T I V E N E T W O R K
View of potential incomes for selected services in Jogglee network (per year) The above services will be added a number of other incomes related to the music industry: - Artists representation – label (phys. and dig. record sales), agency (concerts), licensing Rights representation – authors, performers, producers (sales, airplay, advertising) For example: Overview of incomes in the music industry in 2008 in EU (from sales and royalties only) - physical sales (by IFPI) Eur digital sales (by IFPI) Eur royalties (by CISAC) Eur Also incomes for specialized services: - testings (7 radios in CZ and SK makes 4 large testings annually worth about Eur – a total of 2 mil Eur) - castings - turn-key creating ...

9 F I R S T C R E A T I V E N E T W O R K
Summary Although the Jogglee creative network is completely new product in the internet environment in fact it is nothing else than transfer of existing processes in music industry (subsequently also in entertainment) into virtual form with the use and involvement of all participants in these processes – from authors, through dealers, to the public. All this: - with much higher availability for all participants - with high effectivity of costs and incomes - with a maximum range of use of available resources in accordance with the interests of existing subjects in the entertainment industry (They will either deliver their services and products to us or use some of ours, respectively we will be partners) The result should be a functional model of a virtual international music (and then the entertainment) industry built on a huge multinational database of creative potential known under the name: cool name international good philosophy easy to use natural demand

F I R S T C R E A T I V E N E T W O R K The basic plan – phases, timing Eur INPUT point 0 PHASE 0 CORPORATION 1 – 2 months Eur - establishment - corporate setup 1 – 2 months from point 0 PHASE 1 PLANNING & ANALYZING - plans - analysis - concepts - models 6 – 8 months Eur 7 – 10 mesiacov od bodu 0 PHASE 2 DEVELOPING & IMPLEMENTATION - programming - marketing setup - sale setup - legislation setup 6 – 8 months Eur 13 – 18 months from point 0 Eur Eur PHASE 3 OPERATIONAL months - pilot - full 37 – 42 months from point 0 EXIT 42 – 60 months from point 0

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