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Study with us 2017/2018.

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1 Study with us 2017/2018

2 Bio Campus’offer for the years 2017/2018
Addresses Higher Technician for Agro-Zootechnical and Biological business Higher Technician for Agri-Food and Food&Wine Preparations National Reference Figure HIGHER TECHNICIAN FOR AGRICULTURAL, AGRIFOOD AND AGROINDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION AND PROCESSING

3 Bio Campus’ offer for the years 2017/2018
Address: HIGHER TECHNICIAN FOR AGRO-ZOOTECHNICAL AND BIOLOGICAL BUSINESS The “Higher Technician for Agro-Zootechnical and Biological Business” is able to analyze and manage factors affecting plant production, in particular in horticultural and floricultural areas and in the field of biological methods and environmental sustainability. In addition he has acquired skills in the livestock sector, with particular attention to the dairy chain and the one of meat processing. He gains organizational skills related to collecting, storing, processing and identifying products, also taking care of enhancement and promotion of productions. He has extensive knowledge of products and processes, both relating to the technologies used in the production and processing phases, and to their economy and standardization, turning to the creation of added value through the certification of workflows and products of the agricultural and zoo technical sector.

4 Modular structure of the training path:
Introduction to Economics and Management Introduction to Food Technologies Introduction to Food Legislation Introduction to Chemistry Territorial Marketing English Informatics Training and Information on Workplace Safety in the Agro-Food Sector First Aid HACCP Firefighting Accompaniment to work Communication and social Botany and Plant Physiology Agronomy Pathology and Entomology Certificate for the authorization to purchase, detention and use of plant protection products Agricultural Economics Food Technology Tractor driving license Cultivation under protected environment and open field Breeding and animal processing Quality

5 Resulting skills and knowledge :
A: TO PROPOSE TECHNOLOGICAL SOLUTIONS INTRODUCING INNOVATIVE AND COMPETITIVE PRODUCT AND PROCESS ELEMENTS Knowing the technical-productive issues of the various agri-food chains with special reference to: horticultural, floricultural, dairy and meat processing chains; Ability to implement and monitor physical, chemical and biological methods; Knowledge of the main methodologies and equipment for processing, transformation and collection, with special reference to: horticultural, floricultural, dairy and meat processing chains; Knowledge of the quality parameters of raw materials for processing; Knowing the production process of an Agro-zootechnical and Biological company; Knowing the economic-administrative and commercial management of an Agro-zootecnical and Biological company; Knowledge and use of the main operations and driving of a rubber tracked agricultural vehicle; Understanding, defining, and classifying the elements of the decision-making processes, the goals and expected results in specific and concrete business contexts.

6 B: MANAGING PRODUCTION AND TRANSFORMATION PROCESSES IN THE SPECIALIZATIONS AND PECULIARITIES OF “MADE IN ITALY” Knowing the product and its processing cycle; Knowing the proper application of techniques of cultivation and manual and mechanical processing of cultivated products, both under protected environment and open field; Presiding over programming and controlling production processes; Managing production processes in the specializations and peculiarities of Made in Italy; Ability to operate in product innovation: knowledge of qualitative standards and ability to identify critical process points, intervening in reducing technological damage, optimizing quality, and extending the shelf-life of products; Ability to protect and enhance plant and animal biodiversity; Knowing the main types of crops and the techniques of plant production in an Agro-zootechnical and biological company; Knowledge and ability to apply good practices in the phase of plant production and animal breeding; Programming the production plans for floricultural plant material.

Applying techniques and technologies of innovative production with low environmental impact and energy saving; Ability to apply management and control methods of the impact of environmental factors in the different production chains, also depending on climate change; Know the rules governing the biological production sector and the related acquisitions of product and process certifications.

8 Bio Campus’ offer for the years 2017/2018
Address: HIGHER TECHNICIAN FOR AGRI-FOOD AND FOOD&WINE PREPARATIONS The “Higher Technician for Agri-food and Food&Wine Preparations” is a figure who carries out activities related to meal preparation, with skills centered on typicality of products and territory. He possesses a detailed knowledge of healthiness and nutritional aspects of products and their processing and preparations, with special attention to using biological products and innovative cooking methods. The formed figure is able to male proposals for products and services, owning specific practical knowledge related to cooking, pastry, bakery and banqueting. He has acquired skills to set up menus with reference to specific customer requests and to organoleptic and commodity characteristics of raw materials.

9 Modular structure of the training path:
Introduction to Economics and Management Introduction to Food Technologies Introduction to Food Legislation Introduction to Chemistry Territorial Marketing English Informatics Training and Information on Workplace Safety in the Agro-Food Sector First Aid HACCP Firefighting Accompaniment to work Communication and social Food&Wine History and Culture Food and nutrition Sensory analysis Cooking basics Bakery products Pastry Banqueting and Fingerfood Collective Catering Food Technology Catering Company Management

10 Resulting skills and knowledge :
A: TO PROPOSE TECHNOLOGICAL SOLUTIONS INTRODUCING INNOVATIVE AND COMPETITIVE PRODUCT AND PROCESS ELEMENTS Understanding the close connection between agriculture and food, between food models and management of agricultural resources over the centuries and in different civilizations; Knowing the crucial passages dictated by changes in taste, following a geographical and chronological itinerary; Managing and using food and drink under the chemical, physical, nutritional and gastronomic profile; Knowing and helping managing the organizational models of quality that promote innovation in the agri-food business; Knowing how to distinguish food products according to their origin and knowing the various methods of preservation; Knowing the products and their utilization in the kitchen, pastry or bakery and using them in the main recipes; Following the procedures for products certification in relation to their origin; Acquire an in-depth knowledge of the technical, ecological, economic, management and cultural aspects of gastronomy and catering, with special reference to typical products, Italian cuisine and Mediterranean Diet.

11 B: MANAGING PRODUCTION AND TRANSFORMATION PROCESSES IN THE SPECIALIZATIONS AND PECULIARITIES OF “MADE IN ITALY” Knowing the trends in the agri-food and food&wine sectors; Presiding over programming and controlling food preparation; Knowing and applying regulations, rules and laws protecting the safety and quality of food products; Knowing and applying concepts of feeding, nutrition, eating habits, balanced nutrition and malnutrition; Knowing the methodologies of sensorial and physical analysis for the study and control of food quality characteristics; Knowing techniques for preparing and preserving foods and tools for the processing of animal and vegetable raw materials; Make proposals for products/services, interpreting customer’s needs and promoting customer retention ; Setting up menus with reference to organoleptic and commodity characteristics of raw materials and to typicality of product, with greater focus on sustainability and food miles; Caring of the elaboration of dishes by applying innovative and creative techniques; Ability to use processing techniques and management tools in the production of food&wine and catering services and products; Knowledge of national and European trademark protection rules and recognized quality food products: by biological agriculture, DOP, IGP, STG vini DO and IGT.

Applying techniques and technologies of innovative production with low environmental impact and energy saving; Ability to apply management and control methods of the impact of environmental factors in the different production chains, also depending on climate change; Know the rules governing the biological production sector and the related acquisitions of product and process certifications.

COMMON SKILLS 40h Introduction to Economics and Management 12h Introduction to Food Technologies 42h Introduction to Food Legislation  16h Introduction to Chemistry Territorial Marketing 110h English 50h Informatics Workplace safety First Aid 20h HACCP 8h Firefighting Accompainment to work 32h Communication & social 406 TOTAL HOURS

HIGHER TECHNICIAN FOR AGRO-ZOOTECHNICAL AND BIOLOGICAL BUSINESS 15h Botany and Plant Physiology 50h Agronomy 40h Pathology and Entomology 20h Certificate for the authorization to purchase, detention and use of plant protection products 22h Agricultural Economics Food Technology 12h Tractor driving license 145h Cultivation under protected environment and open field Breeding and animal processing 30h Quality 494 TOTAL HOURS

HIGHER TECHNICIAN FOR AGRI-FOOD AND FOOD&WINE PREPARATIONS 12h Food&Wine History and Culture 20h Food and nutrition 50h Sensory analysis 140h Cooking basics 70h Bakery products Pastry 80h Banqueting and Fingerfood 15h Collective Catering Food Technology 22h Catering Company Management 494 TOTAL HOURS

16 Bio Campus Foundation
“Techincal College for New Technologies for Made in Italy” c/o IPSAA San Benedetto Via M. Siciliano, 4 loc. Borgo Piave Latina Tel Fax |

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