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Writing an African Fable

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1 Writing an African Fable
This resource is great to be used alongside our African Fables and Folktales. The links are below: African Fables and Folktales Part 1 - African Fables and Folktales Part 2 -

2 What’s your favourite story?
Examples: Book, film, articles, poetry, performance, puppets…

3 Most stories are told through writing.
However, stories can also be told by word-of-mouth, or through the use of pictures.

4 Do you know what a fable is?
Stories are told in different ways. These include novels, poems, songs, myths/legends and art. All around the world, different cultures have many of their own stories to tell. In Africa a popular way of telling stories are through fables. Do you know what a fable is? Ask your students to raise their hand if they have heard of a fable.

5 A fable is a short story, typically with animals as characters, conveying a moral.
What is a moral? Ask your students to discuss in pairs what they think a moral is? Share some of the answers as a class.

6 A moral is a lesson, related to right and wrong behaviour.

7 In Africa, fables were created by many tribes found throughout the continent.
The stories weren’t written down, but passed on verbally from generation to generation. African fables did not only hold morals, but were told to help educate, entertain, explain certain animal behaviour, or teach about tribal customs.

8 Features of a Fable Fables are usually made up of the following characteristics: The stories are short. They are normally about animals, who have been given human-like qualities. It will hold some sort of message or lesson for the reader to take away from the story. They can be amusing.

9 Can you identify the features from the previous slide in this story?
Read “Why the Warthog is on His Knees”. It’s an African fable originating from the Zulu people of South Africa. Can you identify the features from the previous slide in this story? What lesson do you think the fable is trying to convey? Read the story as a class and then discuss or hand out copies for students to read individually and then discuss in pairs.

10 Why the giraffe splays it’s legs to drink
When a giraffe needs to have a drink of water, it has to awkwardly stretch it’s front legs or kneel to reach the ground. This is because it’s neck is too short. Talk to the person next to you. Can you come up with a fable idea for this fact?

11 Writing your own fable On the next slide, there are various pictures of African animals. Each animal has well known characteristics. For example a lion is strong and brave. Think about the animals key characteristics or features. Choose an animal, and use your chosen animal to write your own fable. For high ability students or for older age groups, ask them to choose two animals. Ones with opposing traits. Let them know that opposing traits are useful in setting up a clear conflict for a story. E.g. Hare and the tortoise: Hare is fast and confident, the tortoise is slow yet persistent.

12 There is an additional prompt sheet to help your students get ideas for their fable.

13 Additional activity If you have finished writing your fable, and are happy with it, draw a picture that describes what it is about. The image should try and show an important/key moment within your story, which helps to emphasise the message/lesson you are trying to get across.

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