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FACULTY OF BIOLOGY e-mail: tel./fax: 209-58-08 Kurchatova 10.

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tel./fax: Kurchatova 10

2 History of the Faculty The faculty was established in Before the establishment of the Faculty, since 1922 biological training of students was held on the basis of Natural Science department of the Faculty of Education. Since 1922 students on biology was studied at the _ department of Pedagogy Faculty.

3 History of the Faculty In 85 years more than qualified Biology specialists were educated at the Faculty of Biology Among the graduates of the Faculty: 5 academicians of the National Academy of Science (NAS); 13 corresponding members of NAS; 8 State prize winners; > 85 Sc.D. > 650 Ph.D.

4 The Faculty today The Faculty of Biology of BSU is the leading center of science, research and education in Belarus, which trains specialists in fields of Biology, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Microbiology and Ecology. The Faculty of Biology of BSU is the leading center of science, research and education in Belarus, which trains Biology, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Microbiology and Bioecology specialists.

5 Structure of the Faculty
Department of Zoology Department of Genetics Department of Biochemistry Department of Botany Department of General Ecology and Methods of Biology Teaching Department of Molecular Biology Department Of Plant Cell Biology and Bioengineering Department of Microbiology Department of Human and Animal Physiology

6 Structure of the Faculty
Research laboratory of Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology Research laboratory of Physiology Research laboratory of Hydroecology of Biotechnology Research laboratory of Transgenic Plants Research laboratory of Biochemistry and Pharmacology of BAC Research laboratory of Plant Physiology and Biotechnology Research laboratory of Biochemistry of metabolism Research laboratory of Applied Problems of Biology

7 Structure of the Faculty
Student research laboratory of Molecular Biotechnology Student research laboratory of Applied Problems of Plant Cell Biology and Biotechnology Student research laboratory of Saving and Dynamics of Biodiversity Student research laboratory of Bioinformatics and Molecular Evolution of Animals

8 Structure of the Faculty
Educational and Research Centre “George G. Vinberg Naroch Biological Station” Established in Director - Sc.D. Tatiana V. Zhukova.

9 Structure of the Faculty
Zoological Museum Established in The Head of the Museum is Aleksandr D. Pisanenko Zoological Museum possess the largest zoological collection of exhibits in the Republic of Belarus. Nowadays, the museum is visited annually by 8-12 thousand of people, not only pupils and students, but also Belarusian researchers as well as foreign researchers. Established in The Head of the Museum is A. D. Pisanenko. Zoological Museum possess the largest zoological collection of exhibits in the Republic of Belarus. Nowadays, the museum is visited annually by 8-12 thousand of people, not only pupils and students, but also belarusian researchers as well as foreign researchers.

10 Structure of the Faculty

11 Structure of the Faculty

12 Structure of the Faculty

13 Structure of the Faculty
Vivarium (Experimental Biological Clinic) The Head of Vivarium – S. M. Dronov

14 Structure of the Faculty
Botanical Garden Established in Director – Svetlana G. Kapura. Established in Director – S. G. Kapura.

15 Structure of the Faculty
Training laboratory-herbarium The Head of the lab. - Svetlana M. Drobyshevskaya

16 Structure of the Faculty
Training laboratory of Computer Science and Technical Teaching Aids Established in The head of the lab. - A. E. Koshko. Training laboratory of computer science and technical teaching aids. Established in The head of the laboratory is A. E. Koshko.

17 Student enrollment In academic year 2016/ students are enrolled in the Faculty, including budget form of education (free of charge) – self-funded students – 1058 Full-time studies 1170 students free of charge – 697 self-funded – 473 Part-time studies 1018 students: free of charge – 433 self-funded – 585

18 Student enrollment International students from China, Iran, Iraq, Nigeria, Libya, Ecuador, Turkmenistan etc. are studying at the Faculty International students from China, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Nigeria, Libya, Ecuador, Turkmenistan etc. are studying at the Faculty

19 42 PhD students and 24 Master’s students were studying at the Faculty
Postgraduate courses In academic year 2016/2017 42 PhD students and 24 Master’s students were studying at the Faculty In the 2016/2017 educational (?) year_

20 Academic Staff 1 Academician of NAS 18 Sc.D. 72 Ph.D. 12 Professors
107 lecturers 51 researchers including: 1 Academician of NAS 18 Sc.D. 72 Ph.D. 12 Professors 61 Associated Professors 1 Academician of the National Academy of Science 18 Sc.D. 72 Ph.D. 12 Professors 61 Associated Professors

21 Co-operating institutions
Departments Co-operating institutions Biochemistry Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Nat. Acad. of Sc. (NAS) Botany Vasily F. Kuprevich Institute of Experimental Botany, NAS Genetics Institute of Genetics and Cytology, NAS Zoology Scientific and Practical Centre of NAS for Bio-resources Cell Biology and Bioengineering of Plants Central Botanical Garden, NAS Microbiology Institute of Microbiology, NAS Molecular Biology Department of General Ecology and Methods of Biology Teaching Berezinsky Biosphere Reserve Human and Animal Physiology Institute of Physiology, NAS

22 Research work 91 research projects are carrying out in 2017:
55 – under the State Research Programs; 8 – under the State Programs and State Programs in Science and Technology; 18 – under the projects of Belarusian Republican Foundation for Fundamental Research; 10 – economic agreement projects.

23 Research work Problems of ecology, nature management and metabolism of xenobiotics Genetic, physiological and biochemical mechanisms of vital functions of living organisms. Scientific basis of biotechnological processes and biological safety. Problems of ecology, nature management and metabolism of xenobiotics. Genetic, physiological and biochemical mechanisms of vital functions of living organisms. Scientific basis of biotechnological processes and biological safety. Physical-chemical biology, physiological and regulatory mechanisms of biosystems functioning. Physical-chemical biology, physiological and regulatory mechanisms of biosystems functioning.

24 Scientific and Technical activities
Xenobiotics and bio-safety; Biologically active compounds and their producers; Biotechnology: pharmaceuticals and drugs, genetic engineering, gametic selection, nutritional and feed supplements, plant protection products; Evaluation of quality and bioavailability of drugs and pharmaceuticals; Recombinant protein isolation and purification technologies, development of highly effective and biologically safe recombinant protein-based drugs and food supplements of the new generation; Molecular biochemical and molecular genetic genome testing; molecular genetic analysis of determinants defining synthesis of biologically active compounds and degradation of dangerous pollutants; Development of manufacturing technologies for pharmaceuticals, medicines for the agriculture and food industry.

25 Student Research Papers Republican contest of student research papers
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total number of diplomas 27 26 25 20 Winner diplomas 1 - 2 1st grade diplomas 3 8 4 9 2nd grade diplomas 16 12 3rd grade diplomas 7 5

26 Studies Abroad (Academic Mobility)
studying in partner universities within the main or related fields of education; short-term student exchange for research and training practice (ERASMUS+ etc.); scientific internships

27 Student public organizations
Belarusian Republican Youth Union― 45% students BSU students’ trade union ― 96% students BSU students’ union ― 30 students Council of students group leaders Council for quality of education Commission for prevention of delinquency Student scientific circles ― 9 Editorial board of newspaper “Vita” Editorial board of newspaper with low circulation “Fresh”

28 Creative teams of the Faculty
BIO-THEATER Established in It is composed of students as well as graduates of the Faculty. Until its foundation, the team is led by associated professor of Microbiology Department Aleksandr G. Pesnyakevich. Established in It is composed of students as well as graduates of the Faculty. Until its foundation, the team is led by associated professor of Microbiology Department Aleksandr G. Pesnyakevich.

29 Competitions, festivals
and celebrations

30 Competitions, festivals
and celebrations

31 Fields of Study Field of Study (study direction) Specialization 1
Biology (science-industrial activity) Genetics Molecular Biology Plant Physiology Human and Animal Physiology Botany Zoology 2 Biology (science-teaching activity) 3 Biology (biotechnology) 4 Biochemistry Analytical Biochemistry Biochemistry of Medicinal Products 5 Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Applied Microbiology 6 Bioecology General Ecology

32 Employment of Graduates
Research institutions and scientific-and-practical centers of National Academy of Science (NAS), Ministry of Health, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection etc.; Pharmaceutical companies, food industry, cosmetic industry, agriculture, analytical laboratories etc.; Educational establishments (for graduates in the field of Biology(scientific-teaching activities), Biology (biotechnology), Bioecology)

33 Thanks for watching!

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